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1、J.K. Rowling is the pen name she uses as a writer. The J is for Joanne, her real first name, but she prefers to be called Jo.
Apparently, people only call her Joanne when they're angry with her. The K is made up. Her publisher asked her to write using a name with two initials, but she didn't have a middle name.
Jo did a few different things before she struck upon the idea of writing children's books. She worked as a researcher and bilingual secretary for Amnesty International and as an English teacher in Portugal.
The idea for the Harry Potter novels came from nowhere while she was on a train to London. She said,"The characters and situations came flooding into my head".
2、Jackie Chan is a true action movie great. He has appeared in dozens of movies and is a screen legend. He had a simple beginning as a Chinese refugee in Hong Kong. His early yearswere, perhaps, a sign of things to come.
His parents nicknamed him ‘Pao-Pao', which means cannonball, because he had so much energy.
Chan enrolled in the China Drama Academy to study opera while still in his teens. He spent ten years there and worked part-time as a stuntman in the kung fu movie industry.
He soon earned the reputation as Hong Kong's most fearless stuntman. He moved into acting, but his first two films were both flops. He quit the movie business and moved to Australia.
3、John Winston Ono Lennon is one of the most famous musical artists ever. He shot to fame as one of The Beatles. He co-wrote most of the band's songs, the majority of which are now rock classics.
He also helped shape the social revolution of the 1960s. His solo career further elevated him as a music legend. Lennon also achieved fame as a peace activist.
Lennon was born in Liverpool in 1940. He was brought up by an aunt, who bought him a harmonica and taught him how to play the banjo.
Lennon's mother played him Elvis Presley records and he fell in love with Rock and Roll. He told his mother and aunt he would be a famous singer one day.

4、Jennifer Lopez, a.k.a. J.Lo, is a multi-talented and influential superstar. She is an actress, singer-songwriter, record producer, and dancer. She is also a very smart businesswoman and has used her fame to launch her own fashion line and perfumes.
She has upset animal rights groups by using fur. She is the richest entertainer of Latin American ancestry in Hollywood.
Lopez was born in 1969 and raised in the Bronx district of New York. She always dreamed of fame but left it quite late before she did something about it. When she was 19, she started singing and dancing lessons.
After two years, she was selected as a dancer for MTV and as a backup singer for Janet Jackson.
5、Halle Berry is an award-winning actress, fashion model, beauty queen, and businesswoman.She won a Best Actress Oscar for ‘Monster's Ball’ and a Golden Raspberry Worst Actress award forher role in ‘Catwoman’.
Berry is one of Hollywood’s highest-paid stars and earns $10 millionper movie.She has been married three times and gave birth to her first child in 2008.

