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不快的童年Unhappy childhood

For most people, childhood is the happiest moment in their life. There’s only beautiful merry memory without any trouble and worries.
However, if you ask me whether I was happy in my childhood or not, I’ll tell you “No.”
For my childhood, there’s more hurt. When I was 3, I had an accident in which I almost lost my life. When I was in hospital, I could hardly stand the pain of applying or changing medicines.
Of course, I was not the only one who got hurt. My mother often fainted because of stimulus. And all my families were sad because of the accident.
The operation left an ugly scar on my back. All of these evolved into an pain in my heart over time.
I had thought when I was older, the memory would fade. But the scar remained on my back, and became bigger and bigger.
When I was in primary school, many children were always curious about it and some even made fun of me.
This cast a large shade in my heart. Only then did I realize how ugly the scar was in others’ eyes.
And since then, I have never swum or even had a bath with my friends. It remained one of my habit until I was in senior high.
I wanted to swim with them very much, but I couldn’t persuade myself. However, my mother always told me: Go swimming with your friends. That’s nothing more than a scar.
I realized what my mother said was true in the following years. That was only an obstacle made by myself.
One day when I was in senior high, maybe it was because of my mother’s persuasion or the fact that I was really old enough that I began to accept it. I went swimming and bathing with my friends. When others asked me about it, I told them openheartedly it was an accident. Until then, I found it was only I who cared about it. My friends still kept in good relationship with me. Of course they wouldn’t trick me because of it. The bad memory was left only when we were young. That was because we were thoughtless at that time. In actual fact, I was the only one who cared about the scar.
While there was such a bad experience in my childhood, it made me mature. Not every one fixes their attention on you, because everyone has their own life. When you have your trouble, face it without showing guilt or embarrassment. Don’t let the bad memory bother you. Only when you solve it, you can feel relieved.
This is my childhood. Though it didn’t make me happy, it made me mature.

Internal media

L'Oreal Group in the operations of the specialized journal, published the Group's business development, the company introduced the latest developments.

L'Oreal China do have the "Contact" magazine, L'Oreal in China within the framework of the issue of staff, played the role of information communication.

L'Oreal also includes in-house media's internal Web site. For example, L'Oreal and the Ministry of Personnel has specialized recruitment site (for internal communication, not external), a global recruitment for staff to share experiences, exchange and explore good ways to recruit and the method of management, branch recruitment work experience gained Will be here for the exchange. It also set up a special training site, in the face of global training manager for L'Oreal, the global communications staff training, annual training content will be made on the Internet. This professional communication has played a very important role. Paris and Singapore Training Center will also arrange training courses each year, and other information into the production of specialized publications or CD-ROM, sent to a global company L'Oreal.

"Internal public relations"

L'Oreal in the Public Relations Department with the "internal public relations," a special status, there are specialized personnel to be responsible for in-house staff, as well as China and the L'Oreal Paris headquarters of the communication, this model in the L'Oreal the world's passage. In-house public relations staff to communicate through research, such as satisfaction surveys to understand the company's employees, work satisfaction; organizations within the company's inter-departmental communication staff, the company has an annual budget to support a variety of special staff activities, to communicate information , To promote team-buildinTop-down communication

L'Oreal China Gaibao Luo, president of L'Oreal as the world's leading high-level, attaches great importance to staff and maintain communication in a timely manner. He often made to the employee E-mail, told employees the company's development, as well as his ideas. Gai Baoluo prefer face-to-face communication, he always maintained a very valuable habits, a new company for each employee job training, he might come with the new staff to conduct face-to-face communication for a long time. The company's head of Business Unit will also actively participate in the training of new employees to introduce the business developments, as well as new staff to answer questions.

Bottom-up communication

Staff that unfair things can be a number of channels to reflect the problem. Complaints to the Ministry of Personnel is one of the channels, the Ministry of Personnel will be cautious, careful to investigate and deal with. Employees can write anonymous letters to the president Gaibao Luo, reflecting the issue. Gai Baoluo very seriously, sometimes to the Ministry of Personnel, Ministry of Personnel in the confidential state of serious investigation.

L'Oreal have open and equal environment for communication between employees and supervisors can conduct a fair argument, although China has great respect for the higher level of staff, but L'Oreal is committed to encouraging management to communicate this way, and create a fair and active communication Atmosphere. Among the many day-to-day meeting, we will express their opinions and a very professional wisdom, acute problems will bombard the same as "throwing" to the managers of the front of their face-to-face answer. Turning to this atmosphere, both Gaibao Luo, president of L'Oreal China, or DAI Qing, director of personnel, both as L'Oreal has a "poet" as active, passionate, dare to express their views on staff and proud.

生活就这样反复又反复, 已经开始不知道为了什麼而生存下去了……
Life is such repeated and repeated, have begun to do not know what to live down...
Now write letter, is also secretly write.
In fact, when I received your letter I was adoptive mother discovered, then she just like I rob, result I only get the half, is also a portion of the...
The part she tore lousy, she still want next part, and then took a book kept hitting me on the head, really painful, painful...
As a result, I faint.
When I woke up to find, the letter has gone.
Adoptive mother took.
I am in her sleep quietly into from her room, put the letter back.
I only read the next part, part is on the don't know where to go.
Now I still do not know my dad died or not dead, uncertain of one's life, tidings none.
I wish my dad come back alive, so I don't have to be adoptive mother beaten the.
She came, I want to send this letter hide, there is time to write, goodbye.


Life is just like this over and over again. I don't know what to live for.....

Even this letter is written sneakily.

Actually, I was caught by my step-mother by the time I got your letter. She then tried to snatch it from me. Unluckily, the letter was ripped into two parts, with the bottom half in my hand and the top half in hers. She quickly tore the top half into parts and tried to get mine. I did all I could to keep my half from taken by her and she kept on hitting my head with a book. My head was really hurt....

Finally, I fainted. When I regain consciousness, I found the letter was gone, most probably taken by her....

I sneaked into her bedroom to get my letter back while she was sleeping. I could only read the bottom half, since it was the only half left.

Now I don't know whether my dad is still alive or not. There was not a single piece of news of him.
I really hope my father could come back alive. In that case I would not get beaten by my step-mother anymore.

Oops! She is coming! I need to hide the letter right now. See you next time.


life goes on as it usually be. don't know what we are living for.
i secretly wrote this letter.
Foster mother find the letter u sent me at the day i receive from you, she grab it from me, i only snag the half lower part, she tore the upper part apart then want to grab the rest in my hand. she constantly beat my head with a book, it hurts.
at last , i fainted. when i woke up, the letter was missing. she took it away.
now i am still wondering if my father is living and didn't ihear any news of him.
i really hope my father is living to come back home for saving me from being beaten.
oh, shit! she is coming. i must hide the letter. if have time, i would write to you. bye


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