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My dream is to become a doctor. Why? Not because of the high salary or anything else, but simply because it is such a giving and meaningful job. Also because I have seen too much separation of families, friends or lovers due to diseases and sickness. Therefore I would like to do my best to prevent or minimize this unfortunate event from happening around me, by being a doctor.

In fact, I have wanted to become a doctor since I was little. When I was young, I like to play the doctor game with my friends. I would always feel very happy when my 'patient' get cured.

Another reason why I would like to become a doctor is because I think doctors are every important to the entire society. If there is no doctors, then who will cure the people when there are scary diseases like SARS? If there is no doctor, who will be delivering babies and bring new lives to this worlds? Therefore you see, doctors are important. Without doctors, the society would not function properly. As a result, to help the society to maintain health, I aim to become a doctor.

Although some say that being a doctor can bring horrible consequences because it is a matter of life and death, it does not stop me from wanting to become a doctor. Even if I think that it is somewhat true and sometimes I might make horrible mistakes, but only experience bring skills. So this only motivated me more and could not stop me from attaining my dream.

Although some say that "there are plenty more job out there and they are better paid", I think that if everyone goes to do the job that are well-paid, such as lawyer or business man, then the world would collapse. This is because there would not be any workers or farmer and then everyone will need to starve t death. Therefore, I never took this argument seriously.

Although some say that being a doctor is boring, but by curing the patients, I can easily get fulfilled by seeing their family's and their smile. Just imagine when you can accomplish so much and satisfy so many other, it is the best reward in the world! For that reward, I am determined to work hard for my dream and to become a responsible, giving and friendly doctor that will contribute to the society and people I love.







My dream is to become a doctor. Why? Not because of the high salary or anything else, but simply because it is such a giving and meaningful job. Also because I have seen too much separation of families, friends or lovers due to diseases and sickness. Therefore I would like to do my best to prevent or minimize this unfortunate event from happening around me, by being a doctor.

In fact, I have wanted to become a doctor since I was little. When I was young, I like to play the doctor game with my friends. I would always feel very happy when my 'patient' get cured.

Another reason why I would like to become a doctor is because I think doctors are every important to the entire society. If there is no doctors, then who will cure the people when there are scary diseases like SARS? If there is no doctor, who will be delivering babies and bring new lives to this worlds? Therefore you see, doctors are important. Without doctors, the society would not function properly. As a result, to help the society to maintain health, I aim to become a doctor.

Although some say that being a doctor can bring horrible consequences because it is a matter of life and death, it does not stop me from wanting to become a doctor. Even if I think that it is somewhat true and sometimes I might make horrible mistakes, but only experience bring skills. So this only motivated me more and could not stop me from attaining my dream.

Although some say that "there are plenty more job out there and they are better paid", I think that if everyone goes to do the job that are well-paid, such as lawyer or business man, then the world would collapse. This is because there would not be any workers or farmer and then everyone will need to starve t death. Therefore, I never took this argument seriously.

Although some say that being a doctor is boring, but by curing the patients, I can easily get fulfilled by seeing their family's and their smile. Just imagine when you can accomplish so much and satisfy so many other, it is the best reward in the world! For that reward, I am determined to work hard for my dream and to become a responsible, giving and friendly doctor that will contribute to the society and people I love.

bouhdhsg hsgagd dwhgdwqg as saaasd whqwuhwq wq


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