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Unit 4 How do you get to school?

用 How 引导特殊疑问句
其回答有多种方式,其中一种结构是 by doing sth. 或 by sth. 的结构。
询问两地的距离用 how far 引导特殊疑问句
回答用 be + (distance) + [away] + from 的结构。
例句:A: How do you get to school?(你如何去上学?)
B: I take the subway.(我乘地铁去上学。)
A: How far is it from your home to school?(从家到学校多远?)
B: It's three miles.(有三英里远。)
A: How long does it take you to get from home to school?(从家到学校需要花多长时间?)
B: It takes 25 minutes.(要花 25 分钟。)

重点短语:by bus = take the bus 乘公共汽车
how far 多远
depend on 依赖于
by boat = take the boat 乘船
look at 看
by train = take the train 乘火车
by bike = ride one's bike 骑车
by subway =take the subway 乘地铁
by plane = take the plane 乘飞机
on foot 走路
get up 起床
have breakfast 吃早饭
leave for somewhere 离开去某地
take sb. to somewhere 带某人去某地
half an hour = thirty minutes 半小时(三十分钟)
around the world = all over the world 全世界
get to school 到学校
think of 认为
on weekend 在周末

Unit 4 How do you come to school?

一. 教育教学目标: Teaching aims:
1目标语言: How do you get to school? I take the bus.
How long does it take? It takes 20 minutes.
How far is it ? It’s 10 miles.
2能力目标: 1)听能目标: 能听懂以
How do you get to school?
How long does it take?
能以how to get to school为话题展开对话进行交际
3)写能目标:能围绕How I or How my friend get/gets to school为题写一篇60 字左右的短文.
二. 教学工具:多媒体
三. 重点.难点:
四.教学过程 :Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Revision :
Have a match: Revise some phrases about transportation.
Say these phrases as quickly as they can. For example: take the bus …….
Step2 Pairwork:
Ask and answer in pairs: A: How do you get to school? B I get to school by subway./
I take the subway to school. etc…….
Step 3 Make a survey
Four students in a group.
How does he/she get to school?

Step 4 Make some conversations
Look at these pictures,ask and answer in pairs
For example:A: How do you get to school?
B:I take the subway.
A: How far is it from your home to school?
B It’s three miles.
A :How long is it take you to get from home to school?
B It takes 25minutes.
Step5 Writing
Write a short passage about how your good friends or yourself get to school.
(描述一下你的好友或你自己是如何去上学的)You can use these words
my home my friend’s name is his home/her home is …kilometers
get up shower at five o’clock have a quick breakfast leave for school……
by bus……. It takes………



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