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pro-and-con 表示辩论中的正反方。
正方一辩:pro speaker
反方一辩:con leader
或者直接用first debator(pro)、second debator (con)来表达。

1、正方: The claim
反方:The counterclaim
2、正方: Positive side
反方: Negative side
3、正方 Affirmative side
反方:Negative side


Technology development more harm than good to students, teachers: Hello, everybody! 如今的社会是一个科技发达的社会,科技在不断进步,不断发展,促进着社会的前进,更方便了人们的生活,这是不争的事实。 Today's society is a technologically advanced society, technology advances in developing and promoting the progress of society, people's lives more convenient, it is an indisputable fact. 但是科技是一把双刃剑,它能砸破无知与落后,同时也能伤害到人类。 But the technology is a double-edged sword, it can shatter the ignorance and backwardness, but also can harm the human. 一个又一个的事例向我们阐述了科技伤害人类的过程,因此我方认为:科技发展弊大于利。 A further example of a technology to hurt us on the course of humanity, so we think: more harm than good technology. 首先,科技发展带来最大的弊端是:使我们的人身安全越来越没保障。 First of all, the greatest disadvantages of technological development is: to make us more and not to protect the personal safety. 在第二次世界大战中,美国为了迫使日本迅速投降,1945年8月6日8时15分,广岛市内投下一颗代号为“小男孩”的铀弹,造成广岛市24.5万人中的20万人死伤,整个城市化为废墟。 During World War II, the United States forced Japan to surrender quickly, at quarter past eight on August 6, 1945, Hiroshima City dropped a code-named "Little Boy" uranium bomb, resulting in Hiroshima was 24.5 million 20 million casualties in the city to ruins. 1945年8月9日上午11时02分,继袭击广岛之后,美军对日本实施第二次原子弹袭击,目标是长崎。 At 11:02 on the August 9, 1945, following the attack on Hiroshima, the U.S. military to conduct its second atomic bomb attack on Japan's goal of Nagasaki. 轰炸造成长崎市23万人口中的10万余人当日伤亡和失踪,城市60%的建筑物被毁。 Nagasaki bombing of 23 million people the day of 10 thousand casualties and missing people, 60% of the city buildings were destroyed. 广岛和长崎因原子弹轰炸造成的伤害遗留至今,幸存者饱受癌症、白血病和皮肤灼伤等辐射后遗症的折磨。 Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki because the damage has left, the survivors suffering from cancer, leukemia and skin burns and other radiation sequelae of torture. 截至2007年8月,据日本有关部门统计,广岛、长崎因受原子弹爆炸伤害而死亡的人数已分别超过25万和14万。 As of August 2007, according to statistics from related departments in Japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb injury due to the number of deaths have been more than 250,000 and 140,000. 当初研发了核武器,使科技有了一个飞跃性的发展。 Had developed nuclear weapons, to have a leap of technological development. 可现在,就是因为核武器,不少人失去生命、失去家庭。 But now, because of nuclear weapons, many people lost their lives and lost family. 无独有偶。 Coincidentally. 科技发展带来的弊端二:随着科学技术水平的发展和人民生活水平的提高,环境污染也在增加,特别是在发展中国家,环境污染问题越来越成为世界各个国家的共同课题之一。 The evils of technology II: With the scientific and technological level of development and improvement of living standards, environmental pollution is also increasing, especially in developing countries, environmental issues increasingly become a common topic in all countries . 由于人们对工业高度发达的负面影响预料不够预防不利,导致了全球性的三大危机:资源短缺、环境污染、生态破坏。 Highly developed industry as people expected is not enough to prevent negative effects of unfavorable, leading to the three global crises: the shortage of resources, environmental pollution, ecological damage. ……综合上述,科技发展的弊端已经深深伤害了我们人类,打破了社会稳定的发展。 ... ... In summary, the drawbacks of scientific and technological development has been deeply hurt by the people, to break the social stability and development. 因此,我方认为:科技发展弊大于利。 Therefore, we think: more harm than good technology. 它们确实给我们的生活带来了不少便利,但是与此同时,它们也使人类的基本能力逐渐丧失。 They do give a lot of our lives convenient, but at the same time, they also lose their basic human capabilities. 有了电脑,人们不再用人脑去思考一些东西,因为只要利用电脑就能办到;有了汽车,人们不再习惯走路散步,取而代之的是开车兜风;有了洗碗机,人们不再用手去洗碗,也许有一天人类会忘记怎样洗碗。 With computers, people no longer employing brain to think about things, because as long as the use of computers will be able to do that; with cars, people no longer used to walk walk, replaced by driving around; with dishwasher, people no longer use to wash hands, and perhaps some day to forget what human dishes. 科技的发展,让人欢喜让人忧。 The development of technology makes people feel happy and worry. 喜的是它给我们的生活提供了最大的便利,忧的是它终有一天会让电脑代替人脑,机器代替双手,到时主宰这个世界的不再是我们自以为聪明的人类,而是那些人类发明的机器! The joy is that it gives our lives offers the greatest convenience, the worry is that it will one day allow computers to replace the human brain, the machine instead of hands, to dominate the world when we think no longer is an intelligent man, but Those machines ever invented by man! 所以,我认为:科技的发展会抑制人的全面发展.支持弊大 So, I think: the development of technology will inhibit the overall development. Support disadvantages large





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