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痴情 用英语怎么说?要 形容词!~

spoony: [ 'spu:ni ]
adj. 痴情的
The two brothers were both spoony with Mary.
1. 史弟俩都痴情地爱着玛丽。

1. His infatuation with her lasted six months.
2. This is only a passing infatuation, not to be taken too seriously.
这仅仅是一时的恋情, 不必过於认真.

Girls sure admitted to the university in Tokyo, after a person lives in Tokyo. Began to live in the apartment apartment, surprises room wall there is a small hole. The holes seem to be able to see through to the next room, try to secretly looked at. On the other side of the hole is deep red. Next to the room will be put up red paper and held such ideas of female college students the next day the next day so peep the holes. No matter what you see is always is red, right next to the room is very care about female college students to ask the landlord of the apartment. "My room is what kind of man who lived next door?" The landlord answer "where do you live next to the room with an eye infection!"

warm, hug, smile 望采纳噢~




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