高尔基【1868~1936】 of the former Soviet Union proletarian writer, the founder of socialist realism literature. He was poor, his father died young, 11-year-old is living in the community about when loader, bakeries workers, slum and terminals has become his "community" university classroom. He and working people shared their fate, and personal experience of capitalist exploitation and oppression. This thinking and creative development of his influential.
Gorky assiduous self-study and cultural knowledge, and to actively join the revolution, exploring ways to transform the reality of 1892 released maiden work "news Chu Chandra," boarded literary circles, and his early works, a complex on the two styles of realism and romanticism, which he formed before the proletarian world outlook necessarily experienced stage. Romanticism works such as "news Chu Chandra", "Iraq is Gill old" (1895), "Eagle Song" (1895), praising the love of freedom, for the bright and heroic achievements strong personality, and demonstrated the passion for fighting; Realism works such as "Qierqiashen", "having people", "Kenuo CERD", depicting the life and the suffering of the people of noble character who express their indignation and protest. This Most of the leading character of these works is to seek out new life and thinking about the meaning of life and full of intense inner conflict figures. In 1901 he created the famous Sanwenshi "Swallow Song," a symbol of danger revolutionaries give shape wind strike wave of courage Swallow to the image of revolutionary turmoil upcoming notice, and encourage people to the great fighting is a proletarian r The official denunciation of the enemy's fighting with carol by Lenin warm praise.
In 1901 he created the famous Sanwenshi "Swallow Song," a symbol of danger revolutionaries give shape wind strike wave of courage Swallow to the image of revolutionary turmoil upcoming notice, and encourage people to the great fighting is a proletarian r The official denunciation of the enemy's fighting with carol by Lenin warm praise. On the eve of the revolution in 1905, Gorky creative to the drama, 1901~1905 years, he has written the "ordinary people", The "bottom", "summer visitors", "sun children," and (barbarians "and other scripts. Especially the "public" and "end - "demonstrates real life workers with the new image of the new mental outlook, demonstrated their determination to fight for their rights And optimism, their staged in the Russian composers, raises sensational.
Gorky from 1906 novel "Mother" and the script "enemy" two most important works -- marks its Chong Reached a new peak. "mother" mold first in the history of the world literature consciously proletarian struggle for socialism Revolutionary hero image, socialist realism is the foundation for literature. Lenin affirmed its relevance. 1905 revolution failed, the United States and Italy Gorky wrote a series of political comment articles from the Western capitalist system Degrees and are in ideology, the various literary reactionary ideologies. 1908 creation novella "repent" revealed idealist God creates, the theory of thinking, serious criticism by Lenin, and the enthusiasm to help him. Nevertheless, the dominant Gorky Tendency remains positive, which is filled with a revolutionary fighting spirit. Creation of new methods of proletarian literature from the theoretical into the OK explore the many proposed combination of realism and romanticism perspective. In between his two creative revolution has yielded fruitful results. Such as "Ms. Love town" (1909), "summer (1909)," Liu Jin Wu Ke hot life "(1910~ 1911), "Italian Tales" (1911~1913), "Russia's" (1912~1917), and later completed The administration of the former two bodies novel trilogy "childhood" and "human" (1913~1916).
October Revolution after 10 years, because of poor health Gorky, Lenin and some only write on the unique artistic style writer Georgia and the value of important documents and memoirs of a self body of the final trilogy "My University" (1922~1923), "a Orta Rakhmonov's cause "(1924~1925) several films. 1921, he followed Lenin advice abroad to rest and recuperate. After returning in 1931 from 1925 onwards to create interesting Haofan so long discussions with the epic "Mr. Sum The life, "This is a unfinished works. He died in 1936 before he also wrote the "Soviet travel notes" (1929) "English - Story, "and number of peoples playwriting" Yegeer Buleiqiaofu and others "(1932)," Tuosixie Presse, and others "(1933), "Wasa Japan emergence Javier Nova" (1935), as well as a large number of literary and art theory, literary criticism and political comment article on the Marx Of artistic theory and socialist cultural undertakings made a significant contribution.
Gorky is not only a great writer, but also an outstanding community activist. He had set up the Soviet Writers Association, And presided over a congress of the Soviet Union the first writer, a literary newcomers to participate actively in the defence of the cause of world peace. Gorky's works since 1907 began introducing to China. His outstanding literary works and books bands in the world-off Class common wealth

Ray Charles

September 23, 1930 - June 10, 2004

Ray Charles has the distinction of being both a national treasure and an international phenomenon. He started out from nowhere; years later finds him a global entity.

Hundreds of thousands of fingers have hit typewriter and word processor keyboards telling and retelling his story because it is uniquely American, an exemplar of what we like to think is the best in us and of our way of life.

The Ray Charles story is full of paradoxes, part and parcel of the American Dream.

Rags to riches. Triumph overcoming tragedy. Light transcending darkness.

The name Ray Charles is on a Star on Hollywood Boulevard's Walk of Fame. His bronze bust is enshrined in the Playboy Hall of Fame. There is the bronze medallion cast and presented to him by the French Republic on behalf of its people. There are the Halls of Fame: Rhythm & Blues, Jazz, Rock & Roll. There are the many gold records and the 12 Grammys...

There is the blackness and the blindness. There was the extreme poverty; there was the segregated South into which he was born.

It is music, Ray Charles' single driving force, that catapulted a poor, black, blind, orphaned teenager from there to here.

"I was born with music inside me. That's the only explanation I know of..." he remarks in his autobiography.

