英国音乐奖(Brit Awards)从1985年到2008年历界获奖名单

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☆ Digital音源专辑部门:

MC梦 《Show's Just Begun》 《马戏团》

Brown Eyed Girls 《With L.O.V.E Brown Eyed Girls》 《LOVE》

 Jewelry 《Kitchi Island》 《One More Time》

 Wonder Girls 《The Wonder Years - Trilogy》 《Nobody》

作为本届颁奖礼最先揭晓的部门,Digital音源专辑部门并没有爆出多大的冷门,四组获奖人均是实至名归。MC梦今年终于结束了之前半红不黑的局面,《Show's Just Begun》带他一举登上巅峰,使他成为今年成绩属一属二的男歌手。十年磨砺,苦尽甘来,他的作品展现了他作为一个一线艺人的实力。随后获奖的Brown Eyed Girls获得了出道以来的第一个奖项,出道两年来才获得奖项肯定,可以说是大器晚成型的组合。今年初发行的这张单曲,虽然不是阵容强大来势汹汹的正规辑,却为她们带来了巨大的人气,也使她们从注重唱功的女子组合转变成舞曲组合中不能被忽视的存在。Jewelry的《One More Time》在上半年也是风生水起,凭借歌曲讨巧的节奏与趣味性的舞蹈,这个成军多年又重新出发的女子组合迎来了自己的第二春。Wonder Girls能获得音源部门的奖项是毋庸置疑的,去年就凭借《Tell Me》获得了这个奖,今年只是更加巩固了组合在音源界不可撼动的地位。现在的Wonder Girls已经没有了去年初出茅庐的胆怯,成为了新生代女子组合中的领军人物。

 ☆ 唱片部门:

 东方神起 《Mirotic》 《咒文》

金东律 《Monologue》 《重新开始吧》


Rain 《Rainism》 《Rainism》

Brown Eyes 《Two Things Needed For The Same Purpose And 5 Oblects》 《不要走不要走》

神话 《神话9辑》 《Run》

 获得唱片部门本奖的六组人马实力派与偶像派各占一半,但都是名副其实的赢家。东方神起是今年的销量冠军,获得这个唱片部门的本奖不需多加说明。1994年出道的金东律是获奖者中资历最老的,时隔四年发行第五张正规辑,却没有被大众遗忘,依然卖过了十万张,展现了前辈歌手不俗的实力。继MKMF上获得最佳作词奖之后,专辑本奖是对他回归的更大肯定。SG Wannabe是实力派中最年轻的一支队伍,不过他们却已经取得了毫不逊于前辈们的成绩。去年的金唱片最大奖就被他们收入囊中,今年尽管经历了老团员退队、引入新成员,并且把重心放在了日本,但金唱片还是对他们关爱有加。

  已经国际化的歌手Rain今年带回了华丽的《Rainism》,不仅销量喜人,在歌谣界也产生了巨大的影响。虽然年纪轻轻,却已经成为了韩国歌谣界举足轻重的存在,Rain的实力与包装手段都值得其他歌手学习和借鉴。Brown Eyes的专辑应该说是今年最值得一听的专辑,保持了他们一贯的水准,绝对的老少皆宜。年轻人偏好的R&B,以及更多人喜欢的Ballade,从他们嘴里唱出来都有一种特殊的味道。今天虽然只有申彗星、李珉宇和Junjin三人出席颁奖礼,但神话依然是完整的。年初举行了两场万人演唱会,9辑也是十万张以上的专辑,获得这个本奖不仅对于神话这个集体,对于正在服役的Eric和金东万两人更是最好的安慰,是的,即使不能出现在公众面前,也依然能够被热爱。对于神话与橙色公主来说,时间从来都不是问题,我们已经一起走过十年了,还会惧怕时间的残忍吗?


