
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

The marketing department is working on new strategies to improve the company's share of the market.







Where is your book?
3.Please take this coat to your brother.
Your backpack is on the desk.
Where is her cat and dag?

83 he is a busyman,so he rarely has the opportunity to have a good holiday.
84 hut;[英] linhay;shanty
85搁置put off; put on the shelf we put the thing off for the time being。
86要求demand; require;claim ,
claim compensation for the losses; claim for indemnification;要求赔偿损失
action for indemnity;要求赔款的诉讼
points of claim;要求要点action for retrial;要求再审的诉讼
invitation to tender招标 submission of tender投标Bid 投标
The company required for building of competitive bidding.
87she showed no due attachment to the music 。
88 女装 dress 男装 men'sclothing
89有什么造成be caused by\the result of,
The lightning was caused by clouds releasing。

83.He is a busy person who rarely has the chance to go on holiday.
85.Let's put this to a side for the time being.
86.This company wants competitive bidding for the house-building project.
87.She did not show the ability she should have to appreciate good music.
88. women's men's wear/clothing
89.Lightning is a result of electricity released by clouds.

83.He is a busy man, rarely had the chance to take a holiday

85.We'll leave the matter as it
86.The company required to build the housing project competitive bidding
87.She is on good music showed no appreciation
88.women's dress men's clothing
89.Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity

85 Let's leave this thing alone for a while.
86 This company required that the house-building project should have a competitive bidding.
87 She didn't show the ability of appreciation of good music as she should be.
88 women's dress, men's dress
89 Flash is caused by the electricity released by cloud.

He is a busy man, rarely had the chance to take a holiday


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