
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

I love you.
they eat rice.
we play football.
she likes musci.
he drinks milk.

I buy fruit.
you watch a film.
Tom does his homework.
we hate him.
she waters the flowers.

I love you. (主语和宾语都可以换, He loves her, she loves him.你懂吧..)
She likes music. (music可以换成很多别的东西,像 movie, sports,)
Mike is having his breakfast. (Mike换很多人. Jimmy, Damon, Rendy, breakfast可以换午餐lunch或者晚餐supper等等)
Jack went to school.(同样Jack可以换别的人名, Erik, Lily,school也可以换成别的地点, park, museum, church等等)
I am a boy.
She is a girl.
Tom is playing football. (football可以换别的球类, basketball, baseball, volleyball等等)
He hates her. (这个主语宾语随便换, she hates him, I hate her. I hate him..等等)
Amy broke the rules.
I caught a cold.
主谓宾结构为一种文法的语序,即语法顺序为 主语— 谓语— 宾语的结构,像英文的"I eat apples"就是一个例子,在此范例中I为主词(主语,人),eat为动词(谓语动词),apples为名词(宾语,物)。所以也可以理解为两物(或一人一物)一动作为主谓宾结构。其主要内容是表示简单的句子,在英语中很常见。虽然使用主谓宾结构的语言在事实上没有使用主、宾、谓结构的。但是语言种类多,且许多 克里奥尔语都使用主谓宾结构为主要语序。
句子成分:组成句子的各个部分叫 句子成分。英语句子成分有主语 .谓语 .表语 .宾语 .宾语补足语 .定语 .状语等。顺序一般是主语,谓语 .宾语 ,宾语补足语,而表语、定语、状语的位置要根据情况而定。

1 He arrived yesterday.
他昨天到达 。主谓结构。时间状语 yesterday
2 The boy is crying loudly.
3 She died in 2000.
她死于2000年 主谓结构。状语介词短语in 2000
4 The man disappeared in the street.
那个人在街上消失了。主谓结构。介词短语in the street 做状语
5 I like music.
6 She wanted some help
她需要一些帮助。主谓宾。名词短语some help做宾语
7 I slept well last night.
昨天晚上我睡的很好。主谓。副词well last night做状语
8 I built a house last year.
去年我建了所房子。主谓宾。A house 做宾语
9 I bought a computer in the street yesterday
昨天我在街上买了台电脑。主谓宾。A computer做宾语。In the street yesterday 做状语
10 Tom often swims in the river
汤姆常常在河里面游泳。主谓。介词短语in the river做状语
11 My sister works in that factory.
我的姐姐在那个工厂工作。主谓。介词短语in that factory做状语
12 The sun is rising.
13 They know him.
14 He enjoys listening to music.
他喜欢听音乐。主谓宾。动名词短语listening to music做宾语
15 My watch has stopped.
16 It is snowing hard.
17 My grandma coughed all night.
我的奶奶咳嗽了整个晚上。主谓, 时间副词all night做状语
18 She was cooking.
19 I found a box just now .
刚才我找到一个盒子。主谓宾,名词a box做宾语,just now做状语
20 Kate described the picture.
凯特描述了那些图片。主谓宾,名词the picture做宾语
21 I hate to go there.
我讨厌去那里。主谓宾,不定式to go there做宾语
22 He remembered telling you.
他记得告诉过你。主谓宾,动名词短语telling you做宾语
23 His aunt will come.
24 The farmer works very hard.
那个农民工作的很努力。主谓,副词短语very hard做状语
25 The flowers need watering.
26 We usually watch TV on Saturday evening.
我们通常在星期六晚上看电视。主谓宾,名词TV做宾语,介宾短语on Saturday evening做状语
27 She has cleaned the room.
她已经打扫了那个房间。主谓宾,名词the room做宾语
28 He liked collecting stamps.
29 他喜欢集邮。主谓宾,名词短语collecting stamps做宾语
30 Both of them work in the school library.
他们两个人都在学校图书馆工作。主谓宾。介词短语in the school library做宾语
31 Kate is running fast.
32 The ship moves slowly.

33 He wanted two boxes of watches.
他要了两盒的火柴。主谓宾,名词性短语two boxes of watches做宾语
34 I read every book in the school library.
我在图书馆读了每本书/我读了图书馆里的每本书。主谓宾,名词every book做宾语,介词短语in the school library做状语/介词短语in the school library做后置定语
35 You can understand me.
36 We can watch TV.
37 The children are reading carefully.
38 Mr. Smith speaks very fast.
司密斯先生说话说的很快。主谓,副词短语very fast作状语
39 The train has arrived.
40 They won’t come today.
41 You mustn’t talk loud
42 You will close the door.
你要把门关住。主谓宾,名词the door做宾语
43 She decided to wait.
她决定去等待。主谓宾,不定式短语to wait做宾语
44 I met one of my friends in Beijing.
我在北京遇到了我的一个朋友。主谓宾,名词性短语one of my friends做宾语,in Beijing做地点状语
45 He passed the exam last year.
去年他通过了考试。主谓宾,名词the exam做宾语,last year做时间状语
46 China has a large population.
中国有着众多的人口。主谓宾,名词短语a large population做宾语
47 He knows a little English.
他懂得一些英语。主谓宾,名词短语a little English做宾语
48 I have received your letter.
我已经收到你的来信。主谓宾,名词短语your letter做宾语
49 The students answered the questions.
那些学生回答了那些问题。主谓宾,名词the questions做宾语
50 He is beginning a new life.
他开始了一种新的生活。主谓宾,名词短语a new life做宾语

The train has arrived.
I slept well last night.
昨天晚上我睡的很好。主谓。副词well last night做状语



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