我的宠物小仓鼠的英语作文 40字(简单)

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我的宠物小仓鼠的英语作文 80字~

Now popular support hamster ah! Why does it pop? Because of its small size and easy to take care of! It is also very clean and simple! Of course! To spend money than the cost of a rabbit or a cat and small dog Duola, the cat is always called in the middle of the night, people could not sleep. Dale Xie rabbit taste, bad people. As for the dog, we generally do not have the time to bring it out Wanba? Hamsters can carry up. Long and very cute. We hamster to support it!
Hamsters are stout-bodied, with tails much shorter than body length, and have small furry ears, short stocky legs, and wide feet. Their thick, silky fur, which can be long or short, can be black, grey, white, brown, buff, yellow, "sapphire" or red depending on the species, or a mix of any of those colors.

Dog is my favorite pet,because they are cute and intelligent.People all know that dog is our friend,they can help us do a lot of things,and we can trust them because they are loyal.So i like dog very much.

It body was encased in a white "quilted jacket", and the middle there is a ray of grey arc, two big, HeiLiuLiu eyes, a pair of little ears, a small incarnadine nose, and a lovely small mouth. I just bought it also thin, but now, it has become a little overweight, ha ha. It was eccentric, said it naughty good play is really around, otherwise how could not climb up all day is to climb down, didn't stop like, just want to let I picked it out, then follow it to play; Say it is alert to it, is really ah, it in bed, if you hear a little action, will go first to the cage door to look at, until it saw nothing, it went back to sleep; Say it timid, it is really ah, it is eat, if someone to touch it, it will panic, hurriedly ran back to the cage, ha ha, it cute?; Say it's clever, is really ah, one time, I forget to take the things to eat it, and in the evening, it actually oneself ran to the kitchen to find things, and I have been looking for a long time also could not find it and, in that afternoon, my mother into the kitchen unexpectedly to see that it took a leaf vegetables with relish to eat, I wonder to father said, "come and see ah, small hamster running kitchen eating vegetables," mouse mouse like understand my words, turned to look at me, as if to say "I come here to eat vegetables very strange?" Ha ha, small hamster is very cute!
它全身披着一件白色“棉袄”,中间有一线灰色的弧线,两只大大的,黑溜溜的眼睛,一对小得可爱的耳朵,一个小小的肉色鼻子,还有一张可爱的小嘴巴。我刚买时它还瘦瘦的,可现在,它已经变成一只小胖墩了,呵呵。 它的性格古怪,说它调皮好玩吧 的确是吖,要不怎么会整天不是爬上就是爬下,没停似的,就想让我把它抱出来,然后跟它玩;说它警惕吧,的确是啊,它在睡觉时,要是听到一丁点动静,都会先走到笼门前望来望去,直到它看见没什么事,它才回去睡觉;说它胆小吧,的确是啊,它在吃东西时,要是有人去碰它一下,它就会惊慌失措,连忙跑回笼子里,呵呵,可爱吧;说它聪明吧,的确是啊,有一次,我忘了拿东西给它吃,到了晚上,它居然自己跑去厨房找东西,我找了很久也找不到它,就在那天下午,我妈妈进厨房时居然看见它拿着一叶菜津津有味的吃着,我惊奇的对爸爸说“快来看啊,小仓鼠跑来厨房吃菜啦”小鼠鼠好像听懂了我的话,转过头望着我,好像在说"我来这吃菜很奇怪吗?"呵呵,小仓鼠很可爱吧!

My hamster
I have a little hamster. And it is vevry cute.Hamster has a short tail and a small furry ears, a short legs.Hamster has soft fur.It can be black, white, grey, brown or golden. When it sleeped, it is like a ball.Is my hamster cute and lovely?

My pet hamster
My family had a hamster, black and white, it is very cute, eat rat food. Touch it with feeling, it loves biting cage, often use the cage to teeth. When you eat will sit down with food, I very love my hamster


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我的宠物小仓鼠的英语作文 40字(简单)视频




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