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Last summer I went to Paris with my parents. I was very excited and happy.
Since we don't speak French, we joined a tour to Paris. It last a week.

We visited the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, Palace Louvre and Palace Versailles. I like palace Louvre most because I saw Da Vinci's the Last Supper there. I also liked the Eiffel Tower because we could see most part of Paris at the top.

We also sightsee many churches. Honestly, seeing church after church bored me to no end.
The trip was mostly enjoyable. I promise myself to go back to Paris again. Next time, I am going to stay longer and will not join a tour. Paris is such a big city that I want to take a closer look.
That trip was a memorable one!

From October 1 to October 7, 2012, my parents and I went to Paris. The trip was organized by a group. I visited a lot of places of interests in Paris, for example, the Eiffel Tower. The French people were very romantic. So is their language. The French language that I heard was pleasant to the ear. It made me feel happy. I also tasted a lot of French food and bought some souvenirs. Not only have I experienced an unforgettable trip to Paris, but also I have picked up some French.


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