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World Cup (soccer), two international soccer tournaments, one for men and one for women, each held every four years. Both tournaments are the pinnacle of international competition in the sport.

The men’s World Cup is considered the most popular sporting event in the world and is followed with passionate interest around the globe—the final game of the 1998 tournament was played to a television audience of more than 1 billion viewers. Founded in 1930 with just 13 teams, the tournament now attracts entries from more than 140 countries. The teams must participate in elimination games within their own continents before qualifying to become one of the 32 nations participating in the final tournament.

The women’s World Cup was first played in 1991 and has gained popularity steadily since then. More than 90,000 fans attended the finals of the 1999 tournament—one of the largest crowds ever to witness a women’s sporting event. Nearly 75 nations attempted to qualify for the 1999 event, which was a 16-team elimination tournament.

The 2010 FIFA World Cup will be the 19th FIFA World Cup, an international tournament for football, that is scheduled to take place between 11 June and 11 July 2010 in South Africa. It will be the first time that the tournament has been hosted by a nation in the Confederation of African Football, leaving the Oceania Football Confederation as the only FIFA Confederation never to have hosted the event.

【Host selection】(申办)
Africa was chosen as the host for the 2010 World Cup as part of a new policy to rotate the event between football confederations (This policy was later revoked in October of 2007). Five African nations placed bids to host the 2010 World Cup:

* Flag of Egypt Egypt
* Flag of Libya Libya / Flag of Tunisia Tunisia (co-hosting)
* Flag of Morocco Morocco
* Flag of South Africa South Africa

Following the decision of the FIFA Executive Committee not to allow co-hosted tournaments, Tunisia withdrew from the bidding process. The committee also decided not to consider Libya's solo bid as it no longer met all the stipulations laid down in the official List of Requirements.

After one round of voting, the winning bid was announced by FIFA president Sepp Blatter at a media conference on May 15, 2004 in Zurich. South Africa was awarded the rights to host the tournament, defeating Morocco and Egypt.[1]


1. Flag of South Africa South Africa, 14 votes
2. Flag of Morocco Morocco, 10 votes
3. Flag of Egypt Egypt, 0 votes

Flag of Tunisia Tunisia withdrew on May 8, 2004 after joint bidding was not allowed

Flag of Libya Libya was rejected: bid did not meet the list of requirements and joint bidding was not allowed

As the host nation, South Africa qualifies automatically. However, South Africa are the first hosts since 1934 to participate in World Cup qualifiers. This is because the CAF qualifiers will also serve as the qualifying tournament for the 2010 African Cup of Nations, for which South Africa must qualify separately. Since 2002 the defending champions no longer qualify automatically.

The preliminary draw for the 2010 World Cup was held in Durban, South Africa on 25 November 2007.

In 2005, the organizers released a provisional list of thirteen venues to be used for the World Cup: Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg (two), Kimberley, Nelspruit, Orkney, Polokwane, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria (two), and Rustenburg.

【History of the FIFA World Cup】(历史)
No other sporting event captures the world's imagination like the FIFA World Cup. Ever since the first tentative competition in Uruguay in 1930, FIFA's (Fédération Internationale de Football Association)

The World Cup

Four years of reincarnation, one month's feast, and finally in the final game ended.

When I saw the silent fan markov vick and don't see the face expression in the silver pieces flying in the sky like a silence of under the statue, When I saw that prince ace reappear sneijder figure, the tragedy in a sadness, can a dismal across the lofty aspiration, Dutch, no longer exists, the Dutchman is destined to be kind to us, the only endless imagination and thinking.

And the other side is different, two years ago, once again topped the European cup, determined to take. Now two years of waiting to be the most perfect ending bows. Villarreal's absence of plotting coups, Harvey, casillas kept the YiNieSiDa and the Spanish eventually be assigned to make up the fruit. Watch the finals than when I was somewhat more mature and LaoLa, when I saw the new generation of tianjiao with great pace towards a new era, when I see Kathy inspiring exalted with millions of rays of football, also had some thinking.

Football is the glamour with too much suspense, less than the final whistle, what might happen in the game.

Football is like life, the life of the man, and strive to in adversity is the winner of the ragazzi, Can be in trouble, insist the resilience will change your life, In desperation do never-say-die man can spread.