"Music was one of my parts... Like my blood. It was a force already with me when I arrived on the scene. It was a necessity for me - like food or water."

"Music is nothing separate from me. It is me... You'd have to remove the music surgically."

Ray Charles Robinson was not born blind, only poor.

The first child of Aretha and Baily Robinson was born in Albany, GA, on September 23, 1930.

He hit the road early, at about three months, when the Robinsons moved across the border to Greenville, FL. It was the height of the Depression years. And the Robinsons had started out poor.

"you hear folks talking about being poor," Charles recounts. "Even compared to other blacks. . . we were on the bottom of the ladder looking up at everyone else. Nothing below us except the ground."

It took three years, starting when Ray Charles was four, for the country boy who loved to look at the blazing sun at its height, the boy who loved to try to catch lightning, the boy who loved to strike matches to see their fierce, brief glare, to travel the path from light to darkness.

But Ray Charles has almost seven years of sight memory - colors, the things of the backwoods country, and the face of the most important person in his life: his mother, Aretha Robinson.

St. Augustine's was the Florida state school for the deaf and blind. Ray Charles was accepted as a charity student.

He learned to read Braille and to type. He became a skilled basket weaver. He was allowed to develop his great gift of music.

He discovered mathematics and its correlation to music. He learned to compose and arrange music in his head, telling out the parts, one by one.

He remained at St. Augustine's until his mother's death when he set out "on the road again" for the first time as a struggling professional musician.

The road to greatness was no picnic, proverbial or literal. In fact, while earning his dues around and about Florida, he almost starved at times, hanging around at various Musicians' Locals, picking up gigs when he could.

He began to build himself a solo act, imitating Nat "King" Cole. When he knew it was time to head on, he asked a friend to find him the farthest point from Florida on a map of the continental U.S.

Seattle, WA. For Ray Charles, the turning point.

In Seattle he became a minor celebrity in local clubs. There he met an even younger musician, Quincy Jones, whom he took under his wing, marking the beginning of an inter-twining of two musical lifetimes...

It was from Seattle that he went to Los Angeles to cut his first professional recording. And it was in Seattle, with Gossady McGee, that he formed the McSon Trio -- Robin (son) and (Mc) Gee -- in 1948, the first black group to have a sponsored TV show in the Pacific Northwest.

Along the way he'd shortened his name in deference to the success of "Sugar" Ray Robinson.

As Ray Charles, he toured for about a year with Lowell Fulsom's band. He formed a group and played with singer Ruth Brown. He played the Apollo, the landmark showcase for black talent. He aspired to Carnegie Hall, then as now epitomizing the pinnacle of artistic success.

These were also the years that brought Charles the first band of his own, his first big hit record, "I Got A Woman."

By the early 1960's Ray Charles had accomplished his dream. He'd come of age musically. He had become a great musician, posting musical milestones along his route.

He'd made it to Carnegie Hall. The hit records ("Georgia," "Born to Lose") successively kept climbing to the top of the charts. He'd made his first triumphant European concert tour in 1960 (a feat which, except for 1965, he's repeated at least once a year ever since).

He'd treated himself to the formation of his first big band in 1961. In 1962, together with his long time friend and personal manager, Joe Adams, he oversaw construction of his own office building and recording studios in Los Angeles, RPM International.

He had taken virtually every form of popular music and broken through its boundaries with such awe inspiring achievements as the LP's "Genius Plus Soul Equals Jazz" and "Modern Sounds in Country & Western."

Rhythm & blues (or "race music" as it had been called) became universally respectable through his efforts. Jazz found a mainstream audience it had never previously enjoyed. And country & western music began to chart an unexpected course to general acceptance, then worldwide popularity. Along the way Ray Charles was instrumental in the invention of rock & roll.

In 1966 Thomas Thompson wrote in his profile of Ray Charles for Life:

"...his niche is difficult to define. The best blues singer around? Of course, but don't stop there. He is also an unparalled singer of jazz, of gospel, of country and western.

"He has drawn from each of these musical streams and made a river which he alone can navigate."