☆ 音源部门:

Davichi 《Vivid Summer Edition》 《爱情和战争 (Narr.HAHA)》

  ☆ 唱片部门:

  SHINee 《The SHINee World》 《氧气一样的你》


  孙浩英 《Returns》 《I Know》

少女时代《贝多芬病毒》OST 《听见了吗》

  FT Island 《Colorful Sensibility》 《爱情之后(譃爱)》

  东方神起 《Mirotic》 《咒文》

孙浩英的回归也向我们展示了出身国民组合god的实力,特有的唱腔和舞蹈,他的每一点成绩都凝聚了许多汗水和努力,毕竟他存在于这个汰旧换新的时代。今天少女时代的队长孤身前来,却得到了人气奖。作为少女时代中唱功最出色的人,她证明了自己不仅是个称职的队长,也是实力不凡的Solo歌手。随着《贝多芬病毒》的热播,她在其中演唱的插曲也获得了越来越多的认同,我们希望泰妍在歌唱实力上日渐精进,毕竟以后的路还有很长。去年金唱片的新人奖得主,今年的人气奖,FT Island虽然今年在韩国并没有保持极高的曝光率,但依旧能获得人气奖也令人赞叹。东方神起无疑是今年的人气王,与唱片部门奖一样,不需要理由和解释。

  ☆ New Brand奖:金钟旭

  New Brand奖是今年金唱片组织者根据时代的变化而新设的奖项,旨在奖励出现在电视剧或电视节目中的好音乐。今年1月份出道的新人歌手金钟旭因为与SG Wannabe合唱了电视剧《伊甸之东》的歌曲《与命运抗争》而获得了MKMF的最佳OST奖,今天又凭借出现在MBC娱乐节目《我们结婚了》中的《只有你》获得了New Brand奖,虽然是新设的奖,但这也代表了大众对他的肯定。

  ☆ Rock奖:Nell 《Separation Anxiety》 《漫步记忆的时间》

Nell也是继MKMF之后再次捧得Rock部门的奖杯。今年三月份推出4辑《Separation Anxiety》之后,主打曲《漫步记忆的时间》获得了很高的人气,他们成为了今年韩国名声最响的摇滚乐队。同时今次出席金唱片并进行表演,也是他们在今后的两三年之内最后一次集体亮相。他们的鼓手、主音和贝司手都将在这个月服兵役,因此今晚的表演也多少有了些悲壮的色彩。衷心希望时间不会磨灭他们心中关于摇滚的梦想。

☆ TROT奖:张允贞 《Twist》


  ☆ 音源大奖:

  今年的音源大将得主多少令人意外,因为在大多数人的预想中早已经把这个奖颁给了Wonder Girls。也正因为这样的意外,才让朴正雅和徐仁英在领奖时喜极而泣。确实,作为两个陪伴Jewelry这个名字走过很多年的人,她们知道获得这样的大奖有多么不易。这或许是Jewelry出道以来获得的最大奖项,在韩国歌谣界如此不景气的时节,像她们一样经历了成员退出又引入而坚决不解散的组合实属少见,这份坚持终于迎来了荣誉。《Kitchi Island》是她们的第二次出发,希望她们日后能成为被更多人铭记在心的女子组合。

  ☆ 唱片大奖:

东方神起 《Mirotic》 《咒文》  2006年东方神起凭借《“O”—正反合》问鼎金唱片,时隔两年,《咒文》又把这个奖送到了他们手中。这样的成绩在新生代组合中已经是短期内不容超越的成绩。虽然有一年多远离韩国,虽然只有小半年时间来宣传,但他们依然取得了让整个歌谣界瞩目的成绩。队长允浩也在获奖感言中说道:“请珍惜好音乐”,希望他们也能把这句话记在心底,为我们带来更多的感人至深的音乐。



  1992年 Primal Scream - 《Screamadelica》
  1993年 Suede - 《Suede》
  1994年 M People - 《Elegant Slumming》
  1995年 Portishead - 《Dummy》
  1996年 Pulp - 《Different Class》
  1997年 Roni Size & Reprazent - 《New Forms》
  1998年 Gomez - 《In Our Gun》
  1999年 Talvin Singh - 《Ok》
  2000年 Badly Drawn Boy - 《The Hour Of Bewilderbeast》
  2001年 PJ Harvey - 《Stories From The City,Stories From The Sea》
  2002年 Ms. Dynamite - 《A Little Deeper》
  2003年Dizzee Rascal -《Boy In Da Corner》
  2004年 Franz Ferdinand - 《Franz Ferdinand》
  2005年 Antony And The Johnsons - 《I am A bird Now》
  2006年 Arctic Monkeys -《Whatever People Say I Am,That’s What I’m Not》
  2007年Michael Nyman - The Piano Concerto and MGV
  2008年James MacMillan - Seven Last Words From The Cross

