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The existence of advertising has its special significance.It can be used to convey the plane information,brand and image,so as to attract consumption.
Advertising design is an aesthetic recreation of material culture and life style.
It beautifies the pictures by exaggeration,association,symbolism,metaphor,humor and humor,so as to meet the aesthetic needs of people's praise.
In modern commercial society,the vast majority of goods and services information is transmitted through advertising.
Print advertising accurately expresses information through words,colors and graphics,while two-dimensional advertising expresses information through sound and dynamic effects.
Only through the above various ways can goods and services be accepted and recognized by consumers.



Every day when we turn on the TV-set, what appears into our eyes first is advertisement. Some people think that advertisements have many advantages, while I take no interests in them at all. On the contrary, they are a great nuisance in my mind.
There are two main disadvantages of advertisements.
For one thing, advertisements often mislead us. Most sellers on advertisements boast that their products are superior to other ones in the markets. However, they are inferior in quality. When people fall for the tricks, they can do nothing but complain and regret because they can’t contact the sellers to get compensation after purchasing.
For another, advertisements usually take up plenty of time on TV, so we can’t watch any TV programs in a happy mood. What is worse is that many interesting programs are segmented by a lot of boring advertisements, which makes us feel annoyed. But we have to stand.
In conclusion, advertisements have become a new form of visual pollution which must be prohibited strictly.

Nowadays, more and more advertisements appear on newspapers, broadcasts,magazines as well as streets. People have different views on advertisements. Some people think advertisements can help people to have a wide choice of goods and they help consumers know the goods and businessmen better. The consumers can gain not only knowledge of goods but also artistic enjoyment. Contrary to those people, many others think advertisements are very unpleasant.Consumers are often cheated by the false advertisement on which consumers always waste a great deal of time. What is more, consumers fell annoyed to be interrupted when they are watching TV plays. So advertisements should be limited. But whether you like it or not, advertisements have become a part of our life. 广告 现在越来越多的广告出现在报纸、广播、杂志甚至街头,人们对此有不同的看法。 一些人认为广告能拓宽人们对商品的选择,使消费者更好地了解商品和商家。消费者不仅能够获得商品知识,也能得到艺术享受。 相反,另外一些人认为广告很令人讨厌。消费者经常被虚假广告欺骗,而且人们在这些广告上浪费了大量的时间。更有甚者,消费者觉得看电视剧时插播广告让人心烦。因此,广告应当受到限制。 不管你喜不喜欢广告,它已经成为我们生活的一部分。

想找.好.的英语辅导中心的话 其实选择ABC天丅英语中心的人好像还蛮多的,如果是练口语的话 要自己努力大胆的多和外教说话,选择学习中心最主要的是否适合你!Now, public service announcements on television can be seen everywhere, and that more and more ad-written humor, the more thought-provoking. Cldren's channels such as a public service: a cans were thrown into the train, on the train of people kicked back and forth, no one to pick up litter thrown. Finally, only one person, sent a television sound: "The ball was on the th." That person to pick up the cans into a trash can. "The ball into it." I had to laugh. After reading ts ad, I can not help but tnk of our real life, in fact littering is a transmission belt, and once I play in the playground, a classmate I had a piece of candy at the same time, he also put sugar into s mouth , Tang Z throw the ground, I would have liked thrown into the garbage, but I can not help but throw in the ground. An example of ts is very common. "I hope that Cnese civilization and the Olympic Games." Hopes people who see the thought-provoking public service announcements could understand: civilization we can not rely on other people, we can not rely on their own, as long as everyone is a small step forward, one step would be to let the community Big step. 现在,在电视上公益广告随处可见,那广告词写得越来越幽默,也越来越发人深省了 就像少儿频道的这样一个公益广告:一个易拉罐被扔到了火车上,在火车上的人踢来踢去,谁也不捡起来扔到垃圾箱。最后,只剩下一个人,电视发出了这样一个音:“号得球。”那个人把易拉罐捡起来扔到了垃圾桶。“球进啦。”都得我哈哈大笑 看完了这个广告,我不禁想起了我们实际生活,实际上乱扔垃圾是带传染的,有一次,我在操场上玩,有个同学个了我一块糖,同时他也把糖塞到嘴里,糖纸往地上一扔,我本想扔进垃圾道,但我也情不自禁的往地上一扔。这样的例子也很常见 “文明的中国盼奥运。”希望人们看到那些发人深省的公益广告后能明白:文明光靠别人也不行,光靠自己也不行,只要迈出一小步,就会让社会迈出一大步。


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