His music is still marked by the unpredictability that is the genius of consummate artistry.

He is master of his soul, musically and personally.

To this day he selects and produces his own recording material with utter disregard for trends. He doesn't find the time nor necessity to write as much as he once did, but what he gleans, "from the attic of my mind, " either old or new, is inevitably suprising, unique, "right."

In the past decade he has taken on George Gershwin ("Porgy and Bess"), Rodgers and Hammerstein ("Some Enchanted Evening," "Oh What a Beautiful Morning") and "America the Beautiful" -- all with resounding, if unexpected, success.

Despite his intense reticence to expose the personal portion of his life to public scrutiny, Ray Charles is as outspoken about his opinions on matters of global interest as he is about matters of music.

As a Southern Black, segregation was Ray Charles' dubious birthright. But racial tension and friction were not a part of his early rural years. At St. Augustine's the rules of segregation were strictly adhered to, both for the deaf and the blind children, a fact that even young Ray Charles found ironic.

"I knew being blind was suddenly an aid. I never learned to stop at the skin. If I looked at a man or a woman, I wanted to see inside. Being distracted by shading or coloring is stupid. It gets in the way. It's something I just can't see."

It was on the road in the 1950's that the realities of segregation, its evils, its injustices, even its ludicrous moments, became apparent to Charles and his troupe of traveling musicians.

It was a concert day in Augusta, GA that brought the issue of segregation vs. civil rights to a head for Ray Charles.

"A promoter insisted that a date we were about to play be segregated: the blacks upstairs and the whites downstairs.

"I told the promoter that I didn't mind segregation, except that he had it backwards. . . After all, I was black and it only made sense to have the black folk close to me. . . Let him sue. I wasn't going to play. And I didn't. And he sued. And I lost."

This was the incident that propelled Ray Charles into an active role in the quest for racial justice, the development of social consciousness that led him to friendship with and moral and financial support of the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. in the 1960's.

"...early on, I decided that if I was going to shoot craps on anyone's philosophy, I was putting my money on Martin Luther King Jr.

"I figured if I was going to pick up my cross and follow someone, it could only be Martin."

Despite his deep commitment to King and the cause of black Americans, Charles came to the logical conclusion that there was no place for him physically in the front lines:

"First, I wouldn't have known when to duck when they started throwing broken bottles at my head. And I told that to Martin personally.

"When he intentionally broke the law, he was hauled off to jail. And when you go to jail, you need money for lawyers, for legal research, for court fees, for food for the marchers. I saw that as my function; I helped raise money."

His awareness of racial injustice was not limited to the home front: The same years he fought the war against racial injustice in the American South found in Charles a growing awareness of racial injustice abroad, particularly the notorious policy of apartheid in South Africa.

Modest to the point of mum about his humanitarian and charitable activities, Ray Charles makes an exception for the State of Israel and world Jewry.

Among the many, the world leader Charles has most enjoyed meeting is David Ben-Gurion, with whom he had a conversation of many hours during a concert tour of Israel not long before Ben-Gurion's death.

And the award among the hundreds he claims to have touched him the most is the Beverly Hills Lodge of B'nai Brith's tribute to its "Man of the Year" in 1976.

"Even though I'm not Jewish," he explains," and even though I'm stingy with my bread, Israel is one of the few causes I feel good about supporting.

"Blacks and Jews are hooked up and bound together by a common history of persecution. . .

"If someone besides a black ever sings the real gut bucket blues, it'll be a Jew. We both know what it's like to be someone else's footstool."

But it all comes back to music, so inseparable from Ray Charles.

He keeps rolling along, doing what he does uniquely and wondrously well.

Ray Charles is a national treasure and a global phenomenon for this reason:

He is music; he is himself; he is a master of his soul.



English name:Stefanie Sun
Blood type:AB
The vital statistics:32 - 23 - 33.5
Shoe code:6 - 6.5
Educational background:The science and engineering university of Singapore Southern Asia
The most favorite musical instrument:Piano
The most favorite snack:Japanese cuisine
The most favorite sport:Swimming, tennis, billiards
The most favorite actor:Beam toward , a star , Jim Carrey
The most favorite actress:WU2 JUN such as, Kate moss, Gwyneth Paltrow, Milla Jovovich
The most frightened:Small space of the cockroach, closeness
Dislike most :Get sick, radish, papaya
The most favorite singer:Nicholas Cage
Favorite nation:Singapore
The most favorite movie:Face off
The most favorite color:Yellow
The most favorite collections:Letter
The language that excel most :English, Chinese, Teochew
The nation that went to:The United States, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong
Take the Chunghwa Telecom" portable code" business advertisement slice
2000 of the great health cotton mat year in Asia advertises the slice
2000 automobile Impreza 5 Ds of Ta-ching
Internet of the new airport is in use a speech
A speech of the diamond ring series love certificate
A speech of two quarters of winter of the autumn of 2000 of the Hang Ten dress
2001 a speech of an advertisement of every years of the hair style shape series
Lexmark row form machine 2001 years advertise a speech
The Motorola T191 cellular phone 2001 years advertise a speech
The Bobson sun- sister recreational cowboy dress series 2001 years advertise a speech
The Avon Up2u make-up series product 2001 years advertise a speech


English name:chyichin
Spend: Wolf
Living : Pig
Birthday:January 12 in 1960
The province east of Liaoning is rather the county
Livings the ground: Taiwanese Taichung
Blood type:A
: Friendly
The row go: The youngest one
Shoes number: 42 numbers
Childhood years wishes: Scientist
Grow up the wishes: Philosopher
Unforgettable affair:Fight to be punish in the infant park
The most favorite sport:Swimming, tennis, running
The most favorite musical instrument:Guitar
The most favorite color:Pure color
The most favorite snack:Hot pepper
The most favorite place: Cold( a North Pole, Hokkaido etc.)
Favorite season: Autumn winter
The clothes that favourite wear: Underwear
The most favorite clothing: Jeans, sports shoes
Favorite decoration: Ring
The most satisfied oneself: Perseverance, humble
The most dissatisfied oneself: Lateness
The matter that want most to do: Motorcycle racing
The most disgusting matter: Lose various freedom
The most favorite honeyed words: Disgusting
Affect the biggest person: Elder sister
Favorite animal: Dog, cat
The most afraid animal: Spider
The most favorite book: The book of the philosophy, such as the Yi King, the 迪 card son original 著《 I think of old times me at 》
How step into the show business turn: Were flowed out the exhumation by the spring of summer of broker
The first album record: See slip away again of she
Excel the language: Chinese, English, Taiwanese
The first time performs on the stage: Taipei far east
For the first time up of program: The fairy island of
Go abroad for the first time: 24 years old
Publishing: The boundary hand record, my heart is wild
The thing that favourite eat: Spicy pot, hot pepper( such as Szechwan the hair belly chafing dish), face the food, Japanese cuisine
Most the vegetables of the specialty: Burn the wine chicken
The thing that dislike most to eat: Liver of pig
The most favorite pileup: Motorcycle
The most favorite amusement: Camp
The most favorite collections thing: Silver
The most favorite number: 7
First love:Specialty
First love girlfriend:
The most favorite opposite sex typical model:Classicality
The most favorite person:Mother, elder sister, girl friend
The man who enjoy most :The thought is nimble, sharp-edged, such as ZHAO4 SHAO3 KANG type
The woman who enjoy most :Have a head of the long hair, thought conservative, take house as heavy, not necessarily want to be very beautiful, but must" look comfortable"
The most shameful matter:Forget the lyrics
Idol:The Robert Denirt( actor) Suzin Vega( female singer)
Biggest wishes:Complete each kind of creations, such as the book, painting, movie
The most favorite singer:John Lenon, Suzin Vega
The most favorite song:White Snake Deep Purple


1979-1981 years:Inception together Qin sings on stage in the western restaurant, expecting him to have already been engaged in music creations to belong to the folk song song breeze mostly at this time.Soon, through together the introduction enters one record company, stepping into the song publication first personal album" see slip away of she" formally.Enlist in the army namely soon.

May of 1985:After retire from the army, create" wolf" album, publish to spread the outstanding score namely, cause the attention of the movie distributor.Connect to clap several movies, be alongside of" chess champion" music satge play, unite the performance with ZHANG AI4 JIA.The next year publication"s appear and disappear" the album.Publish" rain of winter" album in 1987, result in cause a sensation.Publish" the wolf II" November.Change to walk pure rock'n'roll music breeze, cause Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, strong six joy the attention of the .

1985-1989: together Qin establish utility room, and replace together representative Taiwan go to the ALBERT building of London attend the pop music of Asia meeting.After, publish after it establishes the utility room of the first album" anniversary".

1990: Publish" the love declaration" album in February.Allow the Taiwanese general manager of EMI in September.Work the period for two years, feel the management work of the such reasonableness with his sensitive faculty of creations does not match very, so resign from this work in a determined manner.

1991-1992 beginning of years: the publication" the tender feelings doctrine" album.The first time was invite to go to big six do to cruise to return to singing performance, a Peking, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuhan, CHEN2 YANG2 of footprint, become all, heavy celebrate, etc. of Davao Islands ground, set the Taiwanese entertainer to leave for big six a farthest record of provinces of the singing performanceses.

1992: at big six cruise to return to singing performance, and publish" the trip singing performance of China" album publication" crazy 飚 ". Become number of the eastern record, start create" boundary- heartless rain is heartless" album, go to continental Xinjiang to walk a, urge the creation of" the boundary hand record".

1993: the issue" the boundary hand record", this book for together personal first book of publication of Qin, also is trip to Xinjiang of casual literary note.Combine the publication" boundary- heartless rain is heartless you" album, two days sell to break 100,000.

1994: try to explain the album of" obscure month" of Taiwanese song for the first time, and arouse the latest rock'n roll of Taiwanese song breeze, expressing again together personal special style of Qin, and at publish very short and several with in the week, hurtle to go on stage the language ranking champion throne.

1995: The publication" pain combine happiness wear" album first time dubs in background music for the film-making.Publish" last winter" movie sound track album, and participate this slice of performance.

1996: The publication" pure madrigal"," the abyss of the destiny"," the Silk Road" album, the sale breaks 1,200,000.《 Pure madrigal 》 and 《 the Silk Road 》 meet with 7 nominations of Golden Melody Awards 《 pure madrigal 》 - the best pop music sings on stage the record prize, the best record producer prize, the best dialect male sing on stage person's prize and 《 the Silk Road 》 - the best pop music sings on stage the record prize, the best record producer prize" match heaven" the best make phrase person's prize," match heaven" the best compose person's prize.

1997: The first time publishes English album 《 LONGER 》 , since 90 years with together 豫 , the band of 虹 hold" angel and wolfs"s singing performance, once more cooperate, be rated as the high level.The publication" gold from selected works", is unique to gather the country, pedestal and Englishs are the albums of the whole bodies.

1998: Shear to the long hair of a head of, with the all new image publication album 《 what I take to love you 》 a" snow area ray of light- together Qin 1998 Tibet the singing performance actual condition", the reality recorded in October 1998 at pull the singing performance actual condition that 萨 hold.This album not only complete reserved all recordings of the spot, did not do any abridge, at the same time but also attach again three suit forms of send the LIVE VCDs to appear on market with a CD, letting fan come to an a sex to collect completely.

1999: in 1999 together Qin this album was to dedicate to the oneself the bride- WANG2 ZU3 XIAN2 of future of a thick gift.Along with together the affection of Qin and WANG2 ZU3 XIAN2 is gradually stable, the sweet and natural ocean of the love overflows the at heart, so together Qin's this ZHANG XIN's album registers the songs to all have something to do with" love".Together QIN2 CHENG 's oneself is to embrace" to this century music the person pay respects" mood to manufacture this album of, among them registering 14 of classic madrigal that big , LI3 ZONG CHENG2 , WANG2 FEI , Jacky Chung of the gentleman of, , Luo wait for someone, and 5 Taiwanese song of oneself creations, be regarded as to a simple review that this madrigal of century enjoys .


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