  一年一度的“全英音乐奖”2008年颁奖典礼将在英国伦敦“伯爵宫”举行,此次颁奖典礼将由Ozzy Osbourne和他的妻子Sharon Osbourne担任主持人。

  2008年“全英音乐奖”颁奖典礼将在2008年2月20日举行,提名将于1月14日公布。英国ITV 1电视台也将对该盛典做全程现场直播。Sharon Osbourne在接受媒体采访时表示:“在过去的几年里,Ozzy Osbourne和我应邀担任过了不少颁奖典礼的主持人,但我认为到目前为止担任‘全英音乐奖’的主持人将是最有意义的一次,‘全英音乐奖’也是最负盛名的一个颁奖典礼。对Ozzy Osbourne这样一个音乐人来说,担任该颁奖典礼的主持人也是他艺术生涯中的无限荣耀。”

  在已经结束的2007“全英音乐奖”的颁奖典礼中来自谢菲尔德的当红乐队Arctic Monkeys无疑是最大赢家,他们获得了“英国最佳乐队/组合奖”,而他们打破英国流行乐坛首张专辑销量记录的《Whatever People Say I Am,That’s What I’m Not》成为本届全英音乐奖评选出的“英国最佳专辑”。

  来自美国拉斯维加斯的The Killers乐队,同样获得两个奖项——“国际最佳组合奖”和“国际最佳专辑奖”,而去年英国专辑销量最高的乐队Snow Patrol,无缘最佳专辑奖。本届英国最佳男、女歌手奖都颁给了唱灵魂乐的新人——只发过一张唱片、今年刚21岁的James Morrison和23岁的Amy Winehouse。国际最佳男歌手由Justin Timberlake夺得;国际最佳女歌手则是Nelly Furtado。





  今年的“水星音乐奖”在伦敦的格罗夫纳馆酒店揭晓,来自伦敦的三人独立摇滚乐队The Klaxons的处子专辑《Myths Of The Near Future》最终击败了其他11张获得提名的专辑,夺得了英国流行乐坛这一十分重要的奖项。而大热门Arctic Monkeys和Amy Winehouse最终都与大奖失之交臂。意外获胜的The Klaxons激动万分,他们得到了两万英镑的奖金,而乐队成员James Righton甚至承认他已经激动得掉泪了。他说:“我还没有过这种体验,这太令人震惊了。我们当然希望获胜,但Amy Winehouse和Bat For Lashes原本获胜的机会更大。”

  当被问到能够击败Amy Winehouse最终拿奖感觉如何时,The Klaxons的另一位成员Jamie Reynolds说:“她的专辑非常复古,而我们的这张专辑才是今年最前卫的,我们一直在进步。”

  在希尔博彩公司今年7月份开出的获奖赔率中,Amy Winehouse和上届“水星音乐奖”得主Arctic Monkeys要领先于其他的十位提名者。Arctic Monkeys原希望成为水星音乐奖历史上首位两次夺冠的乐队,但最终未能如愿,而Amy Winehouse也因为最近毒瘾发作取消了巡演,这使得她在最后时刻支持率下滑。不过,在今年的颁奖仪式中,意外露面的Amy Winehouse登台演唱了只有一把木吉他伴奏的“Love Is A Losing Game”,也算是对支持她的歌迷的安慰吧。Amy Winehouse看起来很镇静也很清醒,虽然很瘦但很健康。

英国音乐奖(Brit Awards)历界获奖名单 2005 - 1985
British male solo artist: The Streets
British female solo artist: Joss Stone
British group: Franz Ferdinand,
British album: Keane - Hopes and Fears
British single: Will Young - "Your Game"
British breakthrough act: Keane
British urban act: Joss Stone
British rock act: Franz Ferdinand
British live act: Muse
Best Pop act: McFly
International male solo artist: Eminem
International female solo artist: Gwen Stefani
International breakthrough act: Scissor Sisters
International group: Scissor Sisters
International album: Scissor Sisters - "Scissor Sisters"
Outstanding Contribution to Music: Bob Geldof
A Special BRITs 25 Award for the best single from the past 25 years was awarded to Robbie Williams' "Angels".

