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As a symbol of Japan's Mount Fuji, one of the world renowned. It is also commonly referred to as "Furong Feng" or "rich mountain" and "Fuji of kaolinite." Since ancient times, the name of the mountain on the often traditional Japanese poetry "and the song" appears. Fuji name from Ainu language, now means "eternal life", the original sounds from Japan's Ainu minority language, meaning "mountain of fire" or "Vulcan." Conical mountain takes the shape of beautiful, famous, is the sacred symbol of Japan. Now, Mount Fuji is the Japanese people as "holy mountain" is the Japanese symbol of national pride. Mount Fuji towering mountains, snow capped mountains, looking ahead, as if a fan hanging upside down, so that there are "Yu Shan" said.
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Mount Fuji (ふ じ san, FujiSan) is the highest peak in Japan, Shizuoka Prefecture and Yamanashi across the sleeping volcano, located in Tokyo about 80 kilometers southwest of the main peak is 3776 meters above sea level, in August 2002 (Heisei 14 years), The Japanese Geographical Survey Institute to re-measurement, in order to 3775.63 meters, close to the Pacific coast, about 100 kilometers southwest of Tokyo. Is Japan's highest peak, is also one of the world's largest active volcano, now dormant, but geologists are still active volcanoes like to include it.

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As a symbol of Japan's Mount Fuji, one of the world renowned. It is also commonly referred to as "Furong Feng" or "rich mountain" and "Fuji of kaolinite." Since ancient times, the name of the mountain on the often traditional Japanese poetry "and the song" appears. Fuji name from Ainu language, now means "eternal life", the original sounds from Japan's Ainu minority language, meaning "mountain of fire" or "Vulcan." Conical mountain takes the shape of beautiful, famous, is the sacred symbol of Japan. Now, Fuji is the Japanese people as "holy mountain" is the Japanese symbol of national pride. Fuji mountain towering, snow-capped mountains, looking ahead, as if a fan hanging upside down, hence the "Yu Shan" said.
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Mount Fuji (ふ じ san, FujiSan) is the highest peak in Japan, Shizuoka Prefecture and Yamanashi Prefecture across the sleeping volcano, located in Tokyo about 80 kilometers southwest of the main peak is 3776 meters above sea level, in August 2002 (Heisei 14 years), The Japanese Geographical Survey Institute to re-measurement, in order to 3775.63 meters, close to the Pacific coast, about 100 kilometers southwest of Tokyo. Is Japan's highest peak, is also one of the world's largest active volcano, now dormant, but geologists are still active volcanoes like to include it.

Mount Fuji in Japan, one of the symbols in the global reputation. It is often called the "FuRongFeng" or "yue" and "no". The two utilizations Since ancient times, the name of this mountain is always in Japan's traditional poetry "waka" in appear. Fuji names originated from shrimp, presently for "life", the original pronunciation from Japan minority Ainu's language, meaning "fire mountain" or "fire". A beautiful mountain is famous for the cone, Japan, is the sacred symbol. Now, by the Japanese people called "Mount Fuji in Japan," SAN yue is the symbol of national pride. Mount Fuji mountain, towering mountains, snow, is a fan, so the hangs suspended also have "jade fan," said.
Mt. Fuji ふ (さ despite ん, FujiSan) is the first peak across Japan, ShanLiXian and sleep shizuoka volcano in Tokyo, about 80 kilometers southwest 3776 meters, the altitude, August 2002 (1991), 14 years after Japan's national geographic yuan, after 3775.63 again to close the Pacific Ocean, meters, about 100 kilometers southwest to Tokyo. Japan is the highest, also is the home of the world's largest active volcanoes, one of the dormant, but it is still a geologist in active volcanoes.


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