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以“my favorite tv program”为题的英语作文,可以从以下几个方面来写:

  1. 简要介绍自己喜欢的电视节目,比如是哪个节目、在哪个频道播出等。

  2. 描述自己喜欢这个节目的原因,可能是因为它有趣、富有启发性、能够带给自己正能量等。

  3. 分析这个节目对自己的影响,比如让自己更加开心、学到了新知识、激发了自己的兴趣等。

  4. 探讨这个节目的特点和亮点,比如它的主题、内容、演员表现等。

  5. 最后可以总结自己对这个节目的看法和期望,表达对未来的信心和决心。

以下是三篇以“my favorite tv program”为题的英语作文,供大家参考。




Title: My Favorite TV Program

I love watching the show "MasterChef". It's a cooking competition that airs on the Fox channel. I enjoy this program because it's exciting and inspiring. Watching the chefs create amazing dishes under pressure is truly impressive.

This show has taught me a lot about cooking, such as different techniques and ingredients. It has also inspired me to experiment with new recipes in my own kitchen. I always feel motivated to improve my cooking skills after watching the show.

One of the best things about "MasterChef" is the judges. Gordon Ramsay, Christina Tosi, and Aarón Sánchez are all talented chefs who give great feedback and advice to the contestants. They are also very entertaining to watch.

Overall, "MasterChef" is a fantastic show that I highly recommend to anyone who loves cooking or just enjoys watching a good competition.


1. competition (n.) 竞赛;比赛

2. impressive (adj.) 令人印象深刻的

3. motivate (v.) 激励;鼓舞

4. feedback (n.) 反馈;意见建议

5. entertaining (adj.) 娱乐性的;有趣的





“厨师大战”最好的一点就是评委。Gordon Ramsay、Christina Tosi和Aarón Sánchez都是才华横溢的厨师,他们给参赛者很好的反馈和建议。他们也非常有趣。




My Favorite TV Program

As a big fan of TV programs, my favorite one is "MasterChef". It is a popular cooking competition show that features amateur chefs competing against each other to win the title of "MasterChef".

Each episode of the show challenges the contestants to prepare a variety of dishes within a limited time frame, and the judges evaluate their efforts based on taste, presentation, and creativity. The show is known for its high-stakes drama, intense competition, and mouth-watering food.

I love this show because it not only provides entertainment but also teaches viewers about cooking techniques and ingredients. Watching the contestants overcome challenges and create amazing dishes inspires me to try new recipes in my own kitchen.

Overall, "MasterChef" is an exciting and educational program that I look forward to watching every week.


1. amateur [ˈæmətə(r)] adj. 业余的;外行的

2. competition [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn] n. 竞争;比赛

3. evaluate [ɪˈvæljueɪt] v. 评估;评价

4. presentation [ˌprezənˈteɪʃn] n. 展示;演讲

5. creativity [ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti] n. 创造力;创意










My Favorite TV Program

I love watching "MasterChef" which is my favorite TV program. It is a cooking competition show where amateur chefs compete against each other to win the title of MasterChef. The contestants have to prepare dishes within a limited time frame and are judged by a panel of professional chefs.

I enjoy watching this show because it is not only entertaining but also informative. I get to learn new cooking techniques and recipes from the contestants. Moreover, the judges' feedback helps me understand the nuances of cooking and how to improve my own culinary skills.

In conclusion, "MasterChef" is an amazing TV program that combines entertainment with education. It has helped me develop a deeper appreciation for cooking and has inspired me to try out new recipes in my own kitchen.


1. amateur (n.) - 非专业人士

2. limited (adj.) - 有限的

3. panel (n.) - 评审团

4. culinary (adj.) - 烹饪的

5. nuances (n.) - 细微差别







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