British album: The Darkness - Permission to Land
British breakthrough act: Busted
British dance act: Basement Jaxx
British female solo artist: Dido
British group: The Darkness
British male solo artist: Daniel Bedingfield
British rock act: The Darkness
British single: Dido - "White Flag"
British urban act: Lemar
International album: Justin Timberlake - "Justified"
International breakthrough act: 50 Cent
International female solo artist: Beyoncé
International group: The White Stripes
International male solo artist: Justin Timberlake
Outstanding contribution: Duran Duran
Pop act: Busted

British album: Coldplay – A Rush of Blood to the Head
British breakthrough act: Will Young
British dance act: Sugababes
British female solo artist: Ms. Dynamite
British group: Coldplay
British male solo artist: Robbie Williams
British single: Liberty X – "Just a Little"
British urban act Ms. Dynamite
International album: Eminem - "The Eminem Show"
International breakthrough act: Norah Jones
International female: P!nk
International group: Red Hot Chili Peppers
International male: Eminem
Outstanding contribution: Tom Jones
Pop act: Blue

British album: Dido: No Angel
British breakthrough act: Blue
British dance act: Basement Jaxx
British female solo artist: DiDo
British group: Travis
British male solo artist: Robbie Williams
British single: S Club 7 – "Don't Stop Movin'"
British video: So Solid Crew – "21 Seconds"
International album: Kylie Minogue - "Fever"
International breakthrough act: The Strokes
International female: Kylie Minogue
International group: Destiny's Child
International male: Shaggy
Outstanding contribution: Sting (musician)
Pop act: Westlife

Best soundtrack: American Beauty
British album: Coldplay - Parachutes
British breakthrough act: a1
British dance act: Fatboy Slim
British female solo artist: Sonique
British group: Coldplay
British male solo artist: Robbie Williams
British single: Robbie Williams - "Rock DJ"
British video: Robbie Williams - "Rock DJ"
International breakthrough act: Kelis
International female: Madonna
International group: U2
International male: Eminem
Outstanding contribution: U2
Pop act: Westlife

Best selling live act: Steps
Best soundtrack: Notting Hill
British album: Travis – The Man Who
British breakthrough act: S Club 7
British dance act: The Chemical Brothers
British female solo artist: Beth Orton
British group: Travis
British male solo artist: Tom Jones
British single: Robbie Williams – "She's the One"
British video: Robbie Williams – "She's the One"
International breakthrough act: Macy Gray
International female: Macy Gray
International group: TLC
International male: Beck
Outstanding contribution: Spice Girls
Pop act: Five

Best soundtrack: Titanic
British album: Manic Street Preachers – This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours
British breakthrough act: Belle & Sebastian
British dance act: Fatboy Slim
British female solo artist: Des'ree
British group: Manic Street Preachers
British male solo artist: Robbie Williams
British single: Robbie Williams – "Angels"
British video: Robbie Williams – "Millennium"
International breakthrough act: Natalie Imbruglia
International female: Natalie Imbruglia
International group: The Corrs
International male: Beck
Outstanding contribution: Eurythmics

Best British producer: The Verve, Chris Potter and Youth
Best selling British album act: Spice Girls
Best soundtrack: The Full Monty
British album: The Verve – Urban Hymns
British breakthrough act: Stereophonics
British dance act: The Prodigy
British female solo artist: Shola Ama
British Group: The Verve
British male solo artist: Finley Quaye
British single: All Saints – "Never Ever"
British Video: All Saints – "Never Ever"
Freddie Mercury award: Sir Elton John
International breakthrough act: Eels
International female: Björk
International group: U2
International male: Jon Bon Jovi
Outstanding contribution: Fleetwood Mac

Best British producer: John Leckie
Best soundtrack: Trainspotting
British album: Manic Street Preachers – Everything Must Go
British breakthrough act: Kula Shaker
British dance act: The Prodigy
British female solo artist: Gabrielle
British Group: Manic Street Preachers
British male solo artist: George Michael
British single: Spice Girls – "Wannabe"
British Video: Spice Girls – "Say You'll Be There"
International breakthrough act: Robert Miles
International female: Sheryl Crow
International group: The Fugees
International male: Beck
Outstanding contribution: Bee Gees

Artist of a generation: Michael Jackson
Best British producer: Brian Eno
Best soundtrack: Batman Forever
British album: Oasis - (What's the Story) Morning Glory
British breakthrough act: Supergrass
British dance act: Massive Attack
British female solo artist: Annie Lennox
British group: Oasis
British male solo artist: Paul Weller
British single: Take That – "Back for Good"
British video: Oasis – "Wonderwall"
Freddie Mercury award: The Help Album for the Charity Warchild
International breakthrough act: Alanis Morissette
International female: Björk
International group: Bon Jovi
International male: Prince
Outstanding contribution: David Bowie

