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~ 1. 应对突发事件的能力
服务员应具备基本的急救知识,以便在紧急情况下,如客人出现心肌梗塞并昏厥时,能够迅速采取措施, potentially saving a life before medical professionals arrive. This ability involves technical skills that differentiate between what is possible and what is not. Therefore, to provide comprehensive and high-quality service, servers must possess the corresponding service capabilities.
2. 语言能力
Language is a crucial tool for servers to establish good relationships with guests and leave a lasting impression. It reflects the server's mental cultivation, temperament, and attitude. The two most important aspects that guests can sense are the server's words and actions. Hotel servers should express themselves with natural fluency and politeness, maintaining a moderate speaking speed and a calm demeanor at all times. Using respectful and modest language can soften the tone, such as words like "you," "please," "sorry," "if," "can" etc. Additionally, servers must consider the timing and the object of their expressions, adapting appropriately depending on different situations and the guests' identities.
3. 交际能力
Hospitality venues are filled with extensive interpersonal interactions, where hotel servers frequently engage with colleagues, superiors, subordinates, and especially guests. Handling these relationships skillfully can make guests feel respected, valued, and优待. The server's ability to communicate effectively is a vital foundation for achieving these goals and significantly contributes to the hotel's continued success and brand promotion.
4. 观察能力
Hotel servers provide three types of services. The first is explicitly stated guest service requests, which are relatively easy to fulfill with proficient service skills. The second is routine service, which involves offering services guests do not need to request, such as promptly serving tea or setting down towels when guests arrive at a restaurant. The third is potential service requests that guests may not have thought of or are currently considering. Being able to discern these unexpressed needs is a commendable service skill. This requires servers to have a keen observational ability, translating these potential needs into timely and appropriate services.
5. 记忆能力
During service, guests often ask servers various questions about hotel services, prices, or local information. Servers must act as a "living dictionary" or "guide" by drawing on their experience or deliberate accumulation to provide guests with the necessary information promptly, guiding them effectively and earning their appreciation. Additionally, servers frequently encounter delayed services, where there is a time gap between a guest's request and its fulfillment. It is crucial for servers to remember these requests accurately and provide them later without fail to avoid negative impacts on the hotel's image.
6. 应变能力
Unexpected events are common in service. When handling such situations, servers should adhere to the principle that "the guest is always right," standing in the guests' shoes and considering their perspectives. Appropriate concessions can be made when necessary, especially when the responsibility lies with the server. In most cases, a server's attitude reflects the quality of service provided. When conflicts arise, servers should first consider whether the issue lies with them.
7. 营销能力
Beyond completing their assigned tasks, hotel servers should proactively introduce other services and promote them to guests. This is an essential method for fully exploiting service potential and demonstrating a server's entrepreneurial spirit by actively offering services to guests. Although hotels have dedicated marketing personnel, their role is primarily external marketing, whereas internal marketing requires the collaboration of all staff. Only when all employees are concerned with marketing and possess a market-oriented mindset can they seize every opportunity to internally market to guests.


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