高分跪求高手一篇英语作文。 题目:Telecommunication as a Great Facilitator to Our Life

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求一篇标题为Forests and our life的英语作文~


We humans lived on a planet earth, that is. On earth, have for us to breathe oxygen, and lush forests, the vast grassland, the infinite sea, and all kinds of animals, constituted the beauty of nature.


But some people do not cherish the earth gave us all, destroying nature. For example, because of people's disorderly cut casually, sandstorm weather multiplied and others for exorbitant profits, a lot of killing wild animals. Makes the giant panda, Chinese alligator, pangolin and many other animals are endangered. Together with the practice of various environmental damage to our nature, bring more and more disaster, long stretches of linhai instead of the green, the choppy rivers into a dry river beds, beautiful scenic spot into a wilderness. Devastating natural disasters increasing, affected the growth of plants, and sometimes even without charge, the serious influence particles on people's life. And air pollution, ozone hole these phenomena such as there is people don't protect environment bring about consequences.


Finally, the ensuing disaster was a wake-up call to people, human consciousness to should protect our survival environment, love our common homeland. The United Nations put every year on April 22 as "earth day. Warning endure tears to protect the fragile earth, don't let the thick forest, the vast grassland, the infinite sea become memories.


We all have a responsibility to protect our common homeland, let us start from self, pedro note environmental protection, let environmental protection into our life!

My sporting life(Kaiser3344手写)
Sports help everyone to keep healthy, happy, and efficient. So I pay special attention to games, especially table-tennis. Table tennis is my favorite game. I play it almost every day.

Table-tennis is a good game because it brings the whole body into action. It strengthens our body. Besides, it is very amusing and does not cost us much money. it is not so rough as football. It is an indoor game and can be played even on rainy days. Thus, it is my favorite kind of exercise.

Telecommunications involves the assisted transmission of data. Most people think of electronics when it comes to telecommunications. While it is true that the radio, Internet, television, and computer networks are all telecommunication devices, there are actually many other methods of telecommunication. In fact, telecommunication dates back almost to the advent of civilization. During this time, people used smoke signals, carrier pigeons and beacons to transmit important data over long distances.

Early methods of transmitting data were imprecise and telecommunication was rather limited. However, telecommunications advanced and changed, becoming far more beneficial. For example, telegraphs and Morse code allowed people throughout the country to communicate and even allowed for international dialogue. The telephone and radio broadened the telecommunications industry even more, opening up a host of new forms of telecommunication options. Television changed the landscape again, and the advent of the internet made telecommunications more interactive then ever before. These advances allowed more people to both send and receive data, which are the two essential elements of telecommunication. These new mediums of telecommunication also greatly extended the advantages of telecommunication.

Telecommunication benefits people across the world by lending to them, the privilege to share televised pictures, conversations, graphics, circuits, and interactive software. Interaction between individuals, no longer intonates a cumbersome attitude. If you have an acquaintance who resides in a different geographical location, communication is no more a pain in the neck. Technological opportunities have assisted us to communicate with ease, making the process an activity inviting leisure. With electronic communication, the recipient receives the message within a few seconds of the sender sending it. The recipient can read the message anytime, anywhere with regards to his convenience.

Telecommunication has also changed the way in which people work. It is now possible to commute from a beach in Florida, from home, or from anyplace where a computer, a phone or Internet service is available. These advances in telecommunications have not only untethered people from desks, but they have also made it possible for people who might traditionally be unable to be in the workforce- such as those who are caring for children, or those who are disabled- to have exciting jobs and contribute to the business community.

Since telecommunication does not take place via hard copies, money spent on purchasing paper and charges incurred on printing, and postal deliveries is regulated. After the mail is delivered to the receiver, it is placed safely in the hard disk of the receiver's computer.

While there are many advantages brought about by telecommunication, there are some downsides to it.

The main issue with electronic communication is security. Your computer can be hacked, and affected with computer virus. This can have an adverse effect on the computer system, and the network. The volume of transmitted data is large with the transmission being fast. Hence, it becomes difficult for employers, and managers to absorb, process, and understand the same, and provide proper feedback to their employees.

