
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Avril once said, if not, if she wants to be a singer in a cop who, libra her to pursue fairness and justice, and mother of evril certainly affect her strict discipline as, avril, said even lyrics or among the title song words "wine" songs of she could sing because mother felt she was just a child, "she wants to protect my image," avril hasn't complain.
Avril said: "I was an ordinary person, I'll hurt, to some things will not great, but the music to my inspiration, I love the creation, that is for me the most comfortable things." popular throughout the year, is still retain the original evril the soul.
If there is no observe carefully avril personality, a lot of people will probably think she is very strange, ask east answer west, sea, however understanding will find, already sold though avril singer, but she still does not adapt the media ecology, along with her model is that as simple as possible!

I'm thirteen.
My birthday is the twenty-fifth of December.
I celebrate Christmas at school, on the twenty-fourth of December.
I like black clothes, and I often go to clothes stores in the week-end

I'm thirteen.
I was born on October 25. \ My birthday is October 25.
I cereberate Christmas in our school on December 24.
I like black clothes, and I usually go to clothes shops at weekends.

I am 13 years old.
My birthday is on October 25th.
I was at school celebrated for Christmas on December 24th.
I like black clothes,and I usually go to clothes stores on the weekend

I'm thirteen years old .
I was born on October.25th
I'll stay at school during the Christmas on December.24th.
I like the clothes in black,I always go to the clothing store on weekends.

I am thirteen years old.
My birthday is on October 25.
I spent the Christmas Day ay school.
I like black clothes and I always go to clothing store at weekends.

I am thirteen years old and I was born on October 25.
I spent the Christmas Day ay school.
I am fond of the clothes which is black and I usually go to clothing store at weekends.

注意 :是 on th weekend 和 at weekends


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