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Great changes have taken place since our country was founded 60 years ago. In the past we lived in the small and old houses and now we move into new broad ones which are more than one hundred square meters. At the same time, many families have own their new cars.

Besides, our country hosted the 29th Olympic Games successfully in 2008 and we took the first place in winning gold medals. Another inspiring event was that the Shenzhou Ⅶ was sent into space smoothly, which shows our scientific research get great achievements.

We are very happy and proud of all these achievements. I am sure our country will become even stronger and richer. I love our motherland very much. Let’s work hard to make contribution to our country in the future.

Film or book, which do you prefer?
Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original.

Some of us think that it is better to see the film than to read the book in the original. The reason is that it takes less time to understand the whole story. Besides, the film is usually more interesting, and it is easier to follow.
Some others have just the opposite opinion. They think that they can get more detailed information from the original. Meanwhile, the language in the book is possibly more lively and beautiful.
Personally, I agree with the second view. Actually I have more reasons for it. I think I can stay at home, reading quietly in a situation of my own, and what's more, I am able to better understand the author's ideas. In a word, to read the original work is better than to see the film based on it.



Ⅳ 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 基础写作(共1小题,满分15分)
内 容:公共场所禁烟
目 标:所有室内公共场所无烟
措 施:张贴禁烟标志
(2)分 布:男性75%;女性:25%

二手烟:second-hand smoke
第二节 读写任务(共1小题,满分25分)
In junior high school, one of my classmates, Eithan, was addicted to TV. This boy simply knew everything about such pop shows as Who’s the Boss?
Then one day Ethan’s mother made him an after in order to draw him back to his school subiects. She promised that she would give him $200 if he could go a full month without watching any TV. None of us thought Ethan could do it, but he did quit TV. His mom paid him $200. He went out and bought a TV, the biggest he could find.
In recent years, hundreds of schools have carried out experiments with paying kids with cash for showing up or getting good grades. All school kids admire this trend. But it upsets adults. Teachers say that we are rewarding kids for doing what they should be doing of their own will.Psychologists warn that money can actually make lies perform worse by making the act of learning cheap. The debate has become a typical hattle over why our kids are not learning at the rate they should be despite decades of reforms and budget increases.
Last weekend ,I had an interview with eye-doctor Professor Wang about our country primary and middle student's short-sightedness.It is said that slightly more than 50% students,which ranks the No.1 in the world, are short-sighted.Professor Wang said the reason of short-sightedness is complicated and three is still no cure for short-sightedness.He suggestedthat we should not overuse our eyes and do more outdoor exercises.What's more,since the holding of pen has something to do with the short-sightedness,we need to pay attention to using the pen.
In order to be hugged or photographed by tourists, koalas do not have enough sleeping, which makes them angry. And now the government forbids the touriststo take photo with the koalas
Should tourists take photos with animals?
Koalas in wildlife parks can’t fall asleep because tourists keep disturbing them. The government is thinking to make the tourists’ behaviour illegal to protect the animals.
When people are visiting wildlife parks, they like to take photographs with animals. Reasons for this are varied. Some people may think taking photos with animals are funny in contrast with taking photos with other persons. Others may think that it will be an interesting experience to take photos with animals during their visit.
I don’t agree if it is announced illegal to take photos with animals. Tourists pay for tickets to visit the wildlife park and it will be a pity for them if they can’t have a photo with an animal. Perhaps wildlife park can set some special time, during this time, tourists can take photos with animals. It can both satisfy tourists and protect the animals.

Shooting, originated as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. The sport first appeared in 1896, but none were contested during the 1904 and 1928 Games. The sport returned to the Olympics in 1932. Women were first allowed to compete in the Olympic shooting in 1968. The sport has grown steadily from just three shooting events at the 1896 Olympic Games to 17 today.
2.读写任务(写题目是”Preparing Myself for College Life”的发言稿:150词左右)
Mike said it was tough to accomplish the general adjustment but he began to enjoy himself after that due to various activities. He advised freshmen to be active in order to make new friends.
As far as I am concerned, I’m preparing to enter a university and leaving the high school where I’ve been studying for three years. I really had a great time in this school where I grew from a na?ve kid to a grown-up. I think I will absolutely miss my life here and miss every single person that I met here. But in the meantime, I am looking forward to my new life in the college. I sometimes daydream that maybe I’ll bump into a handsome boy, have fire friendly roommates and be taught by a group of fabulous teachers. It would be wonderful if this ideal daydream come into reality!

Last week, we did a survey among 2,600 students on “Who Is Your Idol”. The survey shows that half of the girls choose film and TV stars as their idols, while 48% of the boys favor sports stars. As the data shows “parents” ranks the second for the girls, but the fourth for the boys. However, the percentage of the boys choosing “great figures” is the same as that of the girls. As for myself, Thomas Edison is my idol, because his inventions have greatly changed our life.
Dear Daddy,
Tonight is your 50th birthday, and I haven’t really got the chance to say all of my thanks I want to tell you. I read your letter you wrote to me when I was born 18 years ago. You gave me the name “Ari” and hoped I would be brave and responsible to the sociality. I was so moved by your deepest love to me. And I love you too Daddy.
When I was a primary school student, you always encouraged me to do well in school and each evening. I was asked to present at least one new thing I had learned that day. You told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be, as long as I got good grades and continued my education.
Thanks for supporting me over the last 18 years of my life. I wish you a healthy body and a happy life. Love,
2006年广东英语高考范文:书面表达——描述今昔通讯方式的变化, 以及这些变化给人们生活带来的影响(100词左右)
People used to communicate with each other through letters and public phones. But nowadays they use mobile phones and the Internet instead. This change in communication has good effects on our life and work. Compared with letters and public phones, mobile phones and the Internet are faster and much more convenient. If you miss your grandmother, you just take out your phonhe and say "hello" to her. If you want to place an order with a foreign company, you can e-mail the message, It’ll be a matter of minutes before you get their reply. Aren’t we living in a smaller world?


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