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Every has some good friends. I also have many friends. From darcare to grade 4 in primary school, I have met so many people and still keep connection with most of them. And we find we have so much same interest while we study and play together. At the same time, I learn much from my friends. For example, when I meet a difficult problem, I can ask my friend to discuss the solution if I already try very hard. Friendship is so important that I should always improve my language skills and make more friends. Hope every one will become my friend one day.


你要学会放弃, You must learn to give up,
你要知道你的选择对象还没有出现, you must know you lover didn't show up yet,
要考虑将来, think about the future,
目光要放远一些, make your vision more far,
这只是你生活中的一个小插曲, that was only part of your life,
要走的路还很漫长.你根本就不需要在乎她, your path is so long, you not need to care about her,
你要知道她并不是一个好女孩, you know that she is not a very good girl,
难道你忘记了她以前对你做的一切了吗?Do you forget all the things she do to you?
为了她牺牲这么多你根本不值得.It was useless to gave up all the things for her.
要学着做个男人,learn to be a man,
别再傻了. don't be foolish,
你要坚强, you had to be strong,
放弃也许会让你变成成功男人,give up might make you become a man,
相信自己, believe yourself,
加油! cheer up!

你要学会放弃, you need to learn to let it go
你要知道你的选择对象还没有出现, you should know that the choosen target hasnt showed up yet
要考虑将来, need to consider about the future
目光要放远一些, look further
这只是你生活中的一个小插曲, it is only a
要走的路还很漫长.你根本就不需要在乎她, the road is far away to go, you should not care about her in deed.
你要知道她并不是一个好女孩, you should know she is not a good girl.
难道你忘记了她以前对你做的一切了吗? dont u forget the thing she did to you before?
为了她牺牲这么多你根本不值得. its not worth to sacrifice so much for her
要学着做个男人, need to learn how to be a man
别再傻了. dont be foolish
你要坚强, you should get stronger
放弃也许会让你变成成功男人, perhaps giving up would makes you become a successful man.
相信自己, trust yourself
加油! cheer up (add oil~~haha)

You'd better learn to let go the wrong one.
The right one has not show up yet.
Keep your chin up.Looking forward to a brighter future.
You should try widening your horizon.
She 's only an interlude of your life.
You have a rather long life before you.
That's why you do not need to care much about her.
You know,besides,she's not a perfect one too.
Think about all that she has done to you.
It is not worthy of your sacrifice for her.
It's time for you to learn to be a man.
Be wise! OK?
Be strong as a man should be.
Just let it go,you might become a true man for this.
Trust your own judgement
Cheer up


You should learn to let go.
You should know that your girl of destiny has not yet shown up.
Consider your future,
and look upon the horizon.
This is only an interlude in your life.
The way in front of you is still long.And you don't need to care about her at all.
You should know she's not a nice girl.
Have you forgotten what she has done to you?
It's worthless for you to sacrifise so much for her.
Learn to be a man.
And don't be stupid any longer.
You'd be strong.
It'll make you a successful man if you let go.
Believe yourself,
and try your best!


You should learn to let it go

because your best choice has not shown up yet

You need to consider your future

and make wise decisions

This is just an incident in your life.

There is still a long way to go, so forget her.

She is not worth it.

How can you forget what she did do you?

Have you forgotton your sufferings for her?

It's just not worth it.

You should learn to be a real man.

Don't be silly,

you should cast away all your fragility.

A wise choice will bring you success.

Trust yourself.

Cheer up!


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