根据这一段话,写一篇英文作文,要不少于50字 我们的城市有一个大动物园,我爸爸在周末经常带我去那里

来自:    更新日期:早些时候
~ Our city has a big zoo at the weekend, my father often takes me to go there. There are many kinds of animal, such as an elephant, tiger, panda, monkey, lion and giraffe. I most like the animal is a monkey, because they are very cute. I think the animal is unhappy, they should live in the forest, they should enjoy the freedom.

根据这一段话,写一篇英文作文,要不少于50字 我们的城市有一个大动物园,我爸爸在周末经常带我去那里视频

  • 19456094680根据这一段话,写一篇英文作文,要不少于50字 我们的城市有一个大动物...
    殷何音they should live in the forest, they should enjoy the freedom.

  • 19456094680请大神根据这段英文写一篇80词左右的英语作文!
    殷何音Best wishes for you and hope everything goes well with you.Yours Lihua

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    殷何音Steve Jobs, who was the CEO of Apple Inc, was born on February 24, 1955, in the city of San Francisco .He was a man of imagination, firmness of will, positive and optimism.After he established Apple Inc in 1997, Jobs then invented more electronic products such as iphone, ...

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