After four years and will do? Which team can emerge? Which player and celebrities eternal? Let us bring the only time can answer say goodbye! Don't, silent helpless fan markov vic, inspiring casillas, tragedy, and suppressed the YiNieSiDa sneijder go, Don't let people rejoice, let a person of South Africa and the FIFA World Cup.

I walked lightly, just as I come lightly, a wisp, don't take one clouds.

The World Cup

The 2010 World Cup will be hold in South Africa.It is a grand occasion for all the football fans all over the world.My favorite team is the Spainish Team.And my favorite football star is Didier Yves Drogba Tébily.I hope the Chinese Team can do well in the World Cup.Because China has never won a World Cup before.This year I hope the situation will change.

When the match begins,I hope I can watch it.But if I am busy studying then I will not watch it.Because study is always the first priority.I wish one day China can hold a World Cup,then our Chinese can watch the matches without going abroad.

Maybe one day my dream can come true.






从1930年至今,世界杯走过了76年的历史,期间留下了不少令人称奇的规律,迷信其中的人甚至称其为“魔咒”,在这里,我们列举出世界杯历史上最诡异的一些魔咒,看看它们能对今年的大赛带来什么影响。 一、巴西队的礼物 这是世界杯历史上最著名的魔咒之一,其规律是,只要巴西队称雄,下一届的冠军就将是主办大赛的东道主,除非巴西队自己将礼物收回。1962年,巴西夺冠,4年后英格兰本土称雄。1970年巴西三夺金杯,1974年轮到东道主西德捧杯。1994年巴西在美国夺冠,98年法国在本土一鼓作气首次捧得大力神杯。唯一的例外是1958年,巴西在瑞典夺取了冠军,4年后他们没有馈赠出这份礼物,而是自己将它收回。 按照这一规律,2006年的冠军似乎只有两个可能,要么德国在本土称雄,要么巴西自己将冠军保留,“巴西队的礼物”堪称世界杯至今最神奇的魔咒。 二、德国16年轮回和29岁核心 虽然球队实力不济,但德国人仍然抱有夺杯的希望,一来是本土之利,二来借助于某种心理暗示。“16年轮回和29岁核心”是德国人的希望所在,1974年,西德夺取了冠军,队内核心贝肯鲍尔那一年29岁;时隔16年后的1990年,29岁的马特乌斯率西德再度捧杯,2006年,29岁的巴拉克成为了新核心,而2006年距离德国上一次捧杯又刚好是16年。 三、冠军与亚洲队同组 世界杯近20年来,出现了又一个巧合的现象,历届冠军在小组赛中,都会和一支来自亚洲板块的球队同分一组。1986年,马拉多纳统帅的阿根廷以3比1击败了韩国,1990年,西德5比1横扫阿联酋,1998年,法国在沙特身上取得了4个进球,2002年,巴西也以4球击败了中国队。从结果看,在小组赛中遇到亚洲球队,有助于强队寻找状态和信心。 唯一的“例外”是1994年,不过那一年和巴西同组的俄罗斯,70%的领土版图都在亚洲之内。 四、决赛进球者胜 1990年成为了世界杯历届决赛的分水岭,此前13届冠亚军决赛中,参赛两队都能获得进球,但从90年意大利之夏起,决赛中至少会有一队比分为0,这意味着,在决赛中进球的球队,都将最后捧起冠军,这一规律延续了16年。 