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Based on the current market, I will open up more markets to expand the size of the company, especially in developing countries, because the developing countries has rapid economic growth, and huge potencial of development. Now I would take China and Brazil as example,to show the very bright market prospects in developing countries.
It has been insisted that the final product of his not only popular in New Zealand, but also successfully opened the Australian and Japanese markets, as a successful entrepreneur and private entrepreneurs, he had many places that we can learn.
As an entrepreneur one must also have a serious attitude and strict standards. Whoever wants to succeed must have a serious attitude, especially starting a business. Also, there should be strict standards, entrepreneurs should be strict to themselves as well as to their products,then their products would contain high quality and become popular among coonsumers。

Films between male leading whichever sentiment, pure deeply touched by my memory, those clips then let people familiar with!
Some now seems silly action, is now treasured a pure!
Really have to SOB the passage of time, the year the years have been less frivolous is gone.
Youth youth ~ ~ ~
Actress and three friends around occurs between those things. Moved me in a big mess, including the firm friendship with friends. Sad sad to friends, this can do is difficult, but I'm glad that I met such a group of people. Thank in my silly kissinger-this obsession with one years like, accompany me to do stupid things kissinger-this with me cry to accompany me laugh stayed with my friends. Even in this period of time after a long time for the past for a long time, I also want to tell you, you for me is priceless.

Subprime mortgage crisis has evolved into a global financial crisis. However, "Wall Street is no new thing", since the 20th century took place worldwide for several major financial crisis, the great depression of 1929, the United States, Japan Bank crisis in 1990, the Nordic banking crises ... All you can see the shadow of this financial crisis. Several crises have in common, are cheap capital costs plus the financial regulations of the opening, leading investment climate, stimulate rising stock market and real estate prices. The global financial crisis, more can be said to be in excessive financial packaging and lever operation, the bearing made of high complexity and lower transparency of derivatives, result evaluation difficult, this financial crisis compared to previous complex reasons.
Currently markets general consensus, to create a complete, comprehensive, effective measures for financial institutions. Especially in the derivatives segment, how to establish a transparent and impartial evaluation of the system, or through exchange of stock transactions, should be the future direction of development.
By previous crisis events can be observed that, when the financial crisis cannot be solved through market mechanisms, the Government-led solutions, such as the policy of "Note market funds, set up a special asset management companies acquire and protect asset prices, or initiate bank capital reconstruction programmes, is the final cure. In addition, when the Government's attitude is clear or respond faster, the more narrow the market turbulence in the throes of the period, while the burden of social costs will be smaller.
Current United States rescue measures and past several crisis have similarities, such as the fed through the agent bank JPMorganChase acquisitions BearStearns (Nordic, Japan experience); to provide loans for purchasing shares of AIG (Japan); or relax Bank loan collateral (Nordic experience); In addition, in the near future may direct acquisition of bank loans or bad claims to restore market confidence and liquidity.

The spreading subprime mortgage crisis is becoming a global financial crisis. however, there is nothing new "" wall street, in the 20th century around the world electronically in a major financial crisis, the great depression of 1929, the bank of japan, the banking crisis to crisis. you can see the financial crisis. several times of crisis in common are cheap as capital costs and financial regulations and open investment climate, causing a large, on the stock and real estate prices were rising.The global financial crisis is much more in financial operations of the packing and the lever, complex 承做 high and low transparency of derivative products, the assessment of financial difficulties, the financial crisis before it is more complex. the present market general consensus is to establish a complete specification, a comprehensive and effective financial measures. especially during the nature of financial products, how to establish a set of transparent and fair appraisal system, or through in the way of
By the recent crisis events can be observed that the financial crisis cannot be solved by the market system, led by the government stepped in to the solution of the measures, such as policy of the funds and instill the establishment of special asset management companies have and to protect assets prices, or a bank capital and recycling schemes, that's the best antidote. in addition, when the government's attitude is clear, or speed up the strain when the market can reduce the 阵痛期 and social costs of the tenants will be small.The american rescue measures and past couple of times crisis had similarities, as the fed through the bank purchase jpmorganchase bearstearns ( northern europe and japan ) ; experience in providing loans to buy shares aig ( japan ) ; experience or relax 拆借 bank collateral for the scope of the northern ( ) ; in addition, recent experience may be direct charge of purchasing question the bank loan or bad creditor's rights, to restore the confidence and fluidity.

The subprime crisis today has evolved into a global financial crises. However, "Wall Street no new things," overview of the 20th century to the global fan wai occurred within several major financial crisis, in 1929 the great depression, 1990, Japan's banking crises, Nordic banking crisis... All visible the financial crisis of shadow. Several times crisis in common, are very cheap capital costs plus financial regulations opening, to invest ethos dasheng, stimulate the stock and property prices surging. But the global financial crisis is excessive more financial packaging and leveraged operation under 承做 high complexity and low transparency of derivative, cause evaluation difficulties, is that the financial crisis than before complex reasons.

At present the market common consensus, is established a complete, comprehensive and effective measures to standardize financial institutions. Especially in derivative part, how to establish a set of transparent fair evaluation system in exchange, or through means of listing for trading, it should be possible future development direction.

By former several crisis can be observed, when the financial crisis not through market mechanism to solve, appear personally by the government leading solutions, such as policy infusions of market funds, established special asset management company obtained and protect protect asset prices, or launch bank capital reengineering solutions, and is the last antidote. In addition, when the government's handling of the more definite attitude, or strain faster, more can narrow market shocks pains period, and social cost of negative bear will also the smaller.

The current us save measures and past several times handling of the crisis have similarities, such as the fed through acting bank JPMorganChase acquisition BearStearns (Nordic, Japan experience), To provide loans shareholder AIG way (Japanese experience), The crucial interbank or relax the collateral range (Nordic experience), In addition, recent may directly accept purchase question bank loans or bad credits to restore confidence to the markets and liquidity.


1, based on customer demand information independently completed product design;

2, based on product usage of raw materials and processing technology for cost analysis and, based on product cost, the annual orders for such factors as volume and selling prices and profit margin analysis;

3, organize and coordinate various departments do a good job of product development, and coordination with various departments to complete the project tracking;

4, for the latter part of the problems in volume production, the corresponding product size, materials, processing technology and other improvements to make improvements.


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