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本地人的最爱大概要算街边的小火锅(又称麻辣烫)了,现在由于整治市容,已经很少见到街边的火锅大排档了。不过只要不出重庆,你绝对可以吃到正宗的山城火锅。鸳鸯火锅是专为我这?quot;叶公好辣"的人准备 的,一边在自己这边沾着清汤.一边在瞟着重庆那无以伦比的美眉们。


选择正宗川菜馆--鱼香肉丝和回锅肉是川菜中有代表性的名菜。鱼香肉丝酸甜适中,香气浓郁。其原料不外乎醋、糖,泡姜。泡椒和葱粒,虽然简单,但要合理搭配。做出正宗的鱼香肉丝还真不易。手艺不好的菜馆,做出来的非酸即甜。倒人胃口.所以你要考验馆子 里师傅的手艺,不必吃别的菜。叫份鱼香肉丝尝尝就能看出这位师傅的基本功。 小品麻辣烫--受不得火锅的外地同乡,可花2、3块钱买串麻辣烫占尽火锅风味。几串麻辣烫下肚,浑身上下便添了热气。比较那动辄几小时的火锅,你会觉得这小小的麻辣烫更适应现代都市生活的快节奏。

Welcome to chongqing.Heavy celebrate the most negative win of will few chafing dish, it is said eat chafing dish cause at the tide cold winter weather with heavy celebrate a person generous plain deal of personality.Can see a chafing dish market from the chafing dish store of today's street row upon row of prosperous.Heavy celebrate chafing dish to mainly is divided into red the soup and consomme be 2 kinds, the red soup regards spicy fresh joss-stick as principle, but consomme with color the pure flavor be fresh for special features.The mandarin duck chafing dish is these two combine of body, namely the chafing dish use the metals slice of s form a cent space diagram form too very.a pure a red.the color be clear.Other parts of country person at heavy celebrate to like to eat mandarin duck chafing dish, if eat red soup so can't resist, can invite consomme to save to drive right away.

The native of the place's favourite probably needed to calculate the small chafing dish(call again spicy very hot) of street side, now because of whole cure an urban landscape, have already seldom seen the chafing dish big gear of street side.However as long as not be heavy to celebrate, you absolutely can eat orthodox school of mountain city chafing dish.The mandarin duck chafing dish is just for I this?quot;The leaf is male very hot"of the person prepare of, part be stained with consomme here at oneself.simultaneously emphasize to celebrate that in the Piao have no is compare with Lun of beautiful eyebrows.

The girls of ChongQing is very beautiful.

Hello,everyone. I'm from Chongqing,which is a beautiful place. Welcome to my hometown and have a good time!

Hello everybody! I come from Chong Qin , my hometown is a beautiful place to visit,welcome you to my hometown!

Hello, everyone! Icome from Chongqing. Chongqing is a beautiful place, welcome to visit my town.

Hello everyone, I come from Chongqing, Chongqing is a beautiful place, welcome you all to play


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