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《Star Sky》 Two Steps From Hell

faded alan walker

star sky 漫画《鬼刀》宣传片第二弹

star sky


  • 17121366743我以前听过一首英文歌,是一个女的唱的,应该很经典很多人知道的,我忘...
    隗可娟是不是Xandria 的Eversleeping?蛮经典的,女声,E开头一个单词。你听了就会觉得耳熟…非常熟…高潮部分国内有人翻唱过的…不记得哪个了…即使不是你要找的,这首…也足以推荐,经典

  • 17121366743一首英文歌,一开始是女的唱的,最后就是孩子合唱,到结尾也是合唱的,听...
    隗可娟小星星变奏曲 D大调弦乐小夜曲 可爱的长笛 E大调小提琴慢板 小提琴回旋曲 G大调弦乐小夜曲 土耳其进行曲 钢琴协奏曲第20号 单簧管协奏曲

  • 17121366743跪求一首英文歌曲,女的唱的,很嗨,摇滚的,歌词内有,手泥发嘛rua可,发嘛...
    隗可娟Nadiya-Roc http:\/\/v.youku.com\/v_show\/id_XODI1ODM5NDA=_type_99.html

  • 17121366743求一首英文歌,是一个女歌手唱的,前面是一段很有节奏感的独白,越到后面...
    隗可娟Dirty Vegas Home Again I walk the lines between heaven and hell,and I can’t describe how you make me feel.How you make me feel how you make me feel how you make me feel so let me walk you home again..home again.And I hung around with a burned-out crowd.And I fell...

  • 17121366743求一首英文歌名!女的唱的`有一句歌词大概是i feel so ...need you很...
    隗可娟And this song's my sorry 而这首歌就是我的道歉 At night I pray 我在夜里祷告 That soon your face will fade away 希望你给我的印象会慢慢淡去 Everytime I try to fly, I fall 每当我想飞的时候我会坠落 Without my wings, I feel so small 失去了我的翅膀,我感到那么渺小 I guess ...

  • 17121366743找一首英文歌,是女生唱的,里面有几句讲的是去购物,浪费金钱,这就是什...
    隗可娟[Verse 1]It was all good at first,Spending money, going shopping Eating at the finest restaurants And if i'm club hopping She was right thurr with me bottle poppin livin that life She just didn’t understand my lifestyle and that I aint like We didn’t have a worry in ...

  • 17121366743有一首英文歌,女的唱的,我觉得很好听,可就是想不起来叫什么了。什么“Y...
    隗可娟Lullabye - Tynisha Keli This is your Lul Lul Lul Lul Lul Lul Lul Lulla bye You're my baby And I sing this just to show your mine I'mma hold you till you Sleeping in the middle of the night This is your Lul Lul Lul Lul Lul Lul Lul la bye Closer than you ...

  • 17121366743有一首英文歌,是个女的唱的,声音有点沙哑,有点DJ的感觉,
    隗可娟Shivaree《Goodnight Moon》仙妮亚唐恩《I'm Gonna Getcha》你听听是哪首?

  • 17121366743一首英文歌,是女的唱的,08年超流行的。我只记得主段有I for you,就...
    隗可娟For you i will 歌手:monica When your feeling lost in the night,When you feel your world just ain't right,Call on me I will be waiting.Count on my I will be there.Anytime the times get to tough,Anytime your best ain't enough,I'll be the one to make it better.I...

  • 17121366743一首英文歌,开头一直是重复一句英文的,然后就是一段很劲爆的音乐。然后...
    隗可娟我觉得好像是《死一样的痛过》,,也有可能是《love the way you lie 》

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