
来自:    更新日期:早些时候

译文 : Classmates, the first stage of study of ours will be over soon, the whole foreign teacher's class should begin to open the class at once, is everybody interested? The whole foreign teacher's class, we have a class the possible one does not speak Chinese, the improvement that in this way everybody's English level could be real, otherwise always remain at the dumb person English's level! How does everybody think? But the one that test! I plan to change a place too, rent for a long time, plan to go through the English corner too! Let everybody have more chances to exchange!

A:Why didn't you have class yesterday evening?
B:Because I was on business trip/attended a classmate party/worked overtime/felt tired,that's why I didn't have class.
A:In my mind you are seldom absent!
B:Thanks for your praise.But I'm not an iron man/super man.
A:I see.Mrs Wan asked us to buy New Concept English together,it will be 30 percent discount if we buy together.Are you going to buy it with me?
A; OK.
B: Thanks! Give the money to Mrs Wan by that time.
A: All right. See you on next Monday evening!

Excuse me,Would you tell me where is the nearest hospital/bank/natatorium/post office/police office/plunge bath/body gymnasium/supermarket/book shop/food market/university/grade school/middle school/ please?,
go along the street
and turn left/right on the first/the second traffic lights about 100 meters
you can see it on the right/left of the road
thank you
you are welcome

May I ask where is the nearest hospital/bank/swimming pool/post office/hotel/police station/Bath palace/fitness house/supermarket/bookstore/Food store/College/primary school/high school/,

You can go staight ahead, turn left/right at the first/second traffic light, walk for another 100 meters, then you can see it at the right/left side of the street,


You are welcome,


Excuse me,where's the nearest hospital/bank/swimming club/postoffice/police station/bath pool/jam club/super market/book market/ market/university/primary school/middle school/.
Walk along the road, turn left/right at the First/ Second traffic light.Go ahead for about 100m you can see it on the left/right side of the road.
thank you.
you are welcome

Excuse me,may I ask where is the nearest hospital/bank/swimming club/postoffice/police station/bath pool/jam club/super market/book market/ market/university/primary school/middle school?
You can go straight on this road and turn left/right at the first/ second traffic light.Go ahead for about one hundred metres, and then you can see it on the left/right side of the road.
Thank you.
You are welcome.


  • 18659327275求助大神~请你们帮我汉译英两段小对话吧,急需啊,请帮帮忙啊!
    强旭咸attractive to me.really? i'm so happy to hear that. I want to see you right now, can u come to the central park?sure, my honey.so, we're still friends?sure! BFF(best friend forever)没有完全按原文翻译,那样太僵硬了。比较口语化,而且我直接打的,你检查下有没错字。

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