速求 马达加斯加2 观后感 。 各位爸帮帮忙啊,4:00前跪求 !!!!!!!!!!!

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《马达加斯加2》在画风和电脑制作上沿袭了上一部的精良,在角色性格的刻画上更是煞费苦心,两位导演 Eric Darnell和Tom McGrath继《马达加斯加》后再次合作,通过四个好友在企鹅的帮助下寻找小狮子的的遭遇来撑起了故事的主体,又用河马与长颈鹿的爱情,狮子与斑马的友情以及狮子重见父母的亲情来为影片注入灵性。当狮子阿历克斯家庭团聚得到父母的认同和理解时,我们体会到了亲情的温暖;当长颈鹿间接儿感人的对河马表白之后,我们体会到了爱情的伟大;而当狮子对斑马的赞许上升到黑底白道的时候,一切已经不再重要了,我们看到的是朋友间的体谅和赤诚。




今年是好莱坞动画电影令人惊喜的一年,因为我先是沉浸具于有中国特色的《功夫熊猫》的世界里 ,而后又宣泄于对广电没有引进《小机器人》的不满之中。不知不觉2008已经走完,希望在新的一年中可以看到更多更好的动画作品,同时也希望我们的国产动画有大的突破,好的题材很多,但缺乏奇思妙想的创意,技术上的不足相对容易去弥补,但编剧和创作始终是我们的发展的瓶颈,真心地期盼国产动画业的春天早日来临。

Madagascar 1
Watched movies, want to go to the Madagascar. Movie scenes that frame the screen is too beautiful. I may be too easily satisfied, a lot of people feel that SOSO films, but I really like. Protagonists looked pure comedy, but a very distinct personality. Marti's voice-over people like super feeling is so simple and honest, as if it is an awareness, but do not want to 1:00; Alex's hair is a bright spot, Gloria and Melmen.
Also worth mentioning is that the film is full of wisdom penguins, who face the others, is always just smell and wave ~ ~ ~ and private ideas constantly, another strong operational capabilities. On board, Does wickedly easily the Tom Cruise unlock with that section of the paper clip.
We also own and animals have long been divided into the clear. Whether Disney, Pixar, and even Hollywood, as the animals have repeatedly said that the human mouth, then, sometimes in order to convey some spirit, but more often is to enable busy all day in the lives of our civilization, taking time out aftertaste our natural wild genes.
Not what he wanted, and looked at the yard chip will perform a variety of techniques lion, hippopotamus, giraffe, always feel that people but is also a kind of strange animals only.

Madagascar 2
This is the sequel to the Department, but even if you did not read the first one, nor does it affect your whole understanding and feeling of the film. DreamWorks production of taste and, like Disney's not so. The latter, the main theme of some of the former allows you to thoroughly off the screen to see the director and screenwriter badly smiles hide behind.
Recently, even the titles of the films they have not miss any of LOGO, and we must also remember that Kung Fu Panda jumped into the moon in fishing master it. Madagascar in which the role of this most memorable? In addition to the four main characters is that their skills and minds rivals the penguin agents. This time, they also hard to clean up the poor of DreamWorks LOGO's angler.
Then the story did not begin immediately after the first episode, but turned back to show a bit of his childhood hero Alex the lion, as well as how he came to New York and knew him a good friend of zebra Marti association, giraffes Mehlman and Miss Hippo Gloria, followed by a brief review of the first episode about the plot: In the four penguins to flee the help of the zoo, and then a row in New York, was deported back to Africa, then penguins hijack the ship was drifting (...) to Madagascar.
But there is not the end of their travel. They would like to return to New York. In the penguins and the hard work of local lemurs, the repair of an aircraft crash. They took the dream and hope, but also embarked on a journey. Catapult take-off rather smooth. But as a plane crash, this one with the fuel is more, and forced to land in a very dangerous process. However, they are safe.
Thrilling action scenes, a section of the crash, rescue paragraph section of the old lady and the Lions battle have higher standards. Emotional drama. A father Alex personally in order not to give up the throne to expel her son.Alex Marti section of the monologue. Mehlman on Gloria's talk and no other, are good.



速求 马达加斯加2 观后感 。 各位爸帮帮忙啊,4:00前跪求 !!!!!!!!!!!视频




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