
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

Something newIt's Sunday today,in the moring the weather is so warm.But at night,the weather will be rainy,I'm sorry to hear the weather report.Time goes by,tomorrow we will go to school and study.I must study hard,it's important for our life.Another thing that I found very happy is I can meet all the classmates,there are smile on you and my face.All of us is from different school,but a new friendship is build between you and them from now. 新的开始今天是周日,晨曦的太阳是那么的温和。但,夜幕降临,天公又要哭泣了。我听到天气预报后十分失望。时间飞逝,明日又要重赴校园学习了。我没别的选择,只能努力学习,对我以后的幸福生活是有帮助的。另一件有趣的事是我又能和同学重逢在校园,你我的脸上仍挂着微笑。所有的我们都来自五湖四海。但,新的友谊就在你我之间建立了。

参考1:Sat., Feb.6 Fine later cloudy A book ex你好bition Dropped in at National Library to see the National Book Ex你好bition w你好ch will close today.Suprised at the fact that so many kinds of books are published in our country.Thought the c你好ldren"s books with many pages of colorful illustrations were made very nicely.Bought a copy of the C你好nese version of English and American Short Stories at a 20 per cent discount.Am going to read t你好s through in t你好s good season for reading. 书展 信步走到藏书楼看即将在今日结束的天下册本。惊奇的是发明我们国家竟至出书了这么多种的册本。我觉得富有多页彩色插图的小童册本印刷的相当精彩。我买了一本打八折的《英美短篇小说》中文版。我要在这念书的好季节里将它读完

参考2:October 2 2010 Yesterday is National Day"s.It was a fine day yesterday, so my friends and I went 你好king to a mountain. It was a good trip at the beginning but somet你好ng unexpected happened on the half way. One of my friends suddenly felt a terrible pain in 你好s stomach and he couldn"t move any further. Nobody knew what to do. One girl tried to call her mum with her mobile phone but there was no signal in the mountain area. Luckily we brought a tent with us. We put it up and let 你好m rest in it. He took some medicine. Then he drank some water, and ate some food. After a w你好le, he felt much better and we walked on. We all enjoyed ourselves on the top of the mountain. 昨天是国庆节,天气很好,所以我跟几个朋友去登山。开始的时候旅途很愉快,但是半路上发生了意外。我的一个朋友俄然觉得胃疼,他一步也走不了了。没有人知道该怎么做,有个女人试图给妈妈打telephone,但是多山地区没有旌旗灯号。幸运的是我们随身携带带着了一个帐幕,我们把帐幕打开,让他躺在上边。他吃了一些药,又喝了一些水,吃了点工具。过了一会,他感觉许多多少了,我们又继续前行。当我们到达山顶的时候,大家都很是开心。你可以去这搭看看,把月份儿改了就好了· http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=82417642&fr=ala0

参考3:July 6 2009It was the first day of our summer holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do t你好ngs we love to do. We are free.Although we have some homework. But we can finish them in several days. And the rest time we can make good use of. My god! We have been very tired after hard studying. In winter holidays, I want to have full sleepand eat good food in order to replenish myself. Last but not the least, I will have a good rest.这是熬头天,我们的暑假。我们大家都很是开心。为啥子?由于我们有一个月的事我们都爱做的事。我们很空暇.虽则我们有一些作业。但是,我们可以完成他们的若干天。剩下的时间我们可以好好哄骗。我的天主!我们已经很疲惫后很难进修。在冬季假期,我希望能有充实的很好吃的食品,以增补自己。最后但并不是最不重要,我会好好休息。

英文:Winter has started,I live in many ofthe plan,want to have a happy and enrich the wintervacation,I made awintervacations chedule life.
1firsttoconscientious,CEOoftheteacherassignedhomeworkfinishedlength.Iintendtousethetendaysalltheworkfinished,sointhenexttimecanhavehad,carefree.2inthewintertoseeoneortwogoodbooks.Bookscanbroadenmyhorizons,knowledge,tomanythings.3duringtheSpringFestival,IwillHeHeMeiMeiandfamilytohavegoodSpringFestival,andadulttogetheronNewYear'seve,keepawaytheoldorientation,rooster,dog.IntheSpringFestival,Iwillgotograndpa'sgrandmother,uncleauntandfriends,wishingtheminNewYearhealth,happinessandprosperity! 不好意思,没有空行= =望采纳4afterSpringFestival,Iwanttoseeintheremainingdaysofthebook,consolidatetheknowledge.A:it'sabeautifulandfullofsummer!

It was the most significant National Day,to be honest.At the beginning of the holiday,I looked back what I learned in the class and finished my homework carefully,then,I made a interesting and meaningful plan for my rest holiday.The first thing I did was doing cleaning for my house,and learned to make a delicious dish for my hard-working parents,Secondly,I did something voluntary for the area I live,to help the old,and sweep the surrounding yards,
Last but not least,I went to the city museum and after that I gained a lot of useful imformation in the library,I still believe "practice makes perfect",everyone will succeed if he try his best
翻译:说实话,这是对我来说最有意义的一个国庆节了,在这个假期的开头,我首先回顾了在课堂上所学的知识以及完成了所有的功课,接着,我制定了一份有趣而又有意义的假期计划,我做的第一件事就是大扫除以及学着做一份美味的菜肴以慰劳我辛勤工作的父母, 第二件事情就是我在小区里做了一些志愿工作, 帮助那些老人,以及打扫附近的 院子,最关键的是,我去参观了城市博物馆,而之后我在图书馆获取了许多有用的讯息。我坚信,“百炼成钢”,人人都会成功假如他尽全力的话

The national day has finally reached, I've been waiting it for so long. Of course, one thing that I liked most about the national day is the long holiday. However, national day is also a significant day for my country, it marked the success that the country had achieved. During the holiday time, I will finish all my homework and do some revision on the subjects that I am not really good at. Then, I will have some entertainment time as I always believe in one sentence-"work hard,play hard"



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