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Human and Nature
Nature, the environment which human beings live by, is magnificent and unique. There si only one earth with super living conditions in the universe. We should have cherished nature and preserved it. Conversely, however, we have been continually spoiling it, even to a shocking degree. Now let's see what we have dong.
Thousands of trees have been cut down per year, which has caused soil erosion. Hundreds of thousands of tons of CFCS have been left in the higher sky in the last decade which has led to the ozone layer leak above the South Pole that covers an area of that of the United States. Million tons of fuel containing nitrogen and sulphur have been consumed per year, which has eventually resulted in acid rain throughout the world.
Similarly, ecology has been affected as well. And considerable number of species have been extinct as the years go by many creatures which were common in the past are becoming less and less, even rare. The Tibet antelope, for instance, is a good example. Since the antelopes of Tibet have a part of fur on their body which can be made into a precious cape, driven by some lawless dealers many villagers killed antelopes excessively and shocking for the large suns of fortune. Because of this, the number of the antelopes of Tibet has sharply fallen from over one million to less than one hundred thousand. And what's more, the number has now decreased by 20 thousand per year. Qing Zang Platean, which was their homeland, is their tombs now.
This is how nature has suffered what we have done to it. However, nature and suffer any more. She lost her temper and could no longer possibly put up with humans. She gave humans harsh punishment, which she thought they deserved. The acid rain has caused the less of more than 100 billion dollars throughout the world per year. And because of desertisation, soil is becoming more and more barren. The soil of many planes is now until for growing plants. The air is less fresh, and a lot of people even get many stranger diseases. Those are all the punishment of nature to human's pollution. On the other hand, human being suffer a lot as well.
So it leads to a serious of questions--
Why can't we live harmoniously with nature?
Why can't we set a balance between human and nature?
Why can't we pay more attention to nature and try to reserve it?
Therefore, before we take immediate measures to do something, we should be aware of the fact that "Conquering the nature" will never be our goal, instead, we should take the nature as our intimate friend. Preserving nature is not only preserving our home, but the civilization of human community as well.

Once man did not have to think about the protection of his environment. There were few people on the earth, and natural resources seemed to be unlimited.Today things are different. The world has become too crowded. We are using up our natural resources,and polluting our environment with dangerous chemicals. If we continue to do this, human life on earth will not survive. We realize that if too many fish are taken from the sea, there will soon be none left. Yet,with modern fishing methods, more and more fish are caught.We know that if too many trees are cut down, forests will disappear. Yet, we continue to use powerful machines to cut down more and more trees. We see that if rivers are polluted with waste products, we will die. Yet, waste products are still put into rivers.We know that if the population continues to rise at the present rate, in a few years, there wont be enough food.What can we do to solve these problems?If we eat more vegetables and less meat, there will be more food available. Land for crops feeds five times more people than land where animals are kept.Our natural resources will last longer if we learn to recyciethem.
The world population will not rise so quickly if people use modern methods of birth control.Finally, if we educate people to think about the problems we shall have a better and cleaner planet in the future.

过去,人们不必担心保护环境的问题。 因为那时地球上人口稀少,自然资源似乎取之不尽。如今,一切都改变了。世界变得拥挤异常。我们正在耗尽我们的自然资源,有毒化学制品的使用也正污染着环境。如果我们继续这样下去,地球上的生命将不复存在。我们都知道如果从海里捕捉太多的鱼,海里就不会再有鱼了。但是,现代化的捕鱼技术使得捕鱼量越来越大。我们都知道如果砍伐太多的树木,森林就会消失。但是,我们仍旧使用强大的机械砍伐越来越多的树木。我们都知道如果河水被废弃物污染的话,我们只有死路一条。但是废弃物仍然源源不断地进入河里我们知道,人口继续照现在这个速度增长的话,不出几年,就会发生食物短缺。我们该如何解决这些问题呢?如果我们多吃蔬菜,少吃肉类的话,我们就会有更多的食物。因为同样大小的土地如果种庄稼的话会比养殖动物多养活五倍多的人。如果我们学会再利用的话,自然资源就能持续更久 如果人们使用现代化的生育控制方法,世界人口就不会增长如此迅猛。最后,如果我们能够教育人们都意识到这些问题的话,未来我们就会有一个更好、更洁净的星球。

In the past hundred years,there have heen frequent natural disasters,such as floods,droughts,mud-rock flows,seismic sea waves,earthquakes,windstorms and the stretching of new deserts.The disasters have killed millions upon millions of people,destroyed countless homes,and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile land.
Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the earth.We have cut down too many trees in the forests,we have badly polluted the environment,we have shocked our own home-planet time and again with tremendously powerful explosions of nuclear bombs.





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