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birthday prty

English party

singing party

family party

dancing party

class party



Message 1: accept an invitation

Message 2: turn dow an invitation

Message 3: make an invitation


1. It’s a saying goodbye party.    

2. It’s for Ms. Steen.  

3. It’s on next Friday, the 28th.

4. All the classmates.

5. People can say “Thank you and goodbye” to Ms. Steen; They can also play games and eat things. 


1. party

2. come to my party

3. food

4. drinks

5. bring

6. surprising

7. know

8. if


1. Because she’s really good with us. 

2. I want to say “Thank you and goodbye” to her. 

3. I think Saturday afternoon is the best time. 

4. We can have the party in the classroom.

5. Some fruits, cakes, candies and hamburgers. 

6. Cola, Spring, tea and water. 

7. All the students in our class. 

8. Singing, dancing, playing the guitar, playing the violin, cross talking…

9. We are going to bring her to the party without telling her. 


1. Larry Smith.

2. It’s for the opening of the new library at    No. 9 High School.  

3. It will be on the morning of Wednesday, January 8th at 9:00. 

4. They can enjoy the school concert. 

5. Yes. They should bring one book as a gift for the new library.  

6. They should reply in writing to this invitation by Friday.  


One possible version:

Dear parents,

    I’d like to invite you to the opening ceremony for the new students at No. 10 Middle School. The opening will be on the morning of Wednesday, September 4th at 8:00. After this, you can visit our school. Please dress smartly. I would also like to invite each parent to think of some words to encourage your child to study hard at school. Please reply in e-mail to this invitation by Monday, September, 2nd. Our e-mail address is Number10MS@sina. com. I look forward to hearing from you all. 

Huang Zongsheng


Another possible version:

Dear Headmaster: 

    Thanks so much for inviting. I’d love to go to the opening ceremony, but I’m not available. I have an important meeting in Beijing this weekend. I’ll think of some words and give them to my child. Then, I’ll visit the school another time next week. 

Li Ming’s father.

Self Check

  1. Can, on, I'd, you, can't, have, Can, may, I'll, 

  2. Sorry, I can’t. I have to prepare for my math test.

    Sorry, I can’t. I must visit my grandparents.

    Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I will go to the concert with my parents.

    Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I will go to the summer camp.

    Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t. I have to go home early to look after my little brother.


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