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Snake bite after implementing early treatment is very important

In accordance with the calm, ligation, flushing, detoxification steps

1, be calm, do not run, extreme sports, to slow down the body of the snake venom of absorption and diffusion.

2, ligation, in be bitten after 1 ~ 2 minutes quickly with thatched, such as cloth in the above the wound 3 ~ 5 cm ligation, 15 ~ 30 minutes phlebotomy once.

In 3, flushing, after ligation of rapid search for water, with water on wound repeated washing.

In 4, after completing the steps above, try to squeeze the wound discharge poisonous blood, but by Agkistrodon acutus bite, never blindly ejection, in order to prevent bleeding.

After the above steps can remove part of venom, in self at the same time, quickly find out how the medical condition of the hospital for treatment



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1. If a person is bitten by a snake, do you know how to first aid?
2. He suddenly fell ill yesterday and was taken to the hospital at once.
3. I can accomplish something in this world.
4. He again and again to read the poem, until he can recite.
5. We are in a meeting when someone angry break in.

1, early phase ligation. The queen is bitten by the snake , should use soft rope or latex to be in charge of immediately (suggest carrying about with one), in exceeding a arthrosis ligation above the wound, the ligation action is prompter than, 2 5 minutes are completed best behind biting ", to inspect with the sort as long as internal energy when does other treatment hour no longer in one two after finishing binding a wound the hospital's , can". 2, washes a wound. The ligation queen , Shimizu available , cold boiled water , cold boiled water add salt or soap-suds washes a wound, if liquid irrigation is much better with hydrogen peroxide solutions , 1:500 purple salt. 3, knife thorn arranges poison. In handling the day afer tomorrow course irrigation,the clean good tool (suggest that preparing a several piece of knife blade within open country first-aid case) applying pricks a wound , exposes on the simultaneous skin in wound vicinity, if the number of rice grain big or small gets along. Or, with the tooth, does trace do "for the centre? The type cuts ? } " apart. Be inadvisable to stab with a dagger very deep when with the knife, to avoid that the wound reaches a blood vessel. In being able to a wound be soaked in cold brine conditionally, from going ahead but going to the fields to the wound squeezing 20 minutes or so , using venom snapout. Also, can use to take drugs directly, but must pay attention to safety , sucking as well as vomiting, use Shimizu to gargle every time, Dr. Chen warns of especially saying: Can not use to take drugs then "if the mouth inner has the ulcer or decayed tooth,that the sticky film loses a place because of the venom passes an oral cavity is able to enter blood circulation very quickly.


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