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He Fei Zoo lies in the southeast of Shu Mountain. You can see various animals and birds there, such as tigers,lions,wolves, deer and beautiful birds. The animals can run in the zoo freely while visitors are watching them at the long overpass at the moment.

protect wild lifeIt is well known that wild animals are in danger of dying out.There are many reasons for animals dying out,but the most important one is the part that humans have played.First many animals are killed for food.People enjoy eating them and feel taste very delicious.Second,many of the places where these animals used to live have been destroyed.For example,people cut down the rainforests where they live without mercy.Forests have been cleared.Third,the laws haven't been made.So ,with the development of technology,much beautiful habitats have been used foy building.As a result,we should take action to protect wild animals.Firstly,the laws must been made by the government and they can call on people from all over the world to protect the wildlife.It is useful to achieve our dreams.Secondly,we should do something such as stopping people from hunting,setting up nature reserves,raising money to help them.As a high school students,we are supposed to refuse to eat wildlife animals and try our best to plant some tress that can protect their environment.In sum,animals are our friends.It is our duty to protect them.We must let them live happily in the future.EXPERTS are appealing for the establishment of natural reserves for wild animals in SZ as more than 340 species have been found living in the city so far.It is released that of the total,there are 250 species of birds,half of which live in SZ year-round,accounting for one-fifth among the country's total.Evidence of about 33 kinds of rare animals such as spoonbills and macaques have also been spotted in the city.Observers say that the discovery of so many rare species serves as a proof of the effective efforts by locals to protect the natural environment.Experts urged local authorities to create a more comfortable living environment to protect these wild animals.

Animals are humans' friends all the time,and they are very important to human beings.Caged animals must be very sad since they should be free as humans.As a result,we need to take steps to protect our friends.Firstly,we are supposed to take good care of animals and prevent those bad people from catching,killing and eating animals without limit.Secondly,we teenagers should do more helpful things to make a contribution to protect animals.In a word,as long as we make our effort,the situation will be better and our good friends will be happoer than before.


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    宣绍印13. 动物展示区主要展示云南及中国西部的物种,特别是滇金丝猴、亚洲象、小熊猫、绿孔雀等,采用大群体散放式养殖和展示,增强了游客与自然的亲近感。关于昆明云南野生动物园的更多信息,可以访问:https:\/\/www.abcgonglue.com\/ask\/d335261615697948.html?zd查看更多内容。

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