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求一篇英语作文 假如我是校长~

If I were headmaster of the school, I would cut down the hours when students have to be at school.I would leave more hours for students To take outdoor sports.Students don't have to be at school so early because school would start at nine o'clock and finishes at four in the afternoon.
There would be no homework for anyone.Students could choose what to learn,and what to review after school.How was that?Would you like a headmaster like that?

I often dream fugue,I became a school principal,to deal with a variety of school for students.In real life,I imagine:If I were the principal ......
If I were principal,I took office the first thing for me is to tailor school design,a custom fit and better reflect the vitality of youth students,the school spirit.I let them off that they do not like and do not fit,so it seems there is no school spirit.I believe my students to wear my school uniform for their design,the all are full of wisdom,happily attending to face every day,to meet a new challenge.
If I were principal,I will continue to enrich themselves by learning to make their own knowledgeable,good for students to play the leading role,so that my school has a good learning atmosphere,we can all put into one,the results on the students is no longer a problem to worry about.
If I were principal,I will work wholeheartedly to care about each and every teacher,concerned about each student's emotions.Management process in schools to encourage advanced spur lagging behind,a student does not give up.Will also hold regular meetings of teachers and students,and teachers and students to speak freely,listen to their voice,to adopt their recommendations to rationalize.Teaching in education,paying attention to the discovery and development of special interest in students,the establishment of a number of interest groups so that each student's success are affixed with labels,can be raised to the success of the first on the other side.
If I were principal,I want my vibrant campus,you can see the beautiful flowers,green grass,lush trees,the sun shines bright on campus.
If I were principal,I must be the best president of the most!

If I were PresidentIf I were President, I will treat each students and found them in the advantages and disadvantages, encourage and to correct. I will also please many excellent teachers joined together to create a bright future. Let each of the students have a vast sky.If I were President, I'll build a beautiful campus. Campus to there is one high-tech building, inside to have a big library. Even built a broad lawn playground, like heaven like the beautiful garden, a sports facilities with all the stadium and some campus sculpture, etc. The library building and gymnasium, the internal to connect, lets the student out more convenient. In the gym, want to have a swimming pool, LanQiuGuan, table tennis room, equipment room, etc. In the garden, should use wood when pillar, surrounded by rows of ZhiTeng, still have many intricate pathways. In the garden middle, want to have a fountain, fountain with a pebble around the trail. Let students feel mysterious but sweet. They will like the place, like to study, listen to music here, here spend a quiet every evening.If I were President, I'll make the teacher to reduce the schoolmates' extracurricular burden, using the class time absorb enough knowledge, in extracurricular practice them, but not limited to only let those knowledge show in the notebook. So that they can more use of their talents and create their own blue sky.If I were President, I'll hold the sports meet, festivals, karaoke contest and such activities, let classmates develop in an all-round way, become SuZhiXing talents, versatile, integrity and...If I were President, I'll ask many humorous teacher, in class, the classroom is always full of laughter, let classmates in joy through each day. The teacher is not only the classmates friends, schoolmates at school is the family, they want to listen to student careers, learn more about them, find every one of the students in Orlando.If I were President, I'll try to visit classmate of parents, active understand them and give them some love.The school is to create dreams of place, do not because of the pressure of learning and instead in the life most precious salad, if I were President, I will try to change the school, let school classmates dream really become the place to start. 假如我是校长 假如我是校长,我就会认真对待每一个同学,发现他们身上的优缺点,鼓励并以予纠正。我还会请许多优秀的老师一起联手共创美好的明天。让每个同学都拥有一个广阔的天空。 假如我是校长,我就建一个美丽的校园。校园里要有一幢高科技的教学楼,里面要有一个大型的图书馆。还要建一个宽大的草坪操场,一个像天堂般美丽的花园,一个体育设施具全的体育馆以及一些校园雕塑等。图书馆,教学楼以及体育馆的内部要连通,让学生出入更加方便些。在体育馆内,要有游泳池,篮球馆,乒乓球室,器材室等。在花园中,要用木头当支柱,周围有一排排枝藤,还有许多错综复杂的小路。在花园中间,要有一个喷水池,喷水池的周围要用一条石子小道。让同学们感到神秘却又温馨。他们会喜欢这个地方,喜欢在这里读书,听音乐,在这里安静的度过每一个黄昏。 假如我是校长,我会让老师减轻同学们的课外负担,利用课上时间吸收充足的知识,在课外去实践他们,而不仅限于只让那些知识展现在作业本上。这样他们可以更多的发挥自己的才能,创造出他们自己的蓝天。 假如我是校长,我会举办运动会,艺术节,卡拉OK大赛等活动,让同学们全面发展,变成素质型人才,多才多艺,德才兼备…… 假如我是校长,我会请很多幽默风趣的老师,在上课的时候,教室里总是充满笑声,让同学们在欢乐中度过每一天。老师不仅是同学们的朋友,更是同学们在学校的亲人,他们要倾听学生的心声,更了解他们,发现每一个同学的闪光点。 假如我是校长,我会尽量拜访同学的家长,主动了解他们,多给他们一些爱。 学校是创造梦想的地方,不要因为学习的压力而替代人生中最珍贵的青春年少,假如我是校长,我会试着改变学校,让学校真正成为同学们梦开始的地方。<原文> 可以吗?


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