
来自:搞笑段子    更新日期:早些时候

We are negotiating with David about it. Please delete our programs and related documents in the work. And don't use or migrate related tools and programs of mine or John's in future.

Dear xx:
I wish that I can protect you forever,give you forever,love you forever.
Happy Lovers' Day


Can we total up the overall order qty so far rec'd from Sanmina. I manage to find time today and find the qty very odd.


It don't balance. Can you put into a spread sheet by tomorrow. Sorry I was so busy and only got time to look through all.


I also notice some mistake by Sanmina on pricing. I will let them know.


First, get the order qty right and then you all can do material planning.


Lily/Kenneth, you must re-confirm order qty with Sanmina and ask for PO later after you come out the table to finalise the qty.
Their PO is per item basis.


I will do up a spreadsheet by tmrw morning and share with you what I rec'd the ordering fm Sanmia so far. It is better Starlite keep a record from now to make sure.


I will also revise a quote which I gave to Sanmina and include their Part number inside. Pls final check first time.


I check through and all part number are correct ! Sanmina has asked me before for Part numbers.




Can we total up the overall order qty so far rec'd from Sanmina. I manage to find time today and find the qty very odd.


It don't balance. Can you put into a spread sheet by tomorrow. Sorry I was so busy and only got time to look through all.


I also notice some mistake by Sanmina on pricing. I will let them know.


First, get the order qty right and then you all can do material planning.


Lily/Kenneth, you must re-confirm order qty with Sanmina and ask for PO later after you come out the table to finalise the qty.
Their PO is per item basis.


I will do up a spreadsheet by tmrw morning and share with you what I rec'd the ordering fm Sanmia so far. It is better Starlite keep a record from now to make sure.


I will also revise a quote which I gave to Sanmina and include their Part number inside. Pls final check first time.


I check through and all part number are correct ! Sanmina has asked me before for Part numbers.








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