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帮忙写篇英语作文 150词左右~

Writing Content
1. Summarized the contents of points short of the 50 words about some of the words:
2. On the "care of persons with disabilities," published on the subject of your opinion, at least the following content elements, that part of the number of words about 100 words:
a. to your knowledge or understanding of the disabled, for example, outlined the difficulties facing persons with disabilities and their achievements muddy:
b. examples of how people care and help for the disabled, what deficiencies exist:
c. appeal to everyone to care and help people with disabilities
Questions added:. June 27,2000 date is the birth of Helen Keller's 120th anniversary and her birthday each year fail to be recognized as a deaf blind awareness to weeks of weeks. In memory of Helen Keller deaf and blind, and other community members, this week committed to deaf blind. last week in June each year in the middle of our commitment to deaf and blind people recognized the issue. When deaf blind awareness to the purpose of the Fu Zunjing week to Helen Keller, the birth of a little deaf bilnd women
This is the translation

sometimes,people like to go out to marketplace or supermarkt for shoping in weekend or holiday, because at that time, business like making promotion for selling.
Shopping is one of my pastimes. My classmates and I go shopping when we finish our homework on Sunday. I like shopping, not because I want to buy something,but because I want to know what are the new products in the markets. I am the so called"window shopper."
From my experience, I notice that well-furnished department stores are most welcomed by customers, because people’s income are higher than ever, they are pretty choosey.

the different ways of tavel
Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective. It makes you come into contact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies. Travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature.
Travelers can choose different modes of travel which have advantages and disadvantages. Air travel is the fastest but also the most expensive. Buses and trains tavel is less expensive, but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable. Ships travel provide you with comfort unless you get seasick. If you are a environmentlist,you can try Eco-travel, by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.

Self-confidence Is a Key to success

Enrolled in Harvard as a genius, quit from Harvard as a crazy man, became a billionaire in his first thirty… Bill Gates showed an example of how to make success by self-confidence. As far as I concerned, self-confidence is the fundamental element of being successful for giving people the courage to face difficulties, and for making people to be self-made person.

Giving people the courage to face difficulties is a very important factor to success. When we have problem, maybe we are feared to keep going, we want to quit. That’s why we need confidence, and why we are divided to different part, successful and unsuccessful.

Equally important is self-confidence could make people to be self-made person. Whenever facing difficulties, self-made person could always find a way out, they could always solve problems independently, and they could always encourage their teammates.

Eventually, “you know some birds are not meant to caged, their feathers are too bright.” I believe it can be a conclusion of my point – Self-confidence is a key to success.


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