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i am very gland that i will enter middle school. from my point of view, if i enter the middle school it mens i am growing. growing play an important way in our daily life . i will say bye to primary school.perhaps you have a lot of funny things or a lot of friends in primary school. but a fact is a fact .you can not to change it.some day ,you also have a lot friend.not only primary school 's students but also middle school 's students.as an old saying goes it is never to old too learn 希望能帮助你 绝对正版。自己写的希望采纳

Ha, I am going to secondary school. I have a few friends from the same primary school are going to the same secondary school with me. I think I am older and I must behave more mature. I suppose I will start to know more about the other sex and to respect the other sex too. Dating girls in secondary school is one of my agenda. Please do not tell me that dating in secondary school is too early.

Finally , I graduated from primary school . I am on the school vision,finished primary school graduation exam . In an instant, six yearstime so quickly slipping away from us . We are like a full-fledgedbirds , spread your wings and fly ! The school door waving to us ,the new collective waiting for me in his arms !


我写了一个。I am a student, in nine years of learning, I gained a lot of knowledge, it makes my brain to enrich, let my life more beautiful. I want to go to schoolnow, I believe that as long as I work hard and study hard, so that I can get good grades. I hope I can be the last good university, then worked after graduating from high school, and then to support myself, to give my family a better life.


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