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The student student id: 123456, in September 2007 in entrance, now enrolled in our business college financial professional, four years of schooling, full-time undergraduate students at school, hereby proof!

在中国,北方的皇家建筑很宏伟,但是南方的传统民居却很小巧玲珑,虽然质朴,但是暗藏着精致。作为以提供南方民间菜为主的餐厅,在室内设计上同样秉承了南方人细致的风格,以木质条形和砖墙为装饰,伴随着大大小小的陶瓷,青石(Qing stone)陈设,展示新中式风格。
I In China, the Northern Royal Building is breathtaking views and silk-stocking, but the southern traditional houses are smart, simply but exquisite.
作为以提供南方民间菜的餐厅, Its interior design at the same home to southerners and refined style, 以木质条形和砖墙为装饰,伴随着大大小小的陶瓷,青石陈设, To display the new Chinese style.

Hui patterns
A porcelain patterns, patterns such as the Chinese characters for "return" named after the word. It symbolizes good fortune, Jiangnan civil called "the head of wealth." Hui- patterns and other traditional patterns in a restaurant in the multiple use.

2. Drama Face
Drama in the Face is a Graphic Arts, 不拘于real life in any of the natural shape, 大胆地进行夸张, decoration, its lines and colors are very good design resources.

3. Ceramics, Qingshi
Chinese pottery and porcelain is one of the local culture, 室内设计中融入陶瓷through time and space gives people a feeling, as if exposure to the culture of the ancient atmosphere. At the same time, displayed large and small, different shapes of the ceramic make Atmosphere
of the restaurants "lively" up.

Chinese Seal
Since ancient times, people have been using a chop, chop is not only a status symbol, not only is the role played 凭信trust, but also a carving art. Chop on the word used in the decoration on the front desk.



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