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My favorite star is JJ Lin.He was born in Singapore in March 27, 1981.He is 173 centimetres tall and weight 61 kilograms. He is good at music creation, dancing, painting and can speaks English and Chinese.

Wayne Lin Jun Jie ( 林俊杰) born on March 27, 1981 is more commonly known as JJ Lin. He is a Singaporean singer and songwriter of Chinese Fujian descent, and he came to musical prominence and success in the Greater China region, and particularly in Taiwan, where he was awarded the "Best New Artiste" award in the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards.
Signed to Ocean Butterflies, he has written songs for various artistes, notably Ji De (Remember) for Taiwanese singer A-Mei, and fellow labelmate A-do's Fang Shou.
Back in Singapore, he was chosen to perform the remixed version of Home, the theme song of the National Day Parade in 2004. His career and notability began to rise astronomically in Singapore particularly with the aid of his music being used in television dramas produced by MediaCorp TV Channel 8, and his increased public appearances, such as being the guest performer in the finals of Channel U's Project SuperStar.

After winning the Gold award in the Best New Act category in the 2004 Singapore Hit Awards, he went on to sweep the 2005 edition with four awards to his name, including the Best Local Male Artiste, Best Composing Artiste, Best Male Vocalist and Best Local Music Composition awards, recognizing his talents both in the composition and performance aspects of his music. His latest album, Cao Cao, sold 2 million copies in just two weeks.


Lin Junjie, a famous male singer, was born in Singapore in 1981.


In 2003, he released his first solo album "musician", which has made great achievements.


His outstanding creative ability was fully displayed in many popular albums such as Jiangnan, Cao Cao and JJ Lu.


At the same time, Lin Junjie has also won numerous music awards, becoming one of the most dazzling male singers in today's Chinese singing world.


I sincerely recommend his songs to you and hope you enjoy them.


林俊杰(JJ Lin),著名男歌手,1981年出生于新加坡。2003年首发第一张个人创作专辑《乐行者》,取得不俗成绩;其杰出的创作才能又在之后推出的《江南》、《曹操》、《JJ陆》等多部畅销唱片专辑中得以充分展现;于此同时,林俊杰还斩获了无数音乐大奖,成为当今华语歌坛最耀眼的男歌手之一。

JJ (JJ Lin), a famous male singer, was born in Singapore in 1981. Starting in 2003 created the first personal album, "Le Xingzhe" to obtain impressive results; its outstanding creativity in order to again after the introduction of the "Jiangnan", "Cao Cao", "JJ Lu," and many other best-selling albums in their full show; Meanwhile, JJ has earned spoils of numerous music awards, as today's Chinese-language pop music, one of the most brilliant male singers.

Lin Junjie is my favourite star.He was born in Singpore.He is lovely.He likes music very much ,as he was a little boy ,he can play the piano. When he was a middle school student ,he took part in a compete and win from about 7000 people. Then he become his own music world.All of his songs were written by himhelf.And he did them very well.Although his job is not very relax , he said he will always do it .Because he want to put his good music to the people in the world.


JJ Lin is my favourite pop star


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