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这段话摘自美国电影 Fight Club (搏击俱乐部) 的经典台词对白吧?这是一段很精彩的对白哦!



Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes. 广告让我们追逐(购买) 汽车和服装(=广告诱惑我们够买汽车,服装)。其实,其原意基本上是差不多的。

2)Advertising has its taste in cars and clothes.


You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're
not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your
fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.   工作不能代表你,银行存款并不能代表你,你开的车也不能代表你,皮夹里的东西不能代表

Tyler says self-improvement is masturbation . Tyler says self-destruction might be the answer. 泰勒说,自我改进的方法是自慰,而自我毁灭也许就是人生的解答。

1, product update cycle is short, Samsung annually to develop hundreds of new products every three months on average, will launch for different target customers of the new Product, which makes the Samsung brand to maintain a strong vitality, constantly consolidate the image in the minds of consumers。 2, the high-end customer oriented, Samsung mobile phones to high-end market in China as the target, the use of market-oriented pricing, quality, pricing, prestige pricing set Price strategy. Samsung mobile phone brand importance, status, fashion design and other factors according to China Mobile consumers. Samsung mobile phones are not to determine the cost of the product Pricing basis, but market-oriented。 3, at the same time listing of product categories, Samsung mobile phones currently sold in the Chinese mainland market, there are more than 300 kinds of products. Products division from B-S Has 12 product lines. Each series is divided for different populations。4, the new Samsung mobile phones consistently implement skimming pricing. Listing of new products in order to grab as much profit. Samsung products to market early,Pending the establishment of higher prices, the competitors developed a similar product, as soon as possible to recover the investment, and has made a considerable profit. Then over time Gradually reduce the price of the new product into the market elasticity。5, Samsung implementation of local production. Samsung mobile phones are currently no foundries mainland, are their own production plant. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. and Tianjin Electronic Instrument Corporation in August 2001, a joint venture in Tianjin Samsung Telecom Technology Co., Ltd.The main production of GSM mobile phones. In 2002, Samsung Electronics Corporation Holdings was established in Shenzhen Samsung Kejian Mobile Communication Technology Co., Ltd.The main production of Samsung CDMA phones. Samsung mobile phones, including the high-end imported phenomenon does not exist, because the machine parts import tax rate is higher than the import tariff,So Samsung is usually imported components to Chinese factories to assemble(翻译的我都惊叹我竟然能翻译下来。太多了!)

Every breath you take? 你的每一次呼吸
Every move you make? 你的一举一动
Every bond you break, every step you take?
你挣脱的每一个束缚 你踏出的每一步
I'll be watching you? 我都在注视著你

Every single day? 每一天
And every word you say? 你说的每一句话
Every game you play, every night you stay
玩的每一个游戏 留下来的每一夜
I'll be watching you? 我都在注视著你

Oh, can't you see??? 难道你还不明白
You belong to me? 你就是属於我
How my poor heart aches? 我可怜的心在抽痛
Every step you take? 你踏出的每一步
Every move you make? 随著你离去的每一步
Every vow you break? 随著你的每一次呼吸
Every smile you fake?? 你伪装的每个笑容
Every claim you take? 你的每一个声明
I'll be watching you???我都在注视著你

Since you've gone I've been lost without a trace
I dream at night, I can only see your face
I look around, but it's you I can't replace
I feel so cold, and I long for your embrace
I keep crying baby, baby please,

Oh, can't you see??? 难道你还不明白
You belong to me ? 你就是属於我
How my poor heart aches? 我可怜的心在抽痛
Every step you take? 你踏出的每一步
Every move you make? 随著你离去的每一步
Every vow you break? 随著你的每一次呼吸
Every smile you fake, every claim you take?
I'll be watching you? 我都在注视著你
Every move you make? 随著你离去的每一步
Every step you take? 你踏出的每一步
I'll be watching you? 我都在注视著你

I'll be watching you? 我都在注视著你
I'll be watching you? 我都在注视著你
I'll be watching you? 我都在注视著你









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