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我正在香港读书 英语翻译大神们帮帮忙~

I'm reading in Hongkong.

Main Department of the table structure

1.For this student's next mathematics course,I recommend him to take the first integrated math couse to study the basic knowledge of algebra and geometry. Because it is like the soul of high school math courses about.And He or she should also spend some time reading and skimming the text book to grab some information about calculus for better logical thinking. And next semester,with the development and progress made in the first year,he or she should take another advanced course....
2.I am a superior student in the class I am staying. So that means I have the ability to accept new knowledge or concepts very well. And in the mean time,I know just the right time to review what I have learnt to get more capable of the knowledge. And also,I love to discover new things like when doing experiments,I am always thinking.For example while I was once doing a chemical experiment,I thought of the function and charactor of catalyst and something like that.But most importantly,studying new knowledge is something I really like.So I'm passionate abou this.
3.For after-school activities,I do a wide range of activites.For example, I love basketball.And once,I played on the team against another school team.It was such an intense experience! I also play the piano and performed it in front the whole school.And for fun, sometimes I simply love to play computer games....






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    池彼钥late n. = 死者, deceased: her late husband was a professor late adj. = 很晚,很迟,晚:he came too late 他来晚了 be late 固定词组 = 迟到 sorry I'm late!latest = 最新的: the latest fashion 最新时髦 Do you often say English in school? 病句吖,应该是:Do you often ...

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