
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

A:U like English?
B:Yeah man .why?
A:nothing ,just asking.
B:Alrihgt.So,do u like it
A:nah .not really.
A:I said ,not really
B:Da fuk?U dont
A:no man,I already said that.WHats the problem?
B:R u fuking crazy?
A:Hey u wanna fight?Back off.
C:wow.what's going on here.
B:He does not like the fuking english ,
C:u dont?
C:Fuk u.
the end.

A:Do you have any hobbies, B,C and D?
B:Well, I like playing the violin.
C:I enjoy reading books inmy leisure time.
D:I'mfond of sports and especially like playing badminton.So what about you?
A:Collecting stamps is my hobby.
B:how many stamps do you collect?
C:how long do you collect?
D:I think the stamps will be valuable in the future.
A:Collectingstamps educates me in a variety of ways.
B:Of course .
C:Everybody has his own hobby.
D:our hobbies can make us happy.

A: U like English?
B: Yeah man . why?
A: nothing , just asking.
B: Alrihgt. So, do u like it ?
A: nah . not really.
B: Wut?
A: I said , not really
B: Da fuk? U dont ?
A: no man, I already said that. WHats the problem?
B: R u fuking crazy?
A: Hey u wanna fight? Back off.
C: wow. what's going on here.?
A: Nothing, sir.
B: He does not like the fuking english ,,,
C: u dont?
C: Fuk u.

the end.

参考答案 只需一分钟就可以碰到一个人,一小时爱好上一个人,一天爱上一个人,但须要花尽一生的时光往忘掉一个人。


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