1990年,西德队凭借布雷默的点球1比0击败阿根廷,1998年,法国3比0击败巴西,制造了桑巴军团世界杯史上最大比分的失利,2002年,罗纳尔多独中两元,巴西2比0胜德国捧杯。只有1994年,巴西和意大利都维持了0进球,最终通过点球决出胜负。 五、意大利的AC米兰之咒 自从1990年的意大利之夏以来,还没有哪支球队能在淘汰赛阶段的90分钟里击败意大利队,这一现象延续至今已有16年。1990年,意大利在半决赛中点球负于阿根廷,1994年,他们打进了决赛,点球输给巴西,1998年,意大利又倒在点球点上,不敌东道主法国,2002年,他们则在一场引发裁判争议风波的比赛中,加时赛阶段输给韩国。 要想在淘汰赛中击败意大利,就把他们拖入点球大战,这似乎成了一条百战不殆的规律,在世界杯的历史上,意大利队逢点球大战必败,至今无一例外。而且在最近3次点球大战失利中,还有这样一个巧合:意大利队第一个罚丢点球的都是来自AC米兰的球员,1990年,多纳多尼的半高球被戈耶切亚没收,1994年,巴雷西将点球射向天空,1998年,第一个射失的轮到了阿尔贝蒂尼…… 六、大陆之间的区别 世界杯历史上另一个为人所熟知的巧合现象是,鲜有球队能在自己国家所属的大陆之外夺冠,能打破这一魔咒的只有巴西人。在前17届世界杯中,除了1958年和2002年外,所有冠军球队都来自自己国家所属的大陆,这已经成了“定律”。 相比之下,欧洲球队对地利的要求似乎格外的高,出了欧洲,他们便无能为力。南美球队对地域的依赖性似乎不大,但也仅仅是对于巴西而言,阿根廷的两次捧杯,都是在美洲大陆完成的。 七、欧洲金球奖 自从1956年欧洲足球先生开始评选以来,一条巧合的现象延续至今,凡是应届的欧洲金球奖得主,他所在的球队都无法在接下来的世界杯上夺冠,具体情况如下:1957年西班牙斯蒂法诺、1961年意大利西沃里、1965年葡萄牙尤西比奥、1969年意大利里维拉、1973年荷兰克鲁伊夫、1977年丹麦西蒙森、1981年西德鲁梅尼格、1985年法国普拉蒂尼、1989年荷兰巴斯滕、1993年意大利巴乔、1997年巴西罗纳尔多、2001年英格兰欧文…… 另外值得留意的是,除了1958年西班牙及1978年丹麦缺席、1986年普拉蒂尼的法国半决赛输给最后亚军西德之外,在世界杯淘汰赛击败欧洲足球先生所在队的国家,都能夺得最后的冠军。比如1966年尤西比奥的葡萄牙半决赛败给英格兰,1970年的意大利决赛输给巴西,1974年荷兰决赛输给西德,1982年西德决赛输给意大利,1990年1/8决赛荷兰输给西德,1998年决赛巴西输给法国以及2002年1/4决赛英格兰输给巴西。2005年,罗纳尔迪尼奥获得了欧洲足球先生,这条魔咒似乎悄然瞄准了巴西。 八、联合会杯和美洲杯 只要夺取了世界杯前的那届联合会杯或者美洲杯,那么就别想夺取冠军,这条定律的命中率至今为百分之百。1992年联合会杯前身的法赫德国王杯,冠军是阿根廷,结果他们在94年第二阶段首轮就被淘汰、1997年联合会杯冠军巴西、2001年冠军法国都没能逃出这一魔咒的阴影。 美洲杯与世界杯不可兼得,这条规律自1930年至今无人能破。最早的例子是1929年,阿根廷夺得美洲杯,第二年首届世界杯他们在决赛中输给了乌拉圭,最近的例子则是2001年,哥伦比亚在本土夺取美洲杯,2002年他们甚至没有进入决赛圈。值得注意的是,巴西队从1958年到1970年三夺世界杯,在这12年里,他们始终与美洲杯绝缘,难道他们也意识到了这条魔咒的可怕威力?2004年,巴西击败阿根廷捧起了美洲杯,在06年的德国,他们能摆脱命运的安排吗? 九、赞助商的影子 在商业化越发发达的今天,世界杯的冠军争夺除了实力和运气以外,隐隐约约似乎还有一些场外因素决定最终的结果。细心的球迷可以留意这样的一个现象,自从1990年以后的世界杯上,在欧洲举办的世界杯总是被“三叶草公司”赞助球衣的球队夺得,1990年西德依靠点球击败阿根廷,决赛中南美人吃到的两张红牌和一个点球引发争议;1998年法国队3比0击败巴西,决赛中罗纳尔多的离奇受伤成为一个谜。这两支欧洲球队,球衣上都有赞助商“三叶草”的印记。 而在欧洲以外地区举办的世界杯,“三叶草公司”的掌控力看起来有所下降,这也许和欧洲是他们主营的地盘有关。在1994年和2002年世界杯上,巴西两次夺冠,他们当时分别穿的是“四角公司”的球衣和“勾牌公司”的球衣。不要小看“三叶草公司”在欧洲的力量,96年欧锦赛冠军德国,2000年欧洲冠军法国和2004年冠军希腊都是他们赞助的。这次世界杯又在“三叶草公司”的总部德国进行,按照这一顾虑,看来最终的冠军很难离开德国,法国,阿根廷,西班牙这几支球衣上印有三叶草的球队。





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