Best British producer: Nellee Hooper
Best soundtrack: Pulp Fiction
British album: Blur: Parklife
British breakthrough act: Oasis
British dance act: M People
British female solo artist: Eddi Reader
British Group: Blur
British male solo artist: Paul Weller
British single: Blur - "Parklife"
British Video: Blur - "Parklife"
International breakthrough act: Lisa Loeb
International female: k.d. lang
International group: R.E.M.
International male: Prince
Outstanding contribution: Elton John

Best soundtrack: The Bodyguard
Best British producer: Brian Eno
Best selling album & Single: Meat Loaf
British album: Stereo MC's - Connected
British breakthrough act: Gabrielle
British dance act: M People
British female solo artist: Dina Carroll
British group: Stereo MC's
British male solo artist: Sting (musician)
British single: Take That - "Pray"
British video: Take That - "Pray"
International breakthrough act: Björk
International female: Björk
International group: Crowded House
International male: Lenny Kravitz
Outstanding contribution: Van Morrison

Best British producer: Peter Gabriel
Best International Solo Artist: Prince
Best soundtrack: Wayne's World
British album: Annie Lennox: Diva
British breakthrough act: Tasmin Archer
British female solo artist – Annie Lennox
British group: Simply Red
British male solo artist: Mick Hucknall
British single: Take That - "Could It Be Magic"
British video: Shakespear's Sister - "Stay"
International breakthrough act: Nirvana
International group: R.E.M.
Outstanding contribution: Rod Stewart

Best British producer: Trevor Horn
Best classical recording: Giuseppe Verdi - (Sir Georg Solti) - "Otello"
Best soundtrack: The Commitments
British album: Seal - Seal (1991)
British breakthrough act: Beverley Craven
British female solo artist: Lisa Stansfield
British group: The KLF and Simply Red (Joint Winners)
British male solo artist: Seal
British single: Queen "These Are the Days of Our Lives"
British video: Seal - "Killer"
International breakthrough act: P. M. Dawn
International group: R.E.M.
Outstanding contribution: Freddie Mercury

Best British producer: Chris Thomas
Best classical recording: José Carreras, Plácido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti - In Concert
Best soundtrack: Twin Peaks
British album: George Michael - Listen Without Prejudice
British breakthrough act: Betty Boo
British female solo artist: Lisa Stansfield
British group: The Cure
British male solo artist: Elton John
British single: Depeche Mode "Enjoy the Silence"
British video: The Beautiful South "A Little Time"
International breakthrough act: MC Hammer
International female: Sinéad O'Connor
International group: INXS
International male: Michael Hutchence
Outstanding contribution: Status Quo

Best British producer: Dave Stewart
Best classical recording: Simon Rattle - George Gershwin's - "Porgy And Bess"
Best international artist: Neneh Cherry
Best music video: The Cure - "Lullaby"
Best soundtrack: Batman
British album: Fine Young Cannibals – The Raw and the Cooked
British breakthrough act: Lisa Stansfield
British female solo artist: Annie Lennox
British group: Fine Young Cannibals
British male solo artist: Phil Collins
British single: Phil Collins - "Another Day in Paradise"
International breakthrough act: Neneh Cherry
International group: U2
Outstanding contribution: Queen

Best classical recording: George Frideric Handel's - Messiah
Best Music Video: Michael Jackson - "Smooth Criminal"
Best soundtrack: Buster
British album: Fairground Attraction - The First of a Million Kisses
British breakthrough act: Bros
British female solo artist: Annie Lennox
British group: Erasure
British male solo artist: Phil Collins
British single: Fairground Attraction - "Perfect"
International breakthrough act: Tracy Chapman
International female: Tracy Chapman
International group: U2
International male: Michael Jackson
Outstanding contribution: Cliff Richard

