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A the most meaningful thing _500 word
Today is Sunday, August 10, I got up early in the morning, wear good clothes, wash gargle finished already 8 moment, at this time, the mother also up, said: "you don't have to write my homework today, help me to wash the clothes? Not much, just 7, 8 pieces." "Be!" I end to a basin of water first, and then opened up his sleeves and soaked the clothes soaked in water. To add a bit of washing powder in the end, with small hand rub rub. More and more small bubbles, round, bright, sunlight sprinkled on the above, the small bubbles become colorful, beautiful. However, no time, the sweat in the cheek. Dirty point on the clothes or not, however, "please go," said they like laughing at me: "no way out! At this time, my sister come and added:" wash clothes, to wash the clothes of light color, or wet color after dyed dark clothing on the other clothes. "

"I must be clean!" . So, I carefully recalled mother at ordinary times is how to wash the clothes. Oh, by the way, should use the laundry detergent. I quickly took a bag of laundry detergent and spilled some clothes on, and then use hand rub, rub hard ah, the small bubbles as if in a beautiful dance, they together for a while, a moment separation burst, with light, with the color... The more I rub more widely, the rub the happy, his mouth still hum a tune. For a while. Small black spots were all my "please". I finally put up the clothes to wash. At this time, my waist is acid, originally the laundry so tiring! Finally, I carefully put the clothes on the balcony. To air their wash clean clothes, flattered. The clean clothes as if to say: "small host, thank you for giving we wash it clean." For a while, the clothes dry, I tried, ah, really pretty, so fit!

读书给予我的快乐_500字   小时侯,我厌恶读书、讨厌读书。但如今,读书是我的一大爱好,为什么我会喜欢读书了呢?请接着往下看吧!  用思维接触文字,用大脑去想象,用心灵来感受。书贵在读,贵在捧在手中的那一份珍惜,打开书时的那一份珍惜。打看书时,你的思维在书中神游,你的情感在书中起落。在书里,你可以感受到喜怒哀乐,这就是书的魅力!  有一次,爸爸妈妈要加班,只好把我留在家。我很是孤独。于是,漫不经心的拿起了一本书看,突然发现,书!其实并没有我想象中的那么无趣,你每看一页,就像看了一集电视剧。1页、2页、3页……慢慢地慢慢地,我发现,一本书已经被我看完了。  的确很有趣,生动形象,运用了许多修辞手法……无意间,我点评起别人的作文来,又情不自禁地拿出笔记本,把要记得都记了下来。正因为这样,我原本烂得不能再烂的作文已成为老师眼里的优秀作文了。  每当老师在课堂上表扬我作文写的好时,作文竞赛拿到奖时,我总会在心里暗暗自喜。当然,那一天我也快乐的不得了啊!  不喜欢作文的朋友,听了我的描述,你是不是也有拿起笔的冲动呢?那就开始吧!相信我,只要你努力,不久的将来,你的作文也会在课堂上表扬你的!加油!
Reading gives me happy hour hou _500 word When I was a child, I hate, hate reading reading. But today, reading is a great hobby to me, why would I like to read books? Please then read on! Contact with the thought of text, use the brain to imagine, to feel with your heart. In the book to read, in the hands of a treasure that, open the book that a treasure. When reading a book, your mind in the fugue in the book, your emotional ups and downs in the book. In the book, you can feel the joys and sorrows, and this is the charm of the book! One day, mom and dad have to work overtime, so we have to leave me at home. I am very lonely. Then picked up a book casually look, suddenly found that book! Not so boring my imagination, every time you look at a page, it's like watching a TV episodes. 1, 2, 3 pages... Slowly, slowly, I found that a book has been finished by me. Is really interesting, vivid image, and using many rhetorical means in the... By accident, I comment on people's composition, and can't help took out a notebook, all remember noted down the sale. Because of this, I was too bad bad composition has become a good composition to the teacher's eyes. Every time the teacher in the classroom I write a good composition, composition competition to get the prize, I will always be in my heart secretly complacent. Of course, that one day I am in the seventh heaven! Don't like the composition of the friend, listen to my description, you also have the urge to get a pen? Then let's go! Believe me, as long as you work hard, in the near future, your composition will praise you in class! Come on!







Friends, if you drop in performance for sorrow? Whether or not you are in for a friend die? Whether or not you are in for that may never be a dream and disappointments? Friends, if you are suffering from "unfortunate", then please open the window, an open mind, heart, give life to pure to smile, never let meaningless troubles you wise eyes covered.

Give life with smile, no matter how you live. Someone says, life is full of sweetness, laughter, and someone said, life is bitter, life had countless hardships and helpless, Someone says, life is sour, life always meet avoid it sigh, Some people said that life is a new and exciting, something new to you to experience to develop. I say, life is colorful. Life for everyone is equal, don't blindly of unfair, complaining way sometimes difficult bumpy, lumpy, sometimes the willow breeze, water, the key is to see how you grasp life, enjoy life. With a smile to face life, even in cold winter will feel the warmth of life, dark midnight will see ray of hope. Friends, with a smile to face life with smile, to everyone every thing, and you will see the sunshine, surely you are greeted the charactizing a fine spring day.

Give life with smile, no matter whether you success. Maybe you are successful, perhaps from distant dream and reality, but why these worry? Success is not the best goal often, but most likely to realize that, so nice bronze! The clouds from illusion awake. Friends, because you have made millions of success. For the life, health, friends, and for his lawfel for parents and family can make your life has been full of meaning. Success is the miserable world "in valjean to caress, fang statins daughter called success is a dream of red mansions, after letting go of Lin daiyu, choosing LiuYouQing success is called in by the disease under keystroke, success is XuHu sewage in the sound, success is breathing in the bus ticket LiSuLi smile, of course, the success is Olympic champion liu xiang standing on the podium cheering... Friends, no matter you face is successful or setback, please raise head, sincerely to smile, you are already facing succeeded. Please also success in life with smile, catalogues. Therefore, frustration, life is starting; smile, Encounter troubles, the smile is the ideological liberation. When the mood is pleasant, smile. Regardless of how you live, please give life with smile.

Give life with smile, let every day. Happy hug If you sincerely, labor, life will betray your life. See that the rising sun, the ruddy cheek red the earth, See the branches of the HuangLi, fruity song aroused flower, See the busy road, flowing stream adorn it. Facing the sun, see the distant light; always The sun, see only their own shadow. Cherish today, despite past unhappy, Grasp now, give life with smile, can fully enjoy the time now.
Friends, if life deceives you, don't worry, don't hesitate, please give life with smile, no matter how life for my way back: in a rugged, I am happy stream, Give me, and I in the darkness is bright stars, Send me to the cold, I was a warm clear spring.







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