以“你感冒了吗?”为题写一篇英语作文,并写出应该和不应该做什么,就是八年级2单元的Section B的3C那题

来自:补身    更新日期:早些时候

I am very sorry to hear that you were ill and were in hospital.now
how is it going ?is your illness serious?has the doctor given your some
advice?now what you have to do is take the medicine on time and follow
the doctor's advice,we are learning some new subjects,they aren't very
difficult,I think that you needn't worry about your study,when you get
back,our classmate will help you to catch up with others? on
Saturday,wewill go to the hospital to see you


I have got a cold and a high fever so I went to see the doctor. The doctor looked me very carefully and gave me some medicine. So I should take the medicine three times a day. Drink much more hot water and eat enough vegetables and fruit. I should stay in bed and have a good rest.I should drink hot chicken soup. I shouldn't do exercise. 我感冒了并发烧。因此我去看了医生。医生给我做了仔细的检查并看了些药。我应该每天吃三次药。多喝热水并吃足够的蔬菜、水果。我应该躺床上好好休息,喝热鸡汤,不应该锻炼。

if you get a cold, you'd better drink a lot of hot water and have a good rest. You can put some ginger into your water. it helps you become healthy quicker. You can also have some medicine. Don't have the wrong pills. before you have them, You should ask your parents or the doctor. If you have a bad cold, i suggest that you go to the hospital and ask for suggestion from the doctor

Dear Mr.Smith.I'm sorry I can't go to school today.I got a cold and felt very tired yesterday,so I went to see a doctor.He told me to stay at home to have a good rest and take medicine on time.So I ask for two-day leave.As soon as I feel better,I will go to school at once and follow the study.
Thank you

To Emily,
Hi,Emily,I know you're sick,and I know you feel not good.You should pay attention to rest and take medicine on time.Please take good care of the body.Good luck!



I have got a cold and a high fever so I went to see the doctor. The doctor looked me very carefully and gave me some medicine. So I should take the medicine three times a day. Drink much more hot water and eat enough vegetables and fruit. I should stay in bed and have a good rest.I should drink hot chicken soup. I shouldn't do exercise. 我感冒了并发烧。因此我去看了医生。医生给我做了仔细的检查并看了些药。我应该每天吃三次药。多喝热水并吃足够的蔬菜、水果。我应该躺床上好好休息,喝热鸡汤,不应该锻炼。

以“你感冒了吗?”为题写一篇英语作文,并写出应该和不应该做什么,就是八年级2单元的Section B的3C那题视频

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