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A practice of escaping from an earthquake
This afternoon, between classes,the school organized an earthquake drill.Before the drill started, the teachers carefully explained the saftey and precautions.After the alarm sounded,we covered the head and run out one after another , everyone walked on the right and go down the stairs quickly to find some safe place.Finally we all got to relatively safe places.


I was doing my homework when the earthquake started last night .I could feel the shaking of the whole building. Some books in my study fell to the floor from the bookcase. At the same time ,I heard a man shouting ,“Earthquake. Earthquake.” I quickly went into my parents’ bedroom and woke them up .And then we went downstairs in a hurry together. Luckily, the earthquake was not strong enough. After the earthquake was over, the building was still there, and everyone in the building was still alive.

First, do a good job in earthquake prediction. You Yuzhao before the earthquake. Now we know this is the omen: groundwater changed muddy, up flowers, bubbling, Bianwei; chickens and ducks Zhuyang span Luanjiao; rats flight, the fish in the water Luantiao. This situation indicates that the crust will be bent, broken crease, to the earthquake. At present no country in the world difficult to accurately forecast the earthquake, China's earthquake prediction can be said that in a world leading position. Most can be pointed out that earthquake prediction in an area within a certain period of time may have an earthquake. In 1976, before the Tangshan earthquake, in Haicheng, Liaoning Province has happened more than six of the earthquake, impending ago, the Government has repeatedly urged the interior of the resettlement of all people in the earthquake Peng Li, and repeated propaganda that only the earthquake, the results of casualties The number reduced to a minimum. Therefore, prevention is the key to earthquake forecasting timely, well-prepared, master of the ambulance when the earthquake knowledge. Second, the development of family earthquake plan. Once an earthquake, we can make our electricity, water supply, heating systems, traffic systems, daily necessities supply systems, information systems, and medical and health system was a certain degree of damage and affect people's normal life, so We should develop a family earthquake plan. First of all to exclude interior height of the suspension, cabinets, Mujia on vertical display of items, and change its placement, its not easy Zhendao wounding. At the same time to remove all flammable and explosive materials. Bed to move far away from the windows of some areas. Fangsui seals affixed on the window. Earthquake kits easy to crawl on the place. For out of danger, you may only crawl a time items, which are急用items, it will help you tide over their difficulties. These items include cash, drinking water, prevention of influenza and dysentery, and other drugs. Third, schools should do a good job of preparation before the earthquake. In primary and secondary schools should be universal earthquake knowledge, Chun-school training programmes should be preventing earthquakes, if an earthquake is class, the teacher should immediately give students a simple and clear instructions to enable students to the spot in the eyes closed V under the desks. A region, in a certain period of time may be in an earthquake. Families and schools to regular communication. Earthquake conditional schools should prepare disaster relief items, such as: emergency medical supplies, cold rain supplies, tools, etc., and classes or classroom distribution, until the hands of individuals. If the earthquake occurred how to protect themselves? The event of an earthquake, if outside, do not and around buildings, chimneys, poles, and so any possible collapse of tall buildings or trees, to leave the bridge, highway interchange, to open more in the field of security. Although the earthquake was caused by the natural population casualties, but nor is it can not be prevented. If we can grasp the opportunity to use Earthquake knowledge can protect themselves if the earthquake occurred before observed that the birds, animals, unusual restlessness; squatted earthquake occurred at the table can reduce the harm brought about by the earthquake. Thus, learning earthquake knowledge is very important. 译文:一、做好地震预报。 地震之前是有预兆的。现在我们所知道的这种预兆是:地下水变浑、翻花、冒泡、变味;鸡鸭猪羊乱跑乱叫;老鼠外逃,鱼儿在水面乱跳。这种情况预示着地壳将弯曲、摺皱断裂,就要发生地震了。目前全世界任何国家都难以准确预报地震,我国的地震预报可以说处于世界领先的地位。大多数地震预报能够指出某个地区在某一段时间内有可能发生地震。1976年,在唐山地震前,辽宁省海城地区曾发生过6级以上的地震,临震前,政府多次催促把室内的人全部安置在地震棚里,并反复宣讲地震知只,结果伤亡人数减少到了最低限度。所以,预防地震的关键在于预报及时、准备充分、掌握地震时的救护知识。 二、制定家庭防震计划。 一旦发生地震,就可能使我们的供电、供水、供热系统,交通系统,生活必需品供应系统,信息系统,以及医疗卫生系统遭到某种程度的破坏,影响人民的正常生活,所以,我们应该制定一个家庭防震计划。 首先要排除室内高处的悬吊物,柜子上、木架上垂直摆放的物品,改变其摆放位置和方式,使其不易震倒伤人。同时要清除一切易燃易爆物品。床要搬到离玻璃窗远一些的地方。窗上贴上防碎胶条。防震用具包放在容易抓取的地方。为脱离危险,你也许只有抓取一件物品的时间,急用物品都在其中,它会帮你度过难关。这些物品中包括现金、饮用水、防流感和痢疾等的药品。 三、学校应做好地震前的准备。 在中、小学应该普及防震知识,震区学校应有防震训练的方案,若正在上课时发生地震,老师应马上给学生一个简单明确的指令,让学生就地闭眼伏在课桌下。一个地区,在某一段时间内可能发生地震时。家庭和学校要经常沟通。震区有条件的学校应备救灾物品,如:急救医药用品、防寒防雨用品、工具等,并按班级或教室分配,直到个人手中。 如果发生了地震怎样保护自己呢? 一旦发生了地震,若是在外边,千万不要靠近楼房、烟囱、电线杆等任何可能倒塌的高大建筑物或树木,要离开桥梁、立交公路,到空旷的田野较为安全。地震虽然是造成人口伤亡的天灾,但也不是不可预防的。如果能把握时机、运用防震知识就可以保护自己如地震发生前观察到鸟、动物的异常躁动;地震发生时蹲在桌子下面都可以减轻地震带来的伤害。可见,学习地震知识非常重要。


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