
来自:排行    更新日期:早些时候

In many people's eyes, tall and thin, slender hands long model figure is the best, most accord with aesthetic standards body, actually otherwise 希望被采纳【要赞同哦】

Friends. Do you know where my hometown.? You heard NvWaBuTian the beautiful legend? Nuwa fairy place asperses full multicolored, that is my lovely hometown-yoann. My hometown throughout the year, green water of castle peak, beautiful scenery. Around the mountains around, lush, is a hill around water, water holding the famous city landscape city. A blue waves wear auricle city, that is feed our children-the mother river of the countless yoann tsing yi jiang. Listening to the adults speak, of him is a historical and cultural city. NvWaBuTian beautiful fable remain immortal; The ancient town site sending out inviting light; The long march down here the grand poem. Him, it's a magnificent history hall, came here let you miss hooked. My hometown rich products, is the world famous panda base. The first panda is be found here. From now on. My hometown with it together tightly, my hometown became a giant panda paradise, also become the focus of world attention, and it attracts millions of tourists. My hometown is not only the hometown of giant pandas, or the home of tea. My hometown is well-known for high quality tea of the world-famous.!!!!! Yoann. My home. I was proud proud for you.!!!

把···变成 The · · · into
愉快的假期 Happy holidays
噪音污染 The noise pollution
在去···的路上 The · · · in road
挡路 be in the way
从···借得··· Robert DE to borrow from
发展缓慢 Development is slow
写一篇有关阳光镇的文章 Write an essay about the sunshine town
在过去的一个世纪 During the past century
关于北京的过去和现在 About Beijing's past and present
感冒 influenza
患重感冒 have a bad cold
收到某人的来信 get / receive a letter from sb.
receive / get / have a letter

happy holiday
noise pollution
on the way to
in one's way
borrow ...from...
develop slowly
write an article about the sunshine town
in the pst century
about Beijing's past and today
have a cold
have a bad cold
hear from


1、turn/change...into 2、a pleasant holiday
3、noise pollution 4、on the/one's way to
5、in the/one's way 6、borrow sth from sb
7、develop slowly 8、write a composition about the Sunlight Town
9、in the last/past century 10、about the present and past of Beijing
11、have/get/catch a cold 12、have a bad cold
13、get a letter from/ hear from


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