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急需1篇英语作文 介绍自己过去与现在的兴趣、行为、习惯等方面的变化、要求80到100词.写提纲、关键词、~

Hello! Everyone, I think I have changed.
First, at the past, I'm very short, but I'm very like basketball best, so I'm exercise every day! At present I'm tall and I can play basketball very well!
Then, at the past I don't like study hard, but at present I study hard and every exam I make big!
Last, I think I have changed very big, I'm obedient and active!
Everyone think I'm changed too! Now nothing in the word is different when you practies hard!

Maybe not considered the most important part of head,hair, in my opinion, is at least the most eye catching one, except for those who are bald, like Ge You. Anyway, hair plays an in dispensable role in our life, and sometimes it can offer us a lot of fun. Actually, I myself have several interesting experiences related to hair and would like to share them with you all.
The first story happened when I was eight. At that time, I was so boyish that every afternoon during the summer holiday I was seen disporting with a crowd of boys in the fierce sunlight,which gave me a precious gift, a bronze complexion. To make things worse, my hair was rather short, even shorter than most of the boys, just some one inch. One day, following my mother,I went to a department store to buy a pair of sports shoes. There were a variety of shoes of different colors and styles standing on the shelves. At once, I caught sight of a black pair with some silver streaks on its instep. Then I showed them to my mother,"What a wonderfu pair!""Not bad", mother said, "but I think they are for boys." Obviously, the saleswoman overheard our conversation, she came up to us and recommended the pair I chose, and with a radiant smile, she added, "this pair is especially suitable for the active boys just like you." My mother and I couldn't help laughing, and I had to protest, "Thank you, mad am, but I am a girl." She was genuinely shocked and touched my short hair unbelievingly. Even when we left with a pair of girlish shoes, she still had doubts about my gender.
From then on, I had to wear a hairpin to demonstrate that I am a girl. And as time passed, I broke the old saying, "the longer your hair is, the less sensibility you have." When I was in senior middle school, I already had a long plait tied back. My classmate and neighbor Nancy also has long straight hair. Since the beautiful princesses in the movie always have shining wavy hair, we both longed for the hairstyle and decided to do it ourselves. One Saturday afternoon, we attempted to carry out our great plan, but it turned out to be a disaster. To begin with, we divided our hair into several strands and combed them neat.Then we carefully rolled up every strand and fixed them with hairpins. The most important step is to cover the hair with a hot towel so that the stream could change our straight hair into the fashionable wavy style. After that both of us sat still on the chairs, afraid to ruin our perfect work. At last one hour passed,we couldn't wait to appreciate our new image. We pulled down the towel, removed the hairpins and rushed to the mirror. "Oh.My God! How terrible!" we both cried. The hair winded disorderly and defied all our efforts to make them tidy. The whole thing was a mess. We looked at each other helplessly and wondered what to do. At the very moment, my mother came home and was really amused by our funny so called wavy hair. Luckily, a magical thing came to our rescue, the vinegar. Plunged into the mixture of water and vinegar, our hair got straightened and no longer winded together.
Of course, hair means a lot more. The dyed black of the elderly can demonstrate their vigor and optimism, while the shining green hair of a cool guy shows off his pioneer spirit. And in the most renowned short story of O'Henry, The Gift of the Magi, Tara sold her beautiful brown hair to buy her husband a golden chain as the Christmas present, which moves thousands of readers to tears. To some extent, hair is a symbol of lifestyle and the philosophy of life.

Dear David
It is nice to hear from you. From your last letter, I heard that you would like to come to Bei Jing to learn Chinese. I am so glad that you want to learn mandarin. Here are some tips which may help you with your Chinese.

First of all, it is very helpful if you can listen to the Chinese radio channel every night, and keep it as a habit. As we all know, a language is a communication tool, one can only make an improvement by practising it frequently. Similarly, listening to the radio can be treated as a practical way to train your listening skills.

Secondly, keeping a diary in Chinese can improve one's writing skills. While you are writing a diary in Chinese, you may concur difficulties such is expression, grammer, new words and so on. After looking them up in the dictionary or other books, you can improve his writing skills largely.

Lastly, watching Chinese movies are also helpful to learn Chinese. One of the most valuable points is that you can learn and have the joy at the same time. All you have to do is to pay a little bit attention to the expression of actors. It is normal that the beginners like you may not understand the the lines in the play by only listening, hence it will be better if the movie has an Chinese-English subtitle.
I believe if you keep up the good work, you can learn Chinese well. By the way, how is your life in America? When are you coming to Beijing? I am looking forward to your reply.
Your SincerelyWang Ming

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