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是英语译成中文吧。译文如下:大熊猫是中国的国宝,是世界上仅存于中国的珍稀动物。大部分大熊猫栖息于中国的四川省、山西省和甘肃省。大熊猫有黑白相间的皮毛,大大的眼睛和圆圆的耳朵。虽然体型很胖,但行动迅速。大熊猫长得很可爱,深受人们的喜爱。 大熊猫不会攀爬上树,不过会游泳。最喜欢的食物是竹子。在野生世界大熊猫可以生存20至25年,但如果关在动物园里则只能活10年左右。 目前世上仅余约一千只大熊猫。

This matter for the trouble caused by, I am very sorry Division. We reiterate that we attach great importance to cooperation with your, I was not deliberately to get things so bad. To this, I attach great importance to the Secretary for staff who are working hard to find an ideal solution.
In this regard, I propose a Division to better your approach, your hope can properly consider it. The original orders MY021 replaced MY024, the goods and MY021 fabrics and basically the same style, just a little bit smaller models. If your consent changes, I Division will soon complete delivery.
I hope that the Secretary not because of a misunderstanding and some obstacles with your cooperation, and sincerely hope to reach a long-term cooperation with your partner! Please believe us, we will strive to complete the good work.
Sincerely waiting for your answer.
thank you!

这是翻译的结果: Primary cause: Because takes a test specially many, specially difficult, we usually do not study hard, lazy, in order to try to please the parents, teacher cheats.Individual view: We cheat not rightly, violates the school discipline school regulation, we should be honest, studies diligently, depends on own ability to do the result.


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