适合高中生(高二 )的英语话剧有哪些?

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人物: Narrator: It’s Christmas time. B is rehearsing Christmas songs in the yard for his School Chorus.
A---在睡觉, B---在窗外唱歌.他后来引来众人.
场景: A在屋里.(摆张桌子,和椅子,趴在桌子上睡)
B: (clear his throat, starts singing) I wish you Merry Christmas , I wish you Merry Christmas, I wish you Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I wish…

A: (wakes up) what is that noise? (Pretends to open the window)
B: What did you say? I can not hear you and sing at the same time?
A: I want to sleep. I don’t want any singing.
B: What did you say? You want more singing? I will find a friend.
Narrator: B calls a friend C to join him.
B and C:(sing)
Jingle bells
jingle bells
jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh……
A: (shouts) I want you to stop singing! You are giving more!(go back to sleep)
B: What did you say? You want more singing? We will find another friend.
Narrator: So B and C call for another friend D.
B and C and D:(sing):
Jingle bells
jingle bells
jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh……

A: (shouts and shakes one hand) you must stop singing. I am tired. I can not take much more. (Sleeps)
B: What did you say? You want much more singing? We will find many friends.
Narrator: So B and C and D found more friends to join them.
B and C and D and a group of friends: (sing)
Jingle bells
jingle bells
jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh……
A: (shouts and shakes two hands) Stop! Your singing is too loud!
B: loud? Yes, We can sing loud.
Narrator: So they sing very loud.(sing)
Jingle bells
jingle bells
jingle all the way!
O what fun it is to ride
In a one-horse open sleigh……

A: (shouts) Please! I want to sleep! I wish that you would all go away!
B: Go away? Why didn’t you say so in the first place?
Narrator: so the children go away and they will sing in another place.
All the children bow to the audience and leave the stage.
A: (goes back to sleep)
The end

Romeo:My love! My wife!

Death, that hath sucked the honey of thy breath,

Hath had no power yet upon thy beauty.

Thou are not conquered.

Beauty's ensign yet

Is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks,

And death's pale flag is not advanced there.

Dear Juliet,

Why art thou yet so fair? Shall I believe

That unsubstantial Death is amorous,

Keeps thee here is dark to be his paramour?

Here. O, here will i set up my everlasting rest

And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars

From this world-wearied flesh.

Eyes, look your last!

Arms, thke your last embrace!

And,lips, O you

















适合高中生(高二 )的英语话剧有哪些?视频




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