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CHILDCARE PROVISION:Childcare provision is where a service is provided to take care of children.
E.g.-----a day nursery, playgroup, childminder

OUTSOURCING: Outsourcing refers to a company that contracts with another company to provide services that might otherwise be performed by in-house employees.
E.g-----Many large companies now outsource jobs such as call center services, e-mail services, and payroll. These jobs are handled by separate companies that specialize in each service, and are often located overseas.

REGULATED MARKET: A regulated market is a particular industry, and sometimes a national environment in general, where the buying and selling of goods and services is only permitted with some level of government oversight, involvement, or manipulation.

E.g-------Extreme examples of regulated market environments are those where whole industries are nationalized by a government, such as utilities, telecommunications, and military equipment production. As well, when these industries are privatized, such as during the period of reforms in former Soviet bloc nations after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the late 1980s to 1991, the markets are still often under relatively tight control by the government behind the scenes.

limited liability company 有限责任公司。这个不用解释了吧。
co-operative company 合作社公司。这种公司被授权对非本公司持股人分配利润。在美国曾出现在一般商业公司上冠以“合作社”名义的做法,现在已受到限制。
incorporated company 股份公司。此类公司不同于那些慈善性、宗教性、文学性或会员性社团的盈利性组织。
public limited company 德国法上的股份有限公司


A structure, such as a fence, built to bar passage.
A document indicating ownership or creditorship; a stock certificate or bond.
Duties or a duty imposed by a government on imported or exported goods.
Intended to discourage importation and sale of foreign-made goods at prices substantially below domestic prices for the same items.
The amount by which a sum of money falls short of the required or expected amount; a shortage:
Monetary assistance granted by a government to a person or group in support of an enterprise regarded as being in the public interest.

barriers(贸易壁垒) :any condition that makes it difficult to make progress or to achieve an objective
security (证券):a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment; the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends
tariff(关税):a government tax on imports or exports
anti-dumping(反倾销):unfair trade protectionism by some countries and regions.
deficit(赤字):a deficiency or failure in neurological or mental functioning
subsidy(补贴):a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public


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  • 15620084347...invoice,请翻译,关于商务英语方面的意思,并加上英语翻译.
    魏若泄commercial invoice :商务发票 (注:您的第一个单词拼错了)

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