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The basalts were intruded by numerous silica dykes, some of which terminate in the sedimentary layers.
silica dykes大概可以被翻为二氧化硅矿脉.

The secondary inclusions had a composition [consistent with (but not proof of) a non-biological, thermal source of methane ]that was probably introduced some time after the silica dykes were first in place.

The authors anticipate this argument and note that their primary fluid inclusions lack the higher hydrocarbons that are normally associated with the most strongly 13C-depleted thermogenic methane.

I take the data at face value.

Here, a series of organic remains has been interpreted as possibly being those of cyanobacteria.

Of these, we can identify anoxygenic phototrophs, sulphate reducers and methanogens.

But the presence of life within Earth?ˉs crust, combined with good evidence for life in surface environments,suggest that by 3.5 billion years ago the Earth was teeming with microorganisms

玄武岩由许多硅土堤闯入了 一些终止在沉淀层数
silica dykes是硅土堤

The secondary inclusions had a composition consistent with (but not proof of) a non-biological, thermal source of methane that was probably introduced some time after the silica dykes were first in place.
次要包括有构成一致与(但不是证明) 非生物, 大概被介绍某个时候甲烷的热量来源在硅土堤到位是第一之后

The authors anticipate this argument and note that their primary fluid inclusions lack the higher hydrocarbons that are
normally associated with the most strongly 13C-depleted thermogenic methane.
I take the data at face value.
Here, a series of organic remains has been interpreted as possibly being those of cyanobacteria.
Of these, we can identify anoxygenic phototrophs, sulphate reducers and methanogens.
But the presence of life within Earth¡¯s crust, combined with good evidence for life in surface environments, suggest that by 3.5 billion years ago the Earth was teeming with microorganisms.
作者期望这个论据和注意到, 他们的主要可变的包括缺乏是的更加高级的碳氢化合物
通常与相关强烈13C 被耗尽的thermogenic 甲烷。
这里, 一系列的有机遗骸的被解释了尽可能是那些cyanobacteria 。
这些, 我们能辨认anoxygenic phototrophs, sulphate 还原剂和methanogens 。
但生活出现在Earth..s 外壳之内, 与好证据结合为生活在表面环境里, suggest that by 3.5 billion years ago the Earth was teeming with microorganisms


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