Best British producer: Stock Aitken Waterman
Best classical recording: Ralph Vaughan Williams - Symphony No. 5
Best international solo artist: Michael Jackson
Best Music Video: New Order - "True Faith"
Best soundtrack: The Phantom of the Opera
British album: Sting (musician) - Nothing Like the Sun
British breakthrough act: Wet Wet Wet
British female solo artist: Alison Moyet
British group: Pet Shop Boys
British male solo artist: George Michael
British single: Rick Astley - "Never Gonna Give You Up"
International breakthrough act: Terence Trent D'Arby
International group: U2
Outstanding contribution: The Who

Best British producer: Dave Stewart
Best classical recording: Julian Lloyd Webber/Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Edward Elgar Cello Concerto
Best international solo artist – Paul Simon
Best soundtrack: Top Gun
British album: Dire Straits Brothers in Arms
British breakthrough act: The Housemartins
British female solo artist: Kate Bush
British group: Five Star
British male solo artist: Peter Gabriel
British single: Pet Shop Boys - "West End Girls"
British Video: Peter Gabriel - "Sledgehammer"
International group: The Bangles
Outstanding contribution: Eric Clapton

Best British producer: Dave Stewart
Best international solo artist: Bruce Springsteen
British female solo artist: Annie Lennox
British group: Dire Straits
British male solo artist: Phil Collins
British Single: Tears for Fears - "Everybody Wants to Rule the World"
British Video: Paul Young - "Everytime You Go Away"
Best British Newcomer: Go West
International group: Huey Lewis and the News
Outstanding contribution: Wham! and Elton John (Joint Winners)

Best British comedy recording: Neil (also known as Nigel Planer) - "Hole In My Shoe"
Best British producer: Trevor Horn
Best classical recording: Antonio Vivaldi's - The Four Seasons
Best international artist: Prince and the Revolution
Best soundtrack: Purple Rain
British album: Sade - Diamond Life
British female solo artist: Alison Moyet
British group: Wham!
British male solo artist: Paul Young
British single: Frankie Goes to Hollywood - "Relax"
British Video: Duran Duran - "The Wild Boys"
Outstanding contribution: The Police
Special Award: Bob Geldof and Midge Ure


James Blunt

KT Tunstall

Kaiser Chiefs

Coldplay - 'X&Y'

Coldplay - 'Speed Of Sound'

Arctic Monkeys


Kaiser Chiefs

Kaiser Chiefs

James Blunt

Kanye West


Green Day

Green Day - 'American Idiot'

Jack Johnson

Paul Weller


British Male Solo Artist James Blunt
最佳英国男艺人 詹姆斯·布朗特

British Female Solo Artist KT Tunstall 最佳英国女艺人 KT Tunstall

British Group Kaiser Chiefs
全英组合奖 凯撒首领

British Album Coldplay "X&Y"
全英专辑奖 酷玩乐队“XY密码”
British Breakthrough Act Arctic Monkeys
全英最佳新人奖 “北极猴子”乐队
British Single Coldplay "Speed Of Sound"
全英单曲奖 酷玩乐队的“声速”

British Rock Act Kaiser Chiefs
全英摇滚奖 凯撒首领

British Live Act Kaiser Chiefs
全英现场奖 凯撒首领

British Urban Act Lemar
全英都市艺人奖 Lemar

International Male Solo Artist Kanye West
国际男艺人奖 凯恩·韦斯特

International Female Solo Artist Madonna
国际女艺人奖 麦当娜

International Album Green Day "American Idiot"
国际专辑奖 “绿日”乐队《美国白痴》
International Group Green Day
国际组合奖 “绿日”乐队

International Breakthrough Artist Jack Johnson
国际最佳新人奖 杰克·约翰森

Pop Act James Blunt
流行奖 詹姆斯·布朗特

Outstanding Contribution Paul Weller
杰出贡献奖 保罗·威勒
International Male Solo Artist - Justin Timberlake

British Group - The Darkness

Pop Act - Busted

British Dance Act - Basement Jaxx

British Rock Act - The Darkness

British Male Solo Artist - Daniel Bedingfield

British Urban Act - Lemar

British Single - "White Flag" - Dido

International Female Solo Artist - Beyonce Knowles

International Group - The White Stripes

British Breakthrough Artist - Busted

British Female Solo Artist - Dido

Best International Album - "Justified" - Justin Timberlake

International Breakthrough Artist - 50 Cent

Best British Album - 'Permission To Land' - The Darkness

Outstanding Contribution To Music - Duran Duran

英国音乐奖(Brit Awards)从1985年到2008年历界获奖名单视频




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