The speed with which the messages are transmitted, often, changes the structure of the messages, which, at times, can be misinterpreted. Electronic data can be duplicated through and through without any proof of duplication. These messages can also be modified. At times, people can intentionally send malicious programs; such as, viruses, worms, and Trojans through emails, these being difficult to detect.

Another disadvantage of electronic telecommunication is an issue related to email privacy. An email is sent in the form of data packets via computer network. These data packets have to pass through a number of routers (a computer device used for forwarding packets in the computer network) and computers, before it reaches its destination. Thus, there are chances of an individual tampering with the emails before it reaches its recipient.

Technology was invented, and successively discovered to pamper usability; however, when usability becomes instinctively habitual, problems arise. Technology has become a modus operandi of sorts, leading to cyber addiction. Separating work and home becomes an issue. It's not difficult to fall into the trap of overworking yourself. If you work from home rather than a coffee shop or library, you may find yourself checking emails, working on projects or simply thinking about work well into your "off" time. It may also be difficult to define concrete work hours and avoid distractions at home. Family members or social interruptions may distract you, or you may be tempted to take care of chores and errands around the home, putting off your work until later. Social isolation is another factor to consider. When you telecommute, you get the freedom of less supervision. However, you also may become socially isolated.

A majority of technological workings in the world have their pros, and cons. Similarly, there exist advantages and disadvantages of telecommunication as well. In spite of its disadvantages, most of us depend on telecommunication for our work as it has become an integral part of our lives.

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It is no exaggeration to say that telecommunication has become an integral segment(核心部分) of communication in contemporary society(当代社会). The booming popularity and great influence are causing wide concern and a subject of intense debate. This essay is to analysis the pros and cons of the development of telecommunication.

One benefit is that telecommunication makes a change of the methodologies that individuals contact with each other. Originate from the ancient time, face to face talking and postal service are major methods of communication and the spreading of information , compared to that, modern citizens are in favor of calling and sending texts and emails when contact to others. It is obvious to see that people can be benefited from this trend as a great booming in the efficiency and convince. In addition, people can choose their favorite in diverse types of communication, which means that the expense of communication can be decreased by selecting a proper way.

However,it is also true that there are some harmful impacts in terms of the growth of telecommunication, for example, media, one of the standard in the field of telecommunication, has become to increasingly broadcast the violent and sexual programme as the high audience rating, however, the increase of violent and other antisocial acts can be contributed to higher crime rate.

In conclusion, although the challenges presented by the booming telecommunication industry are numerous and complex, in my opinion, the benefits will continue outweigh its drawbacks.

Telecommunication as A Great Facilitator to Our Life
With the development of the modern communication technology,telecommunication has become popular and become a important tool for communication in our daily life and work.

先等等啊。。。你的这篇是82.5分 要是没有更高的我就把分给你了

It is no exaggeration to say that telecommunication has become an integral segment of communication in contemporary society. The booming popularity and great influence has received a subject of debate. This essay is going to analyse the pros and cons of the development of telecommunication.

One benefit is that telecommunication makes a change of the methodologies that individuals contact each other. Originating from the ancient time, face to face talking and postal service are major methods of communication and the spreading of information , compared to that, modern citizens are in favor of calling and sending texts and emails when contact to others. It is obvious to see that people can be benefited from this trend as a great booming in the efficiency and convince. In addition, people can choose their favorite in diverse types of communication, which means that the expense of communication can be decreased by selecting a proper method.

However, on the negative side, it cannot be denied that there are some drawbacks in terms of the growth of telecommunication, for example, media, one of the standard in the field of telecommunication, has increasingly broadcasted the violent and sexual programme as the high audience rating, however, the increase of violent and other antisocial behaviors can contribute to higher crime rate.

In conclusion, although the challenges presented by the booming telecommunication industry are numerous and complex, in my opinion, the benefits will continue outweigh its drawbacks.

高分跪求高手一篇英语作文。 题目:Telecommunication as a Great Facilitator to Our Life视频




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