
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

I love to watch comedy movie,because it can give us laughter,let us relax,everyday beening happy.

it is many people's dream to visit the moon which is 384400kilometers away from the earth.

as you have expected,he failed tht exam again.

there are 30 chairs in the hall, most of which are new.

my sister works in Shanghai who sends me a e-mail almost everyday

Jim set out for Canada yesterday where he had lived for two years.

1. The success can only be brought up by the positive attitude.
2. Face the difficulties bravely.
3. Self-confidnet is of great importance, so trust yourself.

1Only the correct attitude to be successful
2Brave face difficulties
3Confidence is very important to believe in yourself

Only with the correct attitude can be successful.
To be brave to face difficulties.
It is very important to be confident to trust yourself.

1. Only those who have good attitude can achieve success.
2. Face difficulty bravely.
3. Self-confidence is very important. Trust yourself.


  • 17248384928请英语高手帮我翻译几个句子(汉译英)
    屠谭妹解释:如果是阐述或对话中使用就要用过去式would, 只是一句句子就用现在式will.庆祝你的第十五个生日!celebrating the 15th birthday of yours.解释: 因文中说明是你的第xx次生日,有指定的意思,所以必须在数字前加上the. 况且本来在英语中的xxth,xxrd,xxst 所表达的次数上也必须在前面加the....

  • 17248384928懂英语的进,帮我翻译几个句子,汉译英!谢啦!
    屠谭妹英语课上,我正在用手机发短信,突然被老师发现!老师叫我马上收起手机!课后向老师道歉,保证不再使用。老师并没过多责备,只是说不能用手机是校规,希望我以后能遵守诺言 翻译如下:English classes, I was using a mobile phone and send text messages, all of a sudden the teacher was found!

  • 17248384928帮我用英语翻译几个句子好吗???
    屠谭妹1.他能举起很大很重的石头 He can hoist up a very big and heavy stone.2.他有洁癖 He has obsession in cleaniness 3.他很自恋 he has narcissism 4.他做的蛋糕很好吃 The cake he made is palatable 5.他很单纯但是很乐观,总是打碎盘子,所以工资很少 He is simple but optimistic, ...

  • 17248384928帮我翻译几个句子,翻译成英语。拜托了。
    屠谭妹For you, I am willing to dead.Because, I only want to love you quietly.No matter, what time which kind of hurt you suffer You have me,will never leave.

  • 17248384928帮我译个句子(汉译英)
    屠谭妹foam early, pass away with the breeze.Lost love, can't make up.The abyss of time of love, who believe Love of more deep, hate of more deep, harm of more painful I am malicious to love malicious love you, I am malicious to hate malicious hate you.电脑翻译的,仅供参考.

  • 17248384928帮我翻译几个英语句子
    屠谭妹我们教室前面有个花园 【原文翻译】There is a garden in front of our classroom 我从学英语中,获得了很大乐趣 【原文翻译】I am from studying in English, has obtained fun greatly 看!他正在做家庭作业 【原文翻译】See! He is doing the homework 剧院在邮局的对面 【原文翻译】The theater ...

  • 17248384928帮忙翻译几句初二的英语句子 (汉译英)
    屠谭妹Beijing is the famous city with long history and culture,where there are many beautiful and old place.The Forbidden City is the oldest palace which have been protected best.The Summer Palace once was a garden of royalty,so beautiful.The Great Wall is so grand and Tian'an Men ...

  • 17248384928翻译三个英语句子
    屠谭妹你好!希望我的回答对你有所帮助!1 Don't cough more than you can help。能不咳,就不咳。2.he has better sense than be carried away by success。这我不可能告诉你了(本意为:与被胜利冲昏头脑相比他更有理性)3.a small shift in the heat of the ocean will set in motion a ...

  • 17248384928懂英语的进,帮我翻译几个句子,汉译英!
    屠谭妹: English class, I was using a mobile phone and send text messages, all of a sudden the teacher was found! Teacher told me to put away the phone right away! After-school teacher to apologize to ensure that no longer use. Too many teachers not to blame